578 research outputs found

    Towards higher order lattice Boltzmann schemes

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    In this contribution we extend the Taylor expansion method proposed previously by one of us and establish equivalent partial differential equations of DDH lattice Boltzmann scheme at an arbitrary order of accuracy. We derive formally the associated dynamical equations for classical thermal and linear fluid models in one to three space dimensions. We use this approach to adjust relaxation parameters in order to enforce fourth order accuracy for thermal model and diffusive relaxation modes of the Stokes problem. We apply the resulting scheme for numerical computation of associated eigenmodes and compare our results with analytical references

    Seamount Subduction and Megathrust Seismicity: The Interplay Between Geometry and Friction

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    Subducting seamounts are recognized as one of the key features influencing megathrust earthquakes. However, whether they trigger or arrest ruptures remains debated. Here, we use analog models to study the influence of a single seamount on megathrust earthquakes, separating the effect of topography from that of friction. Four different model configurations have been developed (i.e., flat interface, high and low friction seamount, low friction patch). In our models, the seamount reduces recurrence time, interseismic coupling, and fault strength, suggesting that it acts as a barrier: 80% of the ruptures concentrate in flat regions that surround the seamount and only smaller magnitude earthquakes nucleate above it. The low-friction zone, which mimics the fluid accumulation or the establishment of fracture systems in natural cases, seems to be the most efficient in arresting rupture propagation in our experimental setting

    Zero temperature phases of the frustrated J1-J2 antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on a simple cubic lattice

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    At zero temperature magnetic phases of the quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a simple cubic lattice with competing first and second neighbor exchanges (J1 and J2) is investigated using the non-linear spin wave theory. We find existence of two phases: a two sublattice Neel phase for small J2 (AF), and a collinear antiferromagnetic phase at large J2 (CAF). We obtain the sublattice magnetizations and ground state energies for the two phases and find that there exists a first order phase transition from the AF-phase to the CAF-phase at the critical transition point, pc = 0.28. Our results for the value of pc are in excellent agreement with results from Monte-Carlo simulations and variational spin wave theory. We also show that the quartic 1/S corrections due spin-wave interactions enhance the sublattice magnetization in both the phases which causes the intermediate paramagnetic phase predicted from linear spin wave theory to disappear.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, Fig. 1b modified, Appendix B text modifie

    Cytoplasmic PML promotes TGF-β-associated epithelial–mesenchymal transition and invasion in prostate cancer

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    Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a key event that is involved in the invasion and dissemination of cancer cells. Although typically considered as having tumour-suppressive properties, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signalling is altered during cancer and has been associated with the invasion of cancer cells and metastasis. In this study, we report a previously unknown role for the cytoplasmic promyelocytic leukaemia (cPML) tumour suppressor in TGF-β signalling-induced regulation of prostate cancer-associated EMT and invasion. We demonstrate that cPML promotes a mesenchymal phenotype and increases the invasiveness of prostate cancer cells. This event is associated with activation of TGF-β canonical signalling pathway through the induction of Sma and Mad related family 2 and 3 (SMAD2 and SMAD3) phosphorylation. Furthermore, the cytoplasmic localization of promyelocytic leukaemia (PML) is mediated by its nuclear export in a chromosomal maintenance 1 (CRM1)-dependent manner. This was clinically tested in prostate cancer tissue and shown that cytoplasmic PML and CRM1 co-expression correlates with reduced disease-specific survival. In summary, we provide evidence of dysfunctional TGF-β signalling occurring at an early stage in prostate cancer. We show that this disease pathway is mediated by cPML and CRM1 and results in a more aggressive cancer cell phenotype. We propose that the targeting of this pathway could be therapeutically exploited for clinical benefit

    SUMO chain formation is required for response to replication arrest in S. pombe

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    SUMO is a ubiquitin-like protein that is post-translationally attached to one or more lysine residues on target proteins. Despite having only 18% sequence identity with ubiquitin, SUMO contains the conserved betabetaalphabetabetaalphabeta fold present in ubiquitin. However, SUMO differs from ubiquitin in having an extended N-terminus. In S. pombe the N-terminus of SUMO/Pmt3 is significantly longer than those of SUMO in S. cerevisiae, human and Drosophila. Here we investigate the role of this N-terminal region. We have used two dimensional gel electrophoresis to demonstrate that S. pombe SUMO/Pmt3 is phosphorylated, and that this occurs on serine residues at the extreme N-terminus of the protein. Mutation of these residues (in pmt3-1) results in a dramatic reduction in both the levels of high Mr SUMO-containing species and of total SUMO/Pmt3, indicating that phosphorylation of SUMO/Pmt3 is required for its stability. Despite the significant reduction in high Mr SUMO-containing species, pmt3-1 cells do not display an aberrant cell morphology or sensitivity to genotoxins or stress. Additionally, we demonstrate that two lysine residues in the N-terminus of S. pombe SUMO/Pmt3 (K14 and K30) can act as acceptor sites for SUMO chain formation in vitro. Inability to form SUMO chains results in aberrant cell and nuclear morphologies, including stretched and fragmented chromatin. SUMO chain mutants are sensitive to the DNA synthesis inhibitor, hydroxyurea (HU), but not to other genotoxins, such as UV, MMS or CPT. This implies a role for SUMO chains in the response to replication arrest in S. pomb

    Placental syncytiotrophoblast constitutes a major barrier to vertical transmission of Listeria monocytogenes.

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    Listeria monocytogenes is an important cause of maternal-fetal infections and serves as a model organism to study these important but poorly understood events. L. monocytogenes can infect non-phagocytic cells by two means: direct invasion and cell-to-cell spread. The relative contribution of each method to placental infection is controversial, as is the anatomical site of invasion. Here, we report for the first time the use of first trimester placental organ cultures to quantitatively analyze L. monocytogenes infection of the human placenta. Contrary to previous reports, we found that the syncytiotrophoblast, which constitutes most of the placental surface and is bathed in maternal blood, was highly resistant to L. monocytogenes infection by either internalin-mediated invasion or cell-to-cell spread. Instead, extravillous cytotrophoblasts-which anchor the placenta in the decidua (uterine lining) and abundantly express E-cadherin-served as the primary portal of entry for L. monocytogenes from both extracellular and intracellular compartments. Subsequent bacterial dissemination to the villous stroma, where fetal capillaries are found, was hampered by further cellular and histological barriers. Our study suggests the placenta has evolved multiple mechanisms to resist pathogen infection, especially from maternal blood. These findings provide a novel explanation why almost all placental pathogens have intracellular life cycles: they may need maternal cells to reach the decidua and infect the placenta

    Lattice Boltzmann simulations of soft matter systems

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    This article concerns numerical simulations of the dynamics of particles immersed in a continuum solvent. As prototypical systems, we consider colloidal dispersions of spherical particles and solutions of uncharged polymers. After a brief explanation of the concept of hydrodynamic interactions, we give a general overview over the various simulation methods that have been developed to cope with the resulting computational problems. We then focus on the approach we have developed, which couples a system of particles to a lattice Boltzmann model representing the solvent degrees of freedom. The standard D3Q19 lattice Boltzmann model is derived and explained in depth, followed by a detailed discussion of complementary methods for the coupling of solvent and solute. Colloidal dispersions are best described in terms of extended particles with appropriate boundary conditions at the surfaces, while particles with internal degrees of freedom are easier to simulate as an arrangement of mass points with frictional coupling to the solvent. In both cases, particular care has been taken to simulate thermal fluctuations in a consistent way. The usefulness of this methodology is illustrated by studies from our own research, where the dynamics of colloidal and polymeric systems has been investigated in both equilibrium and nonequilibrium situations.Comment: Review article, submitted to Advances in Polymer Science. 16 figures, 76 page

    A Cell Motility Screen Reveals Role for MARCKS-Related Protein in Adherens Junction Formation and Tumorigenesis

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    Invasion through the extracellular matrix (ECM) is important for wound healing, immunological responses and metastasis. We established an invasion-based cell motility screen using Boyden chambers overlaid with Matrigel to select for pro-invasive genes. By this method we identified antisense to MARCKS related protein (MRP), whose family member MARCKS is a target of miR-21, a microRNA involved in tumor growth, invasion and metastasis in multiple human cancers. We confirmed that targeted knockdown of MRP, in both EpRas mammary epithelial cells and PC3 prostate cancer cells, promoted in vitro cell migration that was blocked by trifluoperazine. Additionally, we observed increased immunofluoresence of E-cadherin, β-catenin and APC at sites of cell-cell contact in EpRas cells with MRP knockdown suggesting formation of adherens junctions. By wound healing assay we observed that reduced MRP supported collective cell migration, a type of cell movement where adherens junctions are maintained. However, destabilized adherens junctions, like those seen in EpRas cells, are frequently important for oncogenic signaling. Consequently, knockdown of MRP in EpRas caused loss of tumorigenesis in vivo, and reduced Wnt3a induced TCF reporter signaling in vitro. Together our data suggest that reducing MRP expression promotes formation of adherens junctions in EpRas cells, allowing collective cell migration, but interferes with oncogenic β-catenin signaling and tumorigenesis

    Role of mitochondrial raft-like microdomains in the regulation of cell apoptosis

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    Lipid rafts are envisaged as lateral assemblies of specific lipids and proteins that dissociate and associate rapidly and form functional clusters in cell membranes. These structural platforms are not confined to the plasma membrane; indeed lipid microdomains are similarly formed at subcellular organelles, which include endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi and mitochondria, named raft-like microdomains. In addition, some components of raft-like microdomains are present within ER-mitochondria associated membranes. This review is focused on the role of mitochondrial raft-like microdomains in the regulation of cell apoptosis, since these microdomains may represent preferential sites where key reactions take place, regulating mitochondria hyperpolarization, fission-associated changes, megapore formation and release of apoptogenic factors. These structural platforms appear to modulate cytoplasmic pathways switching cell fate towards cell survival or death. Main insights on this issue derive from some pathological conditions in which alterations of microdomains structure or function can lead to severe alterations of cell activity and life span. In the light of the role played by raft-like microdomains to integrate apoptotic signals and in regulating mitochondrial dynamics, it is conceivable that these membrane structures may play a role in the mitochondrial alterations observed in some of the most common human neurodegenerative diseases, such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington's chorea and prion-related diseases. These findings introduce an additional task for identifying new molecular target(s) of pharmacological agents in these pathologies

    Comparison between a new multiplex electrochemiluminescence assay and the WHO reference enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure serum antibodies against pneumococcal serotype-specific polysaccharides

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    BACKGROUND: Two electrochemiluminescence (ECL) assays were developed which, together, can simultaneously measure serum antibodies against pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides (PnPS) for 17 serotypes. The assays were validated for the 13 PnPS included in the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13). As recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), we compared the ECL assays with the WHO reference enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and derived a threshold corresponding to the 0.35 µg/mL threshold established for the WHO reference ELISA for the non-inferiority comparison and licensure of new PCVs against invasive pneumococcal disease. METHODS: A panel of 452 serum samples from children vaccinated with one of the three licensed PCVs was assessed with the ECL assays and the WHO reference ELISA. The ECL assay threshold for the aggregated seven PnPS included in the 7-valent PCV (PCV7) and serotype-specific thresholds were determined using a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve-based approach and Deming regression. To evaluate concordance between the ECL assays and the WHO reference ELISA, serostatus agreement rates between both assays and geometric means of the ratios (GMRs) of concentrations obtained with both assays were calculated. RESULTS: The thresholds for the seven aggregated PCV7 serotypes obtained with the ROC curve-based approach and Deming regression approximated 0.35 µg/mL (0.38 and 0.34 µg/mL, respectively). Individual thresholds for the PCV13 serotypes ranged between 0.24 and 0.51 µg/mL across both approaches. Serostatus agreement rates using a 0.35 µg/mL threshold for both assays were ≥86.9% for all PCV13 serotypes. GMRs ranged between 0.85 and 1.25 for 11/13 serotypes and were <1.29 for the two remaining serotypes. CONCLUSION: The ECL assays were comparable to the WHO reference ELISA and offer a sensitive, time- and serum volume-saving method to quantify serotype-specific anti-PnPS antibodies in pediatric sera. A 0.35 µg/mL threshold will be used for each PCV13 serotype to assess PCV immunogenicity in clinical trials
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