49 research outputs found

    Distribution of the surface energy budget: Preliminary analysis on the incoming solar radiation. the case study of the Forni Glacier (Italy)

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    This study represents a contribution to distribution of the surface energy budget of the Forni Glacier (Ortles-Cevedale Group, Upper Valtellina, Italy). The analyses are based on data acquired at S. Caterina Valfurva (a village in the glacier valley at 1768 m ellipsoidal elevation WGS84) by an Automatic Weather Station (AWS) installed and managed by the Lombardy Agency for the Environment ("ARPA Lombardia"). We focus on the two most important meteorological parameters affecting surface energy budget: air temperature (T) and incoming shortwave radiation (SWin). Data collected from the ARPA AWS are used to evaluate these parameters at the glacier surface during the meteorological summer 2009 (from 1st June to 31st August 2009) and then the computations are validated through comparison with data recorded by an AWS installed at the surface of Forni Glacier tongue ("AWS1 Forni", 2669 m ellipsoidal elevation WGS84). The analysis of the distributed air temperature data enabled identification of the lowest value (-11.9 degrees C), found at the Mount S. Matteo peak (3669 m) on 22nd June at 8: 00 pm, and the highest value (+16.1 degrees C), recorded at the glacier terminus (2497 m) on 23 rd July at 2: 00 pm. The seasonal temperature amplitude (Tmax-Tmin) was 28 degrees C. The hottest week was 20th-26th July 2009 and the coldest was 1st-7th June 2009. Regarding daily SWin distribution, the maximum value (406.9 Wm(-2)) was recorded on 13th June and the minimum (28.5 Wm(-2)) on 6th June. From the analysis of hourly SWin values we could distinguish between days with clear sky conditions and days with intense cloud cover. Weekly mean SWin data showed the greatest value (327.1 Wm(-2)) from 20th-26th July 2009 and the lowest (207.8 Wm(-2)) from 22nd-28th June 2009. Furthermore, in analysing SWin it is critical to take into account the problem of shading. Using the Hillshade tool of ArcGIS, which takes into account only the slope and the aspect of each grid cell neglecting the surrounding topography effect, we compiled 66 shadow maps. Finally this study represents a first approach in modelling the distributed incoming solar radiation. In fact the considered driving factors are the elevation, the slope and the aspect of each grid cell. The next step will consist in taking into account the surrounding topography and the actual atmosphere conditions as well

    Post-Depositional Biodegradation Processes of Pollutants on Glacier Surfaces

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    Glaciers are important fresh-water reservoirs for our planet. Although they are often located at high elevations or in remote areas, glacial ecosystems are not pristine, as many pollutants can undergo long-range atmospheric transport and be deposited on glacier surface, where they can be stored for long periods of time, and then be released into the down-valley ecosystems. Understanding the dynamics of these pollutants in glaciers is therefore important for assessing their environmental fate. To this aim, it is important to study cryoconite holes, small ponds filled with water and with a layer of sediment, the cryoconite, at the bottom, which occur on the surface of most glaciers. Indeed, these environments are hotspots of biodiversity on glacier surface as they host metabolically active bacterial communities that include generalist taxa able to degrade pollutants. In this work, we aim to review the studies that have already investigated pollutant (e.g., chlorpyrifos and polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCBs)) degradation in cryoconite holes and other supraglacial environmental matrices. These studies have revealed that bacteria play a significant role in pollutant degradation in these habitats and can be positively selected in contaminated environments. We will also provide indication for future research in this field

    2008-2011 snow covered area (SCA) variability over 18 watersheds of the central Chile through MODIS data

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    Snowmelt contributes largely to water budget of several Chilean mountain watersheds. To describe snow covered area (SCA) variability within 18 watersheds in Central Chile during 2008\u20132011 we used MODIS data (i.e. MOD10A2-V5 maximum snow cover extent in eight-day periods). The study area was divided into three different zones (Northern, Central, and Southern), due to its large extent (~205,000 km2), and according to former studies performed by the Direcc\uedon General de Aguas (DGA) of the Chilean Government covering the time window 2000\u20132007. After georeferencing our data to the WGS84 Datum (UTM Projection, zone 19S), the scenes were cropped to fit the study area. We selected and set a threshold for cloud coverage (<30%) in order to discard the images with too cloud cover, so losing only 2% of the sample. Hypsographic and aspect analyses were performed using the SRTM3 elevation model. We found largest values of SCA during 2008\u20132011 in the Central Zone, while the topographic and climatic features (i.e. lower altitudes in the South, and a drier climate in the North) limit snow deposition elsewhere. Similarly, snow line is higher in the Northern zone (due to the presence of the plateau), and lower moving southwards. In the North the minimum SCA is reached sooner than elsewhere, lasting for a longer period (November to March). West side showed the maximum of SCA in all zones throughout the study period. The present work extends in time the dataset of SCA in the Central Chile, adding information for statistic assessment, and trend analysis of snow cover in this area

    Monitoring alpine glaciers from close-range to satellite sensors

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    In this paper the use of different types of remote-sensing techniques for monitoring topographic changes of Alpine glaciers is presented and discussed. Close range photogrammetry based on Structure-from-Motion approach is adopted to process images recorded from ground-based and drone-based stations in order to output dense point clouds. These are then directly compared to detect local changes by mean of M3C2 algorithm, while digital elevation models are interpolated to find global ice thinning and retreat. Medium-resolution satellite imagery can be exploited to monitor the glacier evolution at lower resolution but including the development and collapse of large crevasses. A case study concerning the Forni Glacier in the Raethian Alps (Italy) is presented to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach by adopting data sets collected from 2016 to 2018

    Airborne Radio Echo Sounding (RES) measures on Alpine Glaciers to evaluate ice thickness and bedrock geometry: preliminary results from pilot tests performed in the Ortles Cevedale Group (Italian Alps)

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    Radar exploration supports glaciological studies playing several roles in ice exploration such as determining ice thickness and volume, describing ice and snow internal layering and characterizing crevassed areas. The method, widely used with full success on Polar areas, encounters more difficulties when applied to survey mountain glaciers like the Alpine and Himalayan ones. Among them, these difficulties can be addressed to the different physical characteristics of temperate ice and to logistic difficulties related to performing field operations at high elevations on areas where crevasses, seracs and ice-falls are present, making more complicate and complex the glacier surface. In the framework of the SHARE-PAPRIKA and the SHARE-STELVIO Projects, we performed some preliminary measurements on Careser, Sforzellina and Forni glaciers (Ortles-Cevedale Group, Italy), to evaluate efficiency and applicability of a Radio Echo Sounding (RES) instrument specifically designed, developed and modified by the INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia) laboratories. This paper reports the results we obtained investigating each glacier, the hampering factors and the cost to benefit ratio introduced by the airborne survey

    Integration of terrestrial and UAV photogrammetry for the assessment of collapse risk in Alpine glaciers

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    The application of Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry with ground-based and UAV-based camera stations can be effectively exploited for modeling the topographic surface of Alpine glaciers. Multi-temporal repeated surveys may lead to geometric models that may be applied to analyze the glacier retreat under global warming conditions. Here the case study of Forni Glacier in the Italian Alps is presented. Thanks to the integration of point clouds obtained from the independent photogrammetric processing of ground-based and UAV blocks of images (captured on 2016), a complete 3D reconstruction also including vertical and sub-vertical surfaces has been achieved. This 3D model, compared to a second model obtained from a ground-based photogrammetric survey on September 2017, has been exploited to understand the precursory signal of a big collapse that might have involved tourists and hikers visiting the glacier ice tongue during summer. In addition to some technical aspects related to the acquisition and processing of photogrammetric data of glaciers, this paper highlights how Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry may help evaluate the risk of collapse in Alpine glaciers

    The WMO SPICE snow-on-ground intercomparison: an overview of sensor assessment and recommendations on best practices

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    Comunicación presentada en: TECO-2016 (Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation) celebrada en Madrid, del 27 al 30 de septiembre de 2016.One of the objectives of the WMO Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (SPICE) was to assess the performance and capabilities of automated sensors for measuring snow on the ground (SoG), including sensors that measure snow depth and snow water equivalent (SWE). The intercomparison focused on five snow depth sensors (models SHM30, SL300, SR50A, FLS-CH 10 and USH-8) and two SWE sensors (models CS725 and SSG1000) over two winter seasons (2013/2014 and 2014/2015). A brief discussion of the measurement reference(s) and an example of the intercomparisons are included. Generally, each of the sensors under test operated according to the manufacturer’s specifications and compared well with the site references, exhibiting high correlations with both the manual and automated reference measurements. The use of natural and artificial surface targets under snow depth sensors were examined in the context of providing a stable and representative surface for snow depth measurements. An assessment of sensor derived measurement quality and sensor return signal strength, where available as an output option, were analysed to help explain measurement outliers and sources of uncertainty with the goal of improving data quality and maximizing the sensor capabilities. Finally, where possible, relationships are established between the gauge measurement of solid precipitation and the measurement of snow on the ground. This paper will provide a brief summary of these results with more detail included in the WMO SPICE Final Report

    Assessment of recent flow, and calving rate of the perito moreno glacier using landsat and sentinel2 images

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    We mapped flow velocity and calving rates of the iconic Perito Moreno Glacier (PMG), belonging to the Southern Patagonian Icefield (SPI) in the Argentinian Patagonia. We tracked PMG from 2001 to 2017, focusing mostly upon the latest images from 2016–2017. PMG delivers about ca. 106 m3 day−1 of ice in the Lago Argentino, and its front periodically reaches the Peninsula Magallanes. Therein, the PMG causes an ice-dam, clogging Brazo Rico channel, and lifting water level by about 10 m, until ice-dam failure, normally occurring in March. Here, we used 36 pairs of satellite images with a resolution of 10 m (SENTINEL2, visible, 9 pairs of images) and 15 m (LANDSAT imagery, panchromatic, 27 pairs of images) to calculate surface velocity (VS). We used Orientation Correlation technique, implemented via the ImGRAFT® TemplateMatch tool. Calving rates were then calculated with two methods, namely, (i) M1, by ice flow through the glacier front, and (ii) M2, by ice flow at 7.5 km upstream of the front minus ablation losses. Surface velocity ranged from about 4 m day−1 in the accumulation area to about 2 m day−1 in the calving front, but it is variable seasonally with maxima in the summer (December–January–February). Calving rate (CRM) ranges from 7.72 × 105 ± 32% to 8.76 × 105 ± 31% m3 day−1, in line with recent studies, also with maxima in the summer. We found slightly lower flow velocity and calving rates than previously published values, but our estimates cover a different period, and a generally large uncertainty in flow assessment suggests a recent overall stability of the glacier