7 research outputs found

    Analisis Kelayakan USAha Popcorn di Gampong Geulumpang Payong Kecamatan Jeumpa Kabupaten Bireuen

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    Penelitian dilakukan pada USAha popcorn milik Bapak Syambudin Gampong Geulumpang Payong Kecamatan Jeumpa Kabupaten Bireuen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan USAha popcorn di Gampong Geulumpang Payong Kecamatan Jeumpa Kabupaten Bireuen. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2016. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan rumus analisis biaya, pendapatan, keuntungan, Break Even point (BEP), Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) dan Return of Invesment (ROI). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa USAha popcorn di Gampong Geulumpang Payong Kecamatan Jeumpa Kabupaten Bireuen menguntungkan, dengan total keuntungan adalah sebesar Rp. 9.587.975/bulan. Dari perhitungan nilai BEP diperoleh BEP produksi 2,003 bungkus, BEP harga Rp. 1.821/ bungkus, nilai B/C rasio sebesar 1,20 dan nilai ROI sebesar 119,67 %, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa USAha popcorn di Gampong Geulumpang Payong Kecamatan Jeumpa Kabupaten Bireuen layak untuk diusahakan


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    2013 Curriculum Learning requires an educational process that provides opportunities for students to develop all their potential. For this potential to develop well, the teacher must be able to position himself as a guide and facilitator for students. The low level of critical thinking skills of students results in the slow development of potential within students. Therefore, efforts need to be made by the teacher to help students in developing critical thinking skills. One effort that can be done is to develop a learning tool that is expected to be able to improve critical thinking skills by applying a guided inquiry learning model. Research on the development of learning devices aims to produce integrated learning tools that are valid, practical and effective. The development research method follows a procedural development model at the preliminary research stage and applies the Mafumiko design at the formative evaluation stage. The development research subjects were experts, partner teachers, and seventh-grade students of SMPN 22 Banjarmasin, academic year 2017/2018. Data analysis was carried out descriptively through a categorical system. The results showed that: 1) the validity of the device based on expert judgment fulfilled the valid category, readability of teaching materials, LKPD and item items included in the good category, 2) the practicality of learning devices fulfilled the good category, and student responses were very positive, 3) the effectiveness of learning devices shown from the increase in cognitive learning outcomes and improvement of students critical thinking skills. Psychomotor performance, teacher activity, and student activities fulfill good categories.  Article visualizations

    Scientific Analysis of Rose Essential Oils: Viewed from Various Perspectives

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    The use of essential oils in the world each year has increased with the increasing development of modern industries such as the perfume industry, cosmetics, food, aroma therapy and medicine. Essential oils or also known as etheric oils are a large group of vegetable oils in the form of viscous liquids at room temperature but volatile so that they give a distinctive aroma. Some components of essential oils are hydrocarbon compounds (hydrogen-carbon) and oxygen. One source of essential oils can be obtained from rose extract. This study aims to analyze the physical, chemical, and beneficial properties of several components of the rose essential oil. This research approach uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method, then the data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results obtained conclude that the essential oil content in roses with the highest percentage is n-nonadekane, -phenylethylacetate, phenylethylalcohol, and 2-Isopropyl-5-methyl-9-methylene-bicyclo-1-decene, -Fernesene, and -cadinene. From these structures there are 2 types of hybrid orbitals, namely sp3 and sp2, when viewed from the type of bond π and σ; whereas if viewed from the isomerism, these structures have skeletal, functional groups, and optical isomers. Some of the constituents in the volatile oil components can be reacted (nucleophilic addition with HCl and electrophilic with bromine). The existence of these differences causes the chemical and physical properties of the structure of the essential oil content to vary according to their usefulness