28 research outputs found

    Dynamics of perpendicular recording heads

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    3D modeling and inductance measurements were used to design an ultra-high frequency perpendicular system. Kerr microscopy and spin-stand experiments with focused ion beam (FI-B) trimmed perpendicular heads and perpendicular media directly verified the high frequency concepts

    Physics considerations in the design of three-dimensional and multilevel magnetic recording

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore three-dimensional magnetic recording as a next generation recording technology. To defer the superparamagnetic limit in magnetic recording substantially beyond the 1 Tbit ∕ in. 2 mark, it is proposed to stack magnetic bits in a third (vertical) dimension. The vertical stacking underlies the concept of three-dimensional (3D) magnetic memory and recording-the primary subject of this paper. A clear distinction between absolute 3D memory and its trivial multilevel implementation is drawn. The paper focuses on the study of the media design and write and read processes. To minimize the intersymbol interference and improve stability, it is proposed to pattern the recording media in all three dimensions. Basic Co ∕ Pd -based 3D recording media necessary for this study are fabricated using cosputter deposition. Focused-ion-beam-based fabrication is used to pattern the recording media into nanoscale bit cells. The physics of 3D magnetic recording is also investigated theoretically with Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert-based micromagnetic modeling. The ultimate goal of this paper is to help understand the physics of 3D and multilevel magnetic recordings and trigger wide interest in the studied concept