642 research outputs found

    The Value of the Trout Fishery at Rhodes, North Eastern Cape, South Africa, A Travel Cost Analysis Using Count Data Models

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    The National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, no.10 of 2004) makes provision for the presence of alien trout in South African waters by means of a zoning system, partly in recognition of the significant income generating potential of trout fishing in South Africa. This paper reports the first formal recreational valuation of a trout fishery in South Africa, the one in and around Rhodes village, North Eastern Cape. The valuation is carried out by applying the individual travel cost method using several count data models. The zero truncated negative binomial model yielded the most appealing results. It accounts for the non-negative integer nature of the trip data, for truncation and over-dispersion. The paper finds that in 2007 consumer surplus per day visit to the Rhodes trout fishery was R2 668, consumer surplus per trip visit was R13 072, and the total consumer surplus generated was R18 026 288.

    Die universalisme en individualisme in die teoretiese-wysgerige sosiologie. 1)

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    Uit 'n historiese ondersoek van die Sosiologie as vakwetenskap blyk dit al dadelik dat die Sosiologie een van die jongste vakwetenskappe is onder die ander sosiale wetenskappe

    Die Grondprobleme van die Sosiolojrie.

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    ā€™n Onderwerp soos die onderhawige waar dit gaan oor die grondprobleme van ā€™n wctenskap, is vanselfsprekend nie los te maak van dielewensbeskouing van die ondersoeker en ewe min van sy wysgerige standpunt nie. Op hierdie punt wil ons van meetaf niks in die onsekere laat nie

    U.N.E.S.C.O., (V.V.O.) en christendom

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    Toe in die Volksraad ā€™n tydjie gelede die pos Onderwys onder bespreking was, het die minister van Onderwys, dr. A. J. Stals, volgens die persverslag gesĆŖ dat hy ietwat skepties staan teenoor die V.V.O. se onderwys- en kultuurorganisasie(Unesco) en dat hy nog nie vry is van alle argwaan dienaangaandenie

    Understanding how we understand girlsā€™ voices on cultural and religious practices: toward a curriculum for justice

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    It is imperative to take account of the many faces of justice when exploring the elements of a curriculum for justice. Justice is not only about equity, equality and fairness, but about creating spaces where people can learn to prioritise a significant Other and practise doing so. The curriculum needs to provide a space where the legal, restorative face of justice and its ethical face could coincide. Firstly, we argue that a sole focus on justice as reasonableness might reinforce the notion of “separate but equal”, and that through a leveling of difference, we might opaquely strengthen difference without an inclination to care deeply for those whose background might differ from ours. Secondly, we argue that the legal and ethical faces of justice are not mono-tonal, but that these faces constitute many complexions based on the body holding it (or the person who attempts to make sense of these faces). In this article we will attempt to understand how we make sense of girls’ voices on cultural and religious practices. We imagine that understanding how we understand Others might place us in a better position to provide guidelines to develop curriculum spaces for profound justice; i.e. justice that is based on reasonableness and, more importantly, on care.Keywords: caring curriculum; critical discourse analysis; girls’ narratives; justice; null curriculum; unconscious curriculu

    Die universiteit met die Byble

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    Hierdie jaar word D.V. die vyf-en-sewentigjarige bestaan van die Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam feestelik herdenk, nie alleen deur die Direkteure, Kuratore, dosente en studente nie, maar ook deur al sy oudstudente, donateurs en ondersteuners sowel in Nederland as daarbuite, o.a. in Noord-Amerika en ook in Suid-Afrika

    Die dietse verband

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    Vooraf ā€™n enkele terminologiese en historiese opheldering.Ā Die woord ā€ždietsā€ is ā€™n ou newevorm vir Duits, waarby dan egter spesiaal gedinkword aan Nederduits (Nederland)

    Die Calvinistiese beskouing van die arbeid

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    Nie alleen in Suid-Afrika nie, maar bykans oor die hele wĆŖreld, word die probleem van die Arbeid, veral in die laaste tiental jare, baie ernstig ondersoek, hoofsaaklik deur ekonome, pedagoĆ«, psigoloĆ« en sosioloĆ«

    Die mens en sy arbeid

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    Dit word algemeen aanvaar deur bykans alle ondersoekers van die sosiale vraagstuk, meer in besonder die vraagstukke wat lĆŖ op die gebied van die arbeid en die arbeidsverhoudinge, dat die oorsake van die moeilikhede van die twintigste eeu, vir ā€™n groot deel, gesoek moet word in die samelewing van die neĆ«ntiende eeu. Immers in hierdie eeu het die Westerse samelewing op ā€™n baie beslissende wyse ā€™n nuwe rigtinginge slaan, as gevolg van die opkoms en uitbreiding van die moderne grootindustrie (industrialisme) met die daarmeeinnig verbonde handel en moderne finansiewese
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