45 research outputs found

    Prostaglandin E2-like activity of 20:3n-9 platelet lipoxygenase end-product

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    Abstract5,8,11-Icosatrienoic acid (20:3n-9), a fatty acid associated with platelet hyperactivity, was oxygenated by platelet lipoxygenase. The end-product of this pathway was purified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and characterized as 12-hydroxy-5,8,10-icosatrienoic acid [12-OH-20:3(5,8,10)] by capillary gas-liquid mass spectrometry. When tested upon platelet aggregation, 12-OH-20:3(5,8,10) exhibited a biphasic effect. At low concentrations (below 5 × 10−7 M) it potentiated aggregation but inhibited it at higher levels, a pattern similar to that obtained with prostaglandin E2. However, since the amounts of 12-OH-20:3(5,8,10) generated under thrombin stimulation are in the range of concentrations with potentiating effects, it seems that the 12-OH derivative is responsible for the hyperaggrebility of 20: 3n-9-rich platelets

    An image-based high-content screening for compounds targeting Toxoplasma gondii repurposed inhibitors effective against the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    Apicomplexa phylum includes numerous obligate intracellular protozoan parasites that are life threatening for humans and animals. In this context, Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii are of particular interest, as they are responsible for malaria and toxoplasmosis, respectively, for which efficient vaccines are presently lacking and therapies need to be improved. Apicomplexan parasites have a highly polarized morphology, with their apical end containing specific secretory organelles named rhoptries and micronemes, which depend on the unique receptor and transporter sortilin TgSORT for their biogenesis. In the present study, we took advantage of the subcellular polarity of the parasite to engineer a clonal transgenic Toxoplasma line that expresses simultaneously the green fluorescent protein TgSORT-GFP in the post-Golgi-endosome-like compartment and the red fluorescent protein rhoptry ROP1-mCherry near the apical end. We utilized this fluorescent transgenic T. gondii to develop a miniaturized image-based phenotype assay coupled to an automated image analysis. By applying this methodology to 1,120 compounds, we identified 12 that are capable of disrupting the T. gondii morphology and inhibiting intracellular replication. Analysis of the selected compounds confirmed that all 12 are kinase inhibitors and intramembrane pumps, with some exhibiting potent activity against Plasmodium falciparum. Our findings highlight the advantage of comparative and targeted phenotypic analysis involving two related parasite species as a means of identifying molecules with a conserved mode of action

    Identification and characterization of functional human monoclonal antibodies to Plasmodium vivax Duffy-binding protein

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    Plasmodium vivax invasion of reticulocytes relies on distinct receptor-ligand interactions between the parasite and host erythrocytes. Engagement of the highly polymorphic domain II of the P. vivax Duffy-binding protein (DBPII) with the erythrocyte's Duffy Ag receptor for chemokines (DARC) is essential. Some P vivax-exposed individuals acquired Abs to DBPII that block DBPIIDARC interaction and inhibit P vivax reticulocyte invasion, and Ab levels correlate with protection against P. vivax malaria. To better understand the functional characteristics and fine specificity of protective human Abs to DBPII, we sorted single DBPII-specific IgG(+) memory B cells from three individuals with high blocking activity to DBPII. We identified 12 DBPII-specific human mAbs from distinct lineages that blocked DBPII-DARC binding. All mAbs were P. vivax strain transcending and targeted known binding motifs of DBPII with DARC. Eleven mAbs competed with each other for binding, indicating recognition of the same or overlapping epitopes. Naturally acquired blocking Abs to DBPII from individuals with high levels residing in different P vivax- endemic areas worldwide competed with mAbs, suggesting broadly shared recognition sites. We also found that mAbs inhibited P. vivax entry into reticulocytes in vitro. These findings suggest that IgG(+) memory B cell activity in individuals with P vivax strain- transcending Abs to DBPII display a limited clonal response with inhibitory blocking directed against a distinct region of the molecule

    Associations between an IgG3 polymorphism in the binding domain for FcRn, transplacental transfer of malaria-specific IgG3, and protection against Plasmodium falciparum malaria during infancy : a birth cohort study in Benin

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    Background Transplacental transfer of maternal immunoglobulin G (IgG) to the fetus helps to protect against malaria and other infections in infancy. Recent studies have emphasized the important role of malaria-specific IgG3 in malaria immunity, and its transfer may reduce the risk of malaria in infancy. Human IgGs are actively transferred across the placenta by binding the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) expressed within the endosomes of the syncytiotrophoblastic membrane. Histidine at position 435 (H435) provides for optimal Fc-IgG binding. In contrast to other IgG subclasses, IgG3 is highly polymorphic and usually contains an arginine at position 435, which reduces its binding affinity to FcRn in vitro. The reduced binding to FcRn is associated with reduced transplacental transfer and reduced half-life of IgG3 in vivo. Some haplotypes of IgG3 have histidine at position 435. This study examines the hypotheses that the IgG3-H435 variant promotes increased transplacental transfer of malaria-specific antibodies and a prolonged IgG3 half-life in infants and that its presence correlates with protection against clinical malaria during infancy. Methods and findings In Benin, 497 mother-infant pairs were included in a longitudinal birth cohort. Both maternal and cord serum samples were assayed for levels of IgG1 and IgG3 specific for MSP1(19), MSP2 (both allelic families, 3D7 and FC27), MSP3, GLURP (both regions, R0 and R2), and AMA1 antigens of Plasmodium falciparum. Cord: maternal ratios were calculated. The maternal IgG3 gene was sequenced to identify the IgG3-H435 polymorphism. A multivariate logistic regression was used to examine the association between maternal IgG3-H435 polymorphism and transplacental transfer of IgG3, adjusting for hypergammaglobulinemia, maternal malaria, and infant malaria exposure. Twenty-four percent of Beninese women living in an area highly endemic for malaria had the IgG3-H435 allele (377 women homozygous for the IgG3-R435 allele, 117 women heterozygous for the IgG3-R/H alleles, and 3 women homozygous for the IgG3-H435 allele). Women with the IgG3-H435 allele had a 78% (95% CI 17%, 170%, p = 0.007) increased transplacental transfer of GLURP-R2 IgG3 compared to those without the IgG3-H435 allele. Furthermore, in infants born to mothers with the IgG3-H435 variant, a 28% longer IgG3 half-life was noted (95% CI 4%, 59%, p = 0.02) compared to infants born to mothers homozygous for the IgG3-R435 allele. Similar findings were observed for AMA1, MSP2-3D7, MSP3, GLURP-R0, and GLURP-R2 but not for MSP119 and MSP2-FC27. Infants born to women with IgG3-H435 had a 32% lower risk of symptomatic malaria during infancy (incidence rate ratio [IRR- = 0.68 [95% CI 0.51, 0.91-, p = 0.01) compared to infants born to mothers homozygous for IgG3-R435. We did not find a lower risk of asymptomatic malaria in infants born to women with or without IgG3-H435. Limitations of the study were the inability to determine (i) the actual amount of IgG3-H435 relative to IgG-R435 in serum samples and (ii) the proportion of malaria-specific IgG produced by infants versus acquired from their mothers. Conclusions An arginine-to-histidine replacement at residue 435 in the binding domain of IgG3 to FcRn increases the transplacental transfer and half-life of malaria-specific IgG3 in young infants and is associated with reduced risk of clinical malaria during infancy. The IgG3-H435 allele may be under positive selection, given its relatively high frequency in malaria endemic areas

    Sickle cell trait modulates the proteome and phosphoproteome of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes

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    The high prevalence of sickle cell disease in some human populations likely results from the protection afforded against severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria and death by heterozygous carriage of HbS. P. falciparum remodels the erythrocyte membrane and skeleton, displaying parasite proteins at the erythrocyte surface that interact with key human proteins in the Ankyrin R and 4.1R complexes. Oxidative stress generated by HbS, as well as by parasite invasion, disrupts the kinase/phosphatase balance, potentially interfering with the molecular interactions between human and parasite proteins. HbS is known to be associated with abnormal membrane display of parasite antigens. Studying the proteome and the phosphoproteome of red cell membrane extracts from P. falciparum infected and non-infected erythrocytes, we show here that HbS heterozygous carriage, combined with infection, modulates the phosphorylation of erythrocyte membrane transporters and skeletal proteins as well as of parasite proteins. Our results highlight modifications of Ser-/Thr- and/or Tyr- phosphorylation in key human proteins, such as ankyrin, beta-adducin, beta-spectrin and Band 3, and key parasite proteins, such as RESA or MESA. Altered phosphorylation patterns could disturb the interactions within membrane protein complexes, affect nutrient uptake and the infected erythrocyte cytoadherence phenomenon, thus lessening the severity of malaria symptoms

    Beninese children with cerebral malaria do not develop humoral immunity against the IT4-VAR19-DC8 PfEMP1 variant linked to EPCR and brain endothelial binding [+ erratum, janvier 2016]

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    Background: Malaria is still one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in the world. Sequestration of infected erythrocytes (IEs) is the prime mediator of disease. Cytoadhesion of IEs is mediated by members of the highly diverse Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). A restricted sub-set of var genes encoding for PfEMP1s possessing the domain cassettes DC8 and DC13 were found to bind to the endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR). These var genes were shown to be highly expressed by parasites from patients with severe malaria clinical outcomes compared to those from patients with uncomplicated symptoms. Methods: In order to further study the molecular mechanisms underlying DC8/DC13 expressing IEs adhesion to EPCR, a method was developed to produce highly pure recombinant EPCR. The IT4 parasite strain was selected on either anti-IT4-VAR19 purified IgG, EPCR or human brain endothelial cell line and their var gene expression profiles as well as their binding phenotypes were compared. The N-terminal region of IT4-VAR19 comprising a full-length DC8 cassette as well as the single EPCR binding CIDR alpha 1.1 domain were also produced, and their immune recognition (IgG) was assessed using plasma samples from Beninese children presenting acute mild malaria, severe malaria or cerebral malaria at the time of their admission to the clinic, and from convalescent-phase plasma collected 30 days after antimalarial treatment. Results: The multi-domain VAR19-NTS-DBL gamma 6 binds to EPCR with a greater affinity than the CIDR alpha 1.1 domain alone and this study also demonstrates that VAR19-NTS-DBL gamma 6 binding to the EPCR-expressing endothelial cell line (HBEC5i) is more pronounced than that of the CIDR alpha 1.1 domain alone. IT4-VAR19 represents the preferentially expressed-PfEMP1 when FCR3-IEs are selected based on their capability to bind EPCR. Notably, no significant difference in the levels of antibodies towards IT4-VAR19 antigens was observed within all clinical groups between plasma samples collected during the acute malaria phase compared to samples collected 30 days after anti-malaria treatment. Conclusions: These data indicate that even being the preferentially selected IT4-EPCR-binding variant, the IT4-VAR19-DC8 region does not appear to be associated with the acquisition of antibodies during a single severe paediatric malaria episode in Benin

    Retrospective study of toxoplasmosis prevalence in pregnant women in Benin and its relation with malaria

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    Background:Globally distributed with variable prevalence depending on geography, toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. This disease is usually benign but poses a risk for immunocompromised people and for newborns of mothers with a primary infection during pregnancy because of the risk of congenital toxoplasmosis (CT). CT can cause severe damage to fetuses-newborns. To our knowledge, no study has been conducted in sub-Saharan Africa on toxoplasmosis seroprevalence, seroconversion and CT in a large longitudinal cohort and furthermore, no observation has been made of potential relationships with malaria.Methods:We performed a retrospective toxoplasmosis serological study using available samples from a large cohort of 1,037 pregnant women who were enrolled in a malaria follow-up during the 2008-2010 period in a rural area in Benin. We also used some existing data to investigate potential relationships between the maternal toxoplasmosis serological status and recorded malaria infections.Results:Toxoplasmosis seroprevalence, seroconversion and CT rates were 52.6%, 3.4% and 0.2%, respectively, reflecting the population situation of toxoplasmosis, without targeted medical intervention. The education level influences the toxoplasmosis serological status of women, with women with little or no formal education have greater immunity than others. Surprisingly, toxoplasmosis seropositive pregnant women tended to present lower malaria infection during pregnancy (number) or at delivery (presence) and to have lower IgG levels to Plasmodium falciparum Apical Membrane Antigen 1, compared to toxoplasmosis seronegative women.Conclusions:The high toxoplasmosis seroprevalence indicates that prevention against this parasite remains important to deploy and must be accessible and understandable to and for all individuals (educated and non-educated). A potential protective role against malaria conferred by a preexisting toxoplasmosis infection needs to be explored more precisely to examine the environmental, parasitic and/or immune aspects