144 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach for Shadow Detection and Removal from Image

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    Image processing has been one region of studies that draws the interest of extensive form of researchers. Surveillance structures are in big demand specially, for their packages in public areas, consisting of airports, stations, subways, front to buildings and mass events. Shadow occurs while objects consist of light from light source. Shadows offer wealthy information about the item shapes as well as light orientations. Shadow in picture reduces the reliability of many computer imaginative and prescient algorithms. Shadow regularly degrades the visual exceptional of an image. Shadow removal in an image is pre-processing step for computer imaginative and prescient algorithm and image enhancement. Shadow detection and removal in numerous actual lifestyles situations consisting of surveillance device and laptop vision machine remained a hard project. Shadow in visitors surveillance system might also misclassify the actual item, lowering the gadget overall performance

    Review Paper-Social networking with protecting sensitive labels in data Anonymization

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    The use of social network sites goes on increasing such as facebook, twitter, linkedin, live journal social network and wiki vote network. By using this, users find that they can obtain more and more useful information such as the user performance, private growth, dispersal of disease etc. It is also important that users private information should not get disclose. Thus, Now a days it is important to protect users privacy and utilization of social network data are challenging. Most of developer developed privacy models such as K-anonymity for protecting node or vertex reidentification in structure information. Users privacy models get forced by other user, if a group of node largely share the same sensitive labels then other users easily find out one’s data ,so that structure anonymization method is not purely protected. There are some previous approaches such as edge editing or node clustering .Here structural information as well as sensitive labels of individuals get considered using K-degree l-deversityanonymity model. The new approach in anonymization methodology is adding noise nodes. By considering the least distortion to graph properties,the development of new algorithm using noise nodes into original graph. Most important it will provide an analysis of no.of noise nodes added and their impact on important graph property

    Review on Color Image Encryption Algorithm based on Pseudorandom Number Key

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    In secure communication, image encryption schemes transform clear images into unintelligible others. The fundamental techniques used to encrypt a block of pixels are substitution and permutation. In recent years focuses on designing of highly robust encryption schemes (i.e., which provide good confusion and diffusion properties, to ensure desired security factor), either using peculiar pixel shuffling methods, or using innovative digital chaos-based ciphers, or by making justified compositions between these different pixel shuffling and ciphering techniques. Almost some encryption schemes based on permutation had already been found insecure against the cipher text-only and known/chosen-plaintext attacks, due to the high information redundancy, and it is quite understandable since the secret permutations can be recovered by comparing the plaintexts and the permuted cipher texts. Generally, chaos-based image encryption algorithms are used more often than others but require high computational cost. Moreover, a chaos system is defined on real numbers while the cryptosystems are defined on finite sets of integers. Furthermore, spatial domain scrambling has defect that the statistical characteristics of image are not changed after scrambling. Therefore, it is not secure to perform scrambling in spatial domain. The image encryption methods based on frequency domain encrypt/decrypt the images by modifying the image frequencies. One can recover the original plain image exactly via a reverse process

    A participatory methodology for large scale field trials in the UK

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    Farmer participation was essential in developing a uniquely useful set of wheat variety trials data on a wide range of organic farms over two years. Although the trials were successful, it became clear that some of the participating farmers felt there were some limitations in the process. These included a lack of ownership in the project and a concern for more researcher help. It was clear that a greater time in-vestment was needed at the start of the project to help with farmer understanding and ownership. De-spite the negative comments, farmers appreciated their involvement, particularly in contrasting their own views and information with that from the wider scene. Farmer participation is essential for systems-level research and this project helped to develop a small core of trained farmers and researchers

    Host mobility key management in dynamic secure group communication

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    The key management has a fundamental role in securing group communications taking place over vast and unprotected networks. It is concerned with the distribution and update of the keying materials whenever any changes occur in the group membership. Wireless mobile environments enable members to move freely within the networks, which causes more difficulty to design efficient and scalable key management protocols. This is partly because both member location dynamic and group membership dynamic must be managed concurrently, which may lead to significant rekeying overhead. This paper presents a hierarchical group key management scheme taking the mobility of members into consideration intended for wireless mobile environments. The proposed scheme supports the mobility of members across wireless mobile environments while remaining in the group session with minimum rekeying transmission overhead. Furthermore, the proposed scheme alleviates 1-affect-n phenomenon, single point of failure, and signaling load caused by moving members at the core network. Simulation results shows that the scheme surpasses other existing efforts in terms of communication overhead and affected members. The security requirements studies also show the backward and forward secrecy is preserved in the proposed scheme even though the members move between areas

    Is short-term-variation of fetal-heart-rate a better predictor of fetal acidaemia in labour? A feasibility study

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    Background Continuous intrapartum fetal monitoring is challenging and its clinical benefits are debated. The project evaluated whether short-term-variation (STV) and other computerised fetal heart rate (FHR) parameters (baseline FHR, long-term-variation, accelerations and decelerations) predicted acidaemia at birth. The aims of the study were to assess the changes in FHR pattern during labour and determine the feasibility of undertaking a definitive trial by reporting the practicalities of using the monitoring device, participant recruitment, data collection and staff training. Methods 200 high-risk women carrying a term singleton, non-anomalous fetus, requiring continuous FHR monitoring in labour were consented to participate from the Jessop Wing maternity unit, Sheffield, UK. The trans-abdominal fetal ECG monitor was placed as per clinical protocol. During the monitoring session, clinicians were blinded to the computerised FHR parameters. We analysed the last hour of the FHR and its ability to predict umbilical arterial blood pH <7.20 using receiver operator characteristics (ROC) curves. Results Of 200 women, 137 cases were excluded as either the monitor did not work from the onset of labour (n = 30), clinical staff did not return or used the monitor on another patient (n = 37), umbilical cord blood not obtained (n = 25), FHR data not recorded within an hour of birth (n = 34) and other reasons (n = 11). In 63 cases included in the final analysis, the computer-derived FHR parameters did not show significant correlation with umbilical artery cord pH <7.20. Labour was associated with a significant increase in short and long term variation of FHR and number of deceleration (P<0.001). However, baseline FHR decreased significantly before delivery (P<0.001). Conclusions The project encountered a number of challenges, with learning points crucial to informing the design of a large study to evaluate the potential place of intrapartum computerised FHR parameters, using abdominal fetal ECG monitor before its clinical utility and more widespread adoption can be ascertained

    Characterization of the PTW 34031 ionization chamber (PMI) at RCNP with high energy neutrons ranging from 100 – 392 MeV

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    Radiation monitoring at high energy proton accelerators poses a considerable challenge due to the complexity of the encountered stray radiation fields. These environments comprise a wide variety of different particle types and span from fractions of electron-volts up to several terra electron-volts. As a consequence the use of Monte Carlo simulation programs like FLUKA is indispensable to obtain appropriate field-specific calibration factors. At many locations of the LHC a large contribution to the particle fluence is expected to originate from high-energy neutrons and thus, benchmark experiments with mono-energetic neutron beams are of high importance to verify the aforementioned detector response calculations. This paper summarizes the results of a series of benchmark experiments with quasi mono-energetic neutrons of 100, 140, 200, 250 and 392 MeV that have been carried out at RCNP - Osaka University, during several campaigns between 2006 and 2014

    Load Shadding TIME Mangment with Programmable Interface

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    Electricity is one of the most important requirements of modern civilization. Without which various Indispensable applications will bind to bring to a standstill. As we know that demand of electricity is increasing now days. So electric utilities prefer load shedding when the demand exceeds the supply. Thus in a distribution system it needs to be precisely measured for specific period of time. Programmable load shedding time management system is a reliable &amp; effective load shedding technique that takes over the manual task of switch ON/OFF the electrical supply with respect to time .It uses real time clock (RTC) interfaced to the 8051 family microcontroller. The paper “effective load shedding technique for utility department” will provide real &amp; competent load shedding techniques such that distribution substation can be monitored &amp; load shedding from one particular place