26,267 research outputs found
On the relation between mass of pion, fundamental physical constants and cosmological parameters
In this article we reconsider the old mysterious relation, advocated by Dirac
and Weinberg, between the mass of the pion, the fundamental physical constants,
and the Hubble parameter. By introducing the cosmological density parameters,
we show how the corresponding equation may be written in a form that is
invariant with respect to the expansion of the Universe and without invoking a
varying gravitational "constant", as was originaly proposed by Dirac. It is
suggest that, through this relation, Nature gives a hint that virtual pions
dominante the "content" of the quantum vacuum
Efficient generation of graph states for quantum computation
We present an entanglement generation scheme which allows arbitrary graph
states to be efficiently created in a linear quantum register via an auxiliary
entangling bus. The dynamics of the entangling bus is described by an effective
non-interacting fermionic system undergoing mirror-inversion in which qubits,
encoded as local fermionic modes, become entangled purely by Fermi statistics.
We discuss a possible implementation using two species of neutral atoms stored
in an optical lattice and find that the scheme is realistic in its requirements
even in the presence of noise.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTex 4; v2 - Major changes and new result
Unparticle inspired corrections to the Gravitational Quantum Well
We consider unparticle inspired corrections of the type
to the Newtonian potential in the context of the
gravitational quantum well. The new energy spectrum is computed and bounds on
the parameters of these corrections are obtained from the knowledge of the
energy eigenvalues of the gravitational quantum well as measured by the GRANIT
experiment.Comment: Revtex4 file, 4 pages, 2 figures and 1 table. Version to match the
one published at Physical Review
3D gravity and non-linear cosmology
By the inclusion of an additional term, non-linear in the scalar curvature
, it is tested if dark energy could rise as a geometrical effect in 3D
gravitational formulations. We investigate a cosmological fluid obeying a
non-polytropic equation of state (the van der Waals equation) that is used to
construct the energy-momentum tensor of the sources, representing the
hypothetical inflaton in gravitational interaction with a matter contribution.
Following the evolution in time of the scale factor, its acceleration, and
the energy densities of constituents it is possible to construct the
description of an inflationary 3D universe, followed by a matter dominated era.
For later times it is verified that, under certain conditions, the non-linear
term in can generate the old 3D universe in accelerated expansion, where
the ordinary matter is represented by the barotropic limit of the van der Waals
constituent.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in Mod. Phys. Let
Error threshold in the evolution of diploid organisms
The effects of error propagation in the reproduction of diploid organisms are
studied within the populational genetics framework of the quasispecies model.
The dependence of the error threshold on the dominance parameter is fully
investigated. In particular, it is shown that dominance can protect the
wild-type alleles from the error catastrophe. The analysis is restricted to a
diploid analogue of the single-peaked landscape.Comment: 9 pages, 4 Postscript figures. Submitted to J. Phy. A: Mat. and Ge
Is the New Resonance Spin 0 or 2? Taking a Step Forward in the Higgs Boson Discovery
The observation of a new boson of mass \sim 125\gev at the CERN LHC may
finally have revealed the existence of a Higgs boson. Now we have the
opportunity to scrutinize its properties, determining its quantum numbers and
couplings to the standard model particles, in order to confirm or not its
discovery. We show that by the end of the 8 TeV run, combining the entire data
sets of ATLAS and CMS, it will be possible to discriminate between the
following discovery alternatives: a scalar or a tensor
particle with minimal couplings to photons, at a statistical
confidence level at least, using only diphotons events. Our results are based
on the calculation of a center-edge asymmetry measure of the reconstructed {\it
sPlot} scattering polar angle of the diphotons. The results based on
asymmetries are shown to be rather robust against systematic uncertainties with
comparable discrimination power to a log likelihood ratio statistic.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. References added, minor typos correcte
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