274 research outputs found

    Effects of frying by different frying oils on fatty acid profile of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)

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    The study aims to determine the influence of frying (shallow and deep) with olive, canola and sunflower oil on fatty acid composition of silver carp. Frying by olive oil and canola oil increased the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) significantly (p<0.05) that consequently decreased saturated fatty acids (SFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and ω-3 fatty acids. Frying by sunflower oil increased PUFA significantly (p<0.05), which caused to decrease in SFA and MUFA. The ω-6/ω-3 ratio of control samples (0.224) after shallow fat frying and deep frying, increased to 1.287 and 0.615; to 2.290 and 1.538; and to 9.381 and 5.950 by olive oil, canola oil and sunflower oil, respectively. Results suggest that frying oil can change the fatty acid composition of fish. The changes are depending to the kind of frying oil and method of frying which used

    Respons Pertumbuhan Gulma terhadap Kepekatan Cairan Fermentasi Pulp Kakao sebagai Bioherbisida Pascatumbuh

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    Cairan fermentasi pulp kakao mengandung asam organik dan polifenol yang mungkin dapat digunakan sebagai bioherbisida untuk mengendalikan gulma. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respons empat jenis gulma terhadap aplikasi kepekatan cairan fermentasi pulp kakao sebagai bioherbisida pascatumbuh. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Maret sampai dengan Juli 2012 di Kecamatan Natar, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Petak Berjalur (Strip Plot Design), ulangan 3 kali, dan perlakuan disusun secara faktorial (11 x 4) dengan ukuran petak 1 m x 2 m. Faktor pertama adalah kepekatan cairan fermentasi pulp kakao (K) yaitu 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, dan 100% dan faktor kedua adalah jenis gulma (G) yaitu (a) Richardia brasilliensis, (b) Axonopus compressus, (c) Setaria plicata, dan (d) Cyperus kyllingia. Data dianalisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT pada taraf α 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cairan fermentasi pulp kakao kepekatan 10-20% tidak meracuni semua jenis gulma, tetapi pada kepekatan 30% meracuni tiga jenis gulma dan tidak terhadap C. kyllingia. A. compressus menunjukkan respon keracunan tertinggi dibandingkan dengan gulma lain. Cairan fermentasi pulp kakao dengan kepekatan 100% mampu menekan bobot kering gulma total. Bobot kering jenis gulma berbeda, C. kyllingia menujukkan bobot kering terendah dibandingkan dengan R. brasilliensis, A. compressus, dan S. plicata

    Kompetisi Jenis Dan Kerapatan Gulma Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Varietas Hypoma 2

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    Kacang tanah merupakan tanaman kacang-kacangan yang permintaannya menduduki urutan kedua setelah kedelai. Namun, produktivitas kacang tanah yang dihasilkan Indonesia masih rendah. Salah satu faktor penyebab rendahnya produksi tanaman kacang tanah yaitu keberadaan gulma. Gulma dalam budidaya tanaman kacang tanah memiliki daya saing yang bersifat merugikan bagi pertumbuhan dan produksi kacang tanah. Tingginya penurunan hasil terhadap produksi kacang tanah dapat dipengaruhi oleh jenis dan kerapatan gulma. Penelitian ini disusun untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis gulma terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kacang tanah varietas Hypoma 2, pengaruh kerapatan gulma terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kacang tanah varietas Hypoma 2, dan ada atau tidak adanya interaksi antara jenis dan kerapatan gulma dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan produksi kacang tanah varietas Hypoma 2. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Lampung Selatan dan Laboratorium Gulma Universitas Lampung dari bulan Januari–Mei 2015. Perlakuan ini disusun secara faktorial dalam Rancangan Petak Berjalur (Strip Plot Design) dengan 3 kali ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah tiga jenis gulma yaitu Asystasia gangetica, Cyperus rotundus, dan Rottboellia exaltata dan faktor kedua adalah kerapatan gulma yaitu 0, 10, 20, 40, dan 80 gulma/m 2 . Data dianalisis dengan analisis ragam, bila terdapat perbedaan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis dan kerapatan gulma tidak mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan produksi kacang tanah dan terdapat interaksi antara jenis dan kerapatan gulma dalam mempengaruhi tinggi tanaman kacang tanah, bobot 100 butir kacang tanah, dan bobot polong kering per petak

    Keparahan Penyakit Antraknosa Pada Cabai (Capsicum Annuum L) Dan Berbagai Jenis Gulma

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung dan di lahan cabai di Kecamatan Kemiling, Kelurahan Langkapura Bandar Lampung pada bulan Juni hingga Agustus 2012. Penelitian ini disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari (a) cabai, (b) Cleome rutidosperma, (c) Cyperus kyllingia, (d) Synedrella nodiflora, (e) Paspalum distichum, dan (f) Ageratum conyzoides yang diinokulasi dengan jamur Colletotrichum capsici pada saat tingginya berkisar antara 9-12 cm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) Keparahan penyakit antraknosa berbeda-beda, pada cabai 0,3% hingga 44,0% %, Cleome rutidosperma sebesar 7,5% hingga 51,0%, Cyperus kyllingia dan Paspalum distichum 0%, Synedrella nodiflora 9,3% hingga 47,0%. dan Ageratum conyzoides 12,8% menjadi 9,1%, (2) Masa inkubasi jamur Colletotrichum capsici berbeda-beda yaitu tersingkat pada gulma Cyperus kyllingia (0 hari), dan masa inkubasi terpanjang pada dan Paspalum conjugatum (27 hari). Pertumbuhan tinggi dan persentase jumlah daun tanaman cabai dan gulma yang diinokulasi dengan Colletotrichum capsici berbeda-beda dari minggu ke- 1 hingga minggu ke- 4. Pertumbuhan paling tinggi terjadi pada gulma Ageratum conyzoides sedangkan pertumbuhan terendah terjadi pada gulma Cleome rutidosperma. Persentase jumlah daun sakit paling besar adalah pada cabai dan Persentase jumlah daun paling kecil pada Cyperus kyllingia


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    Organizations in the past have neglected talents employees, whereby researchers and HR professionals have realized the importance of talent management for the modern organizations rather than relying on the foreign expatriates to manage their human capital effectively for sustaining effectively. As such, this study aimed to measure the mediating role of talent management between HRM and organizational success relationship in the UAE aluminium industry. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire from the various aluminium companies operating in UAE. For hypothesis testing, SEM was employed. The finding indicates of having a full mediation in the model. Emergence of internet technology has led to tremendous changes in organizational structure and impact on talent management towards organizational success. Many companies are trying in this competitive market to be successful on their product offerings by given the customer with best possible experiences. As a result, managers, and CEOs are concerned about taking the right direction to introduce new trainings to manage their talented employees. Nonetheless, this study is more concerned about HRM and talent management towards organizational success from the UAE aluminium industry perspective. Conversely, to be successful in this competitive market, all companies must care about their employees.


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    Organizations in the past have neglected talents employees. Alongside, the role of human resources has been limited to attract and train the staff. Therefore, this study discusses the relationship between HRM and talent management towards organisational success in the UAE aluminium industry context. For this study, data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire from the various aluminium companies operating in UAE. The respondents for this study were the employees working at various aluminium companies in UAE. A random sampling method was used to select the samples for this study. A self-administered questionnaire was developed basing on the literature review. However, few items were also be adapted from the existing scales on HRM, Organisational success and talent management. After adapting, all the items were modified according to the study requirements to make those fit for UAE context. The respondents were chosen from the different companies randomly. Prior to that, the respondents were asked their willingness to participate in this survey and only those who voluntarily agreed were given the questionnaire. The study findings show that there is a strong relationship between HRM and talent management towards organizational success in the UAE aluminium industry context. The potential implications and recommendations of this study are discussed from methodological, empirical, and practical standpoints.

    Temporal trends in results of 9170 myocardial perfusion imaging studies (2004 to 2013)

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    BACKGROUND: To assess the frequency of normal and abnormal myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) in a consecutive cohort of patients from Pakistan over a period of 8.5 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We assessed 9170 patients who had undergone stress-rest MPI between January 2004 and June 2013. Patients were assessed for change in demographics, risk factors, and frequency of abnormal and normal MPI. RESULTS: Overall mean age and male predominance of studied cohort was ≈ 55 years and ≈ 55:45 (M:F), respectively, with no appreciable decline or rise. Marked decline in exercise as mode of stress (from 71% to 35%, p value significant) was noted during the study period. Regarding the risk factors for CAD, only hypertension was noted to have a significant rising trend during the study period. Trend of MPI results over study period was found non-significant from 2004 till 2006 but from 2007 onward (except 2008), a marginal but significant decline in abnormal MPIs (from 45% to 42%; significant p value) and rise in normal MPI (from 55% to 58%; significant p value) was noted. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that over the past 8.5 years, a marginal but significant decline in abnormal and a rise in normal MPIs trend have been observed. An exorbitant rise in use of vasodilator as a method of stress was also observed. We envisaged a follow-up study to ascertain lower negative predictive value of vasodilator as a possible reason and till than results of this and other such studies must be read cautiously
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