54 research outputs found

    Sudden transitions and grand variations in the solar dynamo, past and future

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    The solar dynamo is the exotic dance of the sun's two major magnetic field components, the poloidal and the toroidal, interacting in anti-phase. On the basis of new data on the geomagnetic aa index, we improve our previous forecast of the properties of the current Schwabe cycle #24. Its maximum will occur in 2013.5 and the maximum sunspot number R-max will then be 62 +/- 12, which is within the bounds of our earlier forecasts. The subsequent analysis, based on a phase diagram, which is a diagram showing the relation between maximum sunspot numbers and minimum geomagnetic aa index values leads to the conclusion that a new Grand Episode in solar activity has started in 2008. From the study of the natural oscillations in the sunspot number time series, as found by an analysis based on suitable wavelet base functions, we predict that this Grand Episode will be of the Regular Oscillations type, which is the kind of oscillations that also occurred between 1724 and 1924. Previous expectations of a Grand (Maunder-type) Minimum of solar activity cannot be supported. We stress the significance of the Hallstatt periodicity for determining the character of the forthcoming Grand Episodes. No Grand Minimum is expected to occur during the millennium that has just started

    Two flavor color superconductivity in nonlocal chiral quark models

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    We study the competence between chiral symmetry restoration and two flavor color superconductivity (2SC) using a relativistic quark model with covariant nonlocal interactions. We consider two different nonlocal regulators: a Gaussian regulator and a Lorentzian regulator. We find that although the phase diagrams are qualitative similar to those obtained using models with local interactions, in our case the superconducting gaps at medium values of the chemical potential are larger. Consequently, we obtain that in that region the critical temperatures for the disappearance of the 2SC phase might be of the order of 100-120 MeV. We also find that for ratios of the quark-quark and quark-antiquark couplings somewhat above the standard value 3/4, the end point and triple point in the TμT-\mu phase diagram meet and a phase where both the chiral and diquark condensates are non-negligible appears.Comment: 15 pages incl. 5 Postscript figure

    Land conflict in peri-urban areas: Exploring the effects of land reform on informal settlement in Mexico

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    Peri-urban areas are often subject to intensive construction, through both formal and informal processes. As land transitions from rural to urban status, different land tenure and administration systems may come into conflict, leading to disputes, contestation and, in some cases, violence. However, little is known about the precise causes of peri-urban land conflict. In Mexico, peri-urban growth has historically proceeded peacefully, owing to the control exerted by a corporatist system of government, and the political use of land tenure regularisation. However, the effects of land reforms on transactions at the peri-urban fringe, in the context of wider processes of liberalisation, may be increasing vulnerability to conflict over land. This paper explores these issues through a case study of an irregular settlement on the peri-urban fringe of the provincial Mexican city of Xalapa, where contestations over informally developed land have escalated into violent encounters between groups of settlers and the state. The findings show that vulnerability to conflict in peri-urban areas can be attributed to the interaction of macro-level processes with local-level factors, including diverse claims, overlapping legal and governance frameworks and, critically, local power relations

    Residential mobility of middle-class and popular sectors: the city of Buenos Aires as an arrival destination

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    El artículo reflexiona acerca de los patrones de movilidad residencial de individuos y hogares de sectores populares y medios que residen en dos zonas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires configuradas en torno a patrones disimiles de segregación. La movilidad residencial es un lente privilegiado para evidenciar de qué modo la experiencia de la clase es producida y reproducida en los modos de habitar. Mediante un abordaje cualitativo y biográfico hemos analizado las especificidades que presentan las movilidades residenciales de los diferentes sectores sociales. Se identifican patrones en tres dimensiones de la movilidad residencial: su espacialidad, los arreglos residenciales que los hogares despliegan y las motivaciones que guían sus desplazamientos. Los hallazgos presentados dan cuenta de los efectos que produce la posición en la estructura social sobre la movilidad residencial, así como su interacción con la propia estructuración del espacio.The article reconstructs residential mobility patterns of individuals and households from popular and middle-class sectors residing in two areas of the city of Buenos Aires, configured around dissimilar segregation patterns. Residential mobility is a powerful lens to show how the social class experience is produced and reproduced in modes of dwelling. Through a qualitative and biographical approach, we analyzed the specificities presented by residential mobilities of different social sectors. We identified patterns in the three dimensions of residential mobility: spatiality, the residential arrangements that households employ, and the motivations that guide their movements. The findings show the effects that the position in the social structure has on residential mobility, as well as its interaction with the spatial structure itself.publishedVersionFil: Cosacov, Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Cosacov, Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas; Argentina.Fil: Di Virgilio, María Mercedes. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigación Gino Germani; Argentina.Fil: Najman, Mercedes. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Di Virgilio, María Mercedes. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Najman, Mercedes. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigación Gino Germani; Argentina