47 research outputs found

    Mechanical activation influence on the morphological properties of La[2]O[3]-TiO[2]-B

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    The influence of mechanical activation of the powder mixture used to obtain the high-perfomance cathode for accelerating engineering with the SHS-method has been explored. The mechanically processed mixtures have been morphologically analyzed. The optimal modes of mechanical activation have been determined for the mixture

    Evaluation of synthetic wheat lines (Triticum durum/Aegilops tausсhii) for vegetative period and resistance to diseases

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    The growth of the total wheat production and increase of yield stability from year to year are some of the priorities of agriculture in Russia. The yield of commercial varieties significantly diversifies due to huge losses of their potential under the influence of negative biotic and abiotic factors. Increase of resistance to stress factors in the emerging varieties can be achieved by utilizing the diversity of the genetic resources of related wild species and genera in crosses. The results of a phenotypic evaluation of the synthetic hexaploid wheat lines of CIMMYT breeding created by crossing durum wheat varieties from Institute of Breeding and Genetics (Odessa, Ukraine) and variety Pandur from Romania (T. durum Desf., AB genome) with Aegilops (Ae. tausshii Coss., D genome), and also 15 synthetic wheat lines of Kyoto University breeding (Japan) created by crossing durum wheat variety Langdon with different ecological forms Aegilops are presented. Research was performed on the experimental field of Omsk SAU under conditions of southern forest-steppe of West Siberia in 2016. Between synthetics, there was revealed a genotypic difference in the vegetative period duration and resistance to diseases. Lines of hybrid combination Aisberg/Ae.sq.(511) were characterized as the most early-maturity genotypes among the lines studied. The hybrid combinations Ae.sq.(369) with variety Aisberg, Ae.sq.(310) and Ukr-Od 1530, Ae.sq.(223) and Pandur are characterized by complex resistance to fungal diseases. Most of the lines demonstrated high and moderate resistance to rust fungus, severity ranging from 5 to 70 % and severity of powdery mildew being 10–90 %. Lines derived from variety Ukr-Od 1530.94 and accessions Ae. tauschii (392); (629); (1027); (1031) and lines Langdon/Ku-2074; Langdon/Ku-2075; Langdon/Ku-2100; Langdon/Ku-2079 are characterized by complex resistance to powdery mildew, leaf and stem rust. The synthetic lines with a complex of economically valuable traits present interest as an initial material for breeding programs

    Standardization of epiphenomenon risks by the use of identification of early symptoms of critical states of oncohematological children

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    In the article is reviewed increase of effectiveness and safety of treatment of children with oncohematological conditions, by the use of timely symptoms diagnostics of epiphenomenon, critical states progression, for correction of specific and symptomatic therapy. Elsewhere, for evaluating children’s condition the PEWS (Pediatric Early Warning Systems) scale is being used, but for adequate evaluation of oncohematology children’s conditions this scale was not credible enough. The track record of observation on patients at resuscitation and intensive care unit for oncohematology children (RICU OH), has educed significant criteria for modernization of the PEWS scale. Including to it presence of various hemorrhagic syndrome, statistical frequency of transfusion and hematological parameters. The result of research shown the necessity of implementing to the scale additional criteria, and using of it at clinical recommendationsВ статье рассмотрено повышение эффективности и безопасности лечения детей с онкогематологическими заболеваниями, путем своевременной диагностики предвестников риска развития осложнений, критических состоянии, для коррекции специфической и симптоматической терапии. За рубежом для оценки состояния у детей используется шкала PEWS (Pediatric Early Warning Systems), но для адекватной оценки состояния онкогематологических детей данная шкала была недостаточно достоверна. Опыт наблюдения за пациентами в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии для онкогематологических детей (ОРИТ ОГ), выявил значимые критерии для модернизации шкалы «PEWS». Включив в нее наличие различного геморрагического синдрома, частоту трансфузии и показатели крови. Результат исследования показал о необходимости внедрения в шкалу дополнительных критерии, и использования его в клинических рекомендация

    Genotypic and ecological variability of zinc content in the grain of spring bread wheat varieties in the international nursery KASIB

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    Spring bread wheat is the staple crop in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan, a significant portion of which goes for export. Wheat breeding with a high level of zinc in wheat grain is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to address zinc de iciency in the diet. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the contribution of the factors ‘location’ and ‘genotype’ in the variability of zinc content in wheat grain, and to identify the best varieties as sources of this trait for breed-ing. The research on screening zinc content in the wheat grain of 49 spring bread wheat varieties from the Kazakhstan-Siberia Spring Wheat Trial (KASIB) nursery was carried out at 4 sites in Russia (Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk) and 2 sites in Kazakhstan (Karabalyk and Shortandy) in 2017–2018. The content of zinc in wheat grain was evaluated at the Ionomic Facility of University of Nottingham in the framework of the EU pro ject European Plant Phenotyping Network-2020. The analysis of variance showed that the main contribution into the general phenotypic variation of the studied trait, 38.7 %, was made by the factor ‘location’ due to different contents of zinc and moisture in the soil of trial sites; the effect of the factor ‘year’ was 13.5 %, and the effect of the factor ‘genotype’ was 8.0 %. The most favorable environmental conditions for accumulation of zinc in wheat grain were observed in the Omsk region. In Omsk, the average zinc content in all studied varieties was 50.4 mg/kg, with 63.7 mg/ kg in the best variety ‘OmGAU 100’. These values are higher than the target values of the international program Harvest Plus. ‘Novosibirskaya 16’ (49.4 mg/kg), ‘Silach’ (48.4 mg/kg), ‘Line 4-10-16’ (47.2 mg/ kg), ‘Element 22’ (46.3 mg/kg) and ‘Lutescens 248/01’ (46.0 mg/kg) were identi ied as being the best varieties. Significant possibilities for the production of wheat grain with high zinc content, which is in demand for the production of bread and pastry products with functional properties, were identified in the Western Siberian region


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    We report the clinical observation of acute myocardial infarction development associated with the compression of the left coronary artery trunk and discuss etiological role of primary and secondary cardiac tumors in the development of acute coronary syndrome.В статье приводится описание клинического наблюдения развития острого инфаркта миокарда, обусловленного сдавлением ствола левой коронарной артерии. Обсуждается этиологическая роль первичных и вторичных опухолей сердца в развитии острого коронарного синдрома. 


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    The rupture of the interventricular septum (ivs) remains a severe complication of acute myocardial infarction. In this article, we discuss optimal treatment tactics for patients with internal heart ruptures in acute myocardial infarction. We consider minimally invasive interventions in the optimally early periods of acute myocardial infarction as an alternative to surgical treatment using artificial circulation. It remains urgent to improve measures preventing complications in acute myocardial infarction, as well as its early diagnosis and the specifics of managing such patients.Разрыв межжелудочковой перегородки остается грозным осложнением острого инфаркта миокарда. В статье обсуждается проблема оптимальной тактики лечения больных с внутренними разрывами сердца при остром инфаркте миокарда. Рассматриваются малоинвазивные вмешательства в оптимально ранние сроки острого инфаркта миокарда как альтернатива хирургическому лечению с использованием искусственного кровообращения. Остается актуальным совершенствование профилактических мероприятий, направленных на предотвращение осложнений при остром инфаркте миокарда, а также ранней их диагностики и особенности ведения таких пациентов

    The basis for system dynamics and agent-based modeling of strategic management of intellectual capital in educational organizations

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    This article discusses the problems of using simulation modeling to improve the management of intellectual capital of educational organizations based on the methodologies of system dynamics and agent-based modeling in the context of their impact on reaching strategic goals of an organization. Computer simulation methods using operational indicators and scenario variations provide management with a practical, adaptable and meaningful toolkit for the strategic management of the company's intellectual assets. Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

    The Probabilistic Measures Approximation of a Resource Queuing System with Signals

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    Modern wireless networks are characterized by high user mobility. This factor can lead to changes in the quality of the channel during the lifetime of the interaction session. To take into account the fact of user movement in a resource queuing system with signals are introduced. Signal arrivals trigger resource reallocation of customers in the system. In this paper, we introduce an approximate model that replaces the flow of resource reallocations with the additional flow of customers. The convergence of the approximate iterative evaluation method is proved. Besides, we provide a case study for the accuracy assessment of the approximate method. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG