592 research outputs found

    The organizational construction of hegemonic masculinity: the case of the US Navy

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    This article examines the construction of hegemonic masculinity within the US Navy. Based on life history interviews with 27 male officers, this study explores alternative discourses and identities of officers from three different communities in the Navy: aviation, surface warfare, and the supply corps. Definitions of masculinity are relationally constructed through associations of difference: aviators tend to draw upon themes of autonomy and risk taking; surface warfare officers draw upon themes of perseverance and endurance; and supply officers draw upon themes of technical rationality. Further,these masculinities depend upon various contrasting definitions of femininity. Finally,this article explores a series of contradictions that threaten the secure construction of masculinity within this military culture

    ‘It used to be brutal, now it’s an art’:changing negotiations of violence and masculinity in British karate

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    In most western (and indeed eastern) cultures, fighting is seen as an ultimate symbol of masculinity – an embodied display of dominance, control and violence (Bourdieu, 2001). As a space legitimising and praising performances of mimetic violence (Dunning, 1999), combat sports provide an arena where the virtues of dominance and power at the heart of conceptions of orthodox masculinity (Anderson, 2010 ) or hegemonic masculinity (Connell, 2005) can be symbolically presented by men through bodily displays of strength, physical aggression, and the taking and overcoming of pain (Bourdieu, 2001; Messner, 1990; Wacquant, 2004). Yet, over the last twenty years the focus of karate in Britain has been perceived to shift from aggressive acts of 'hitting hard' to developing and displaying controlled, acrobatic and technically precise movements. Drawn from a nine-month ethnography and 7 semi-structured interviews, this chapter explores how British male karate practitioners re/negotiate ideas of masculinity and embodiments of a masculine identity in the context of karate’s changing emphasis on, and practices of, 'violence'. This paper suggests that a 'civilising' shift (Elias and Dunning, 1986) in the competition rules increases in women’s participation in karate with men, and subsequent negotiations of mimetic violence, complicate the use of violence as a symbol of praised masculine identity within British karate . A praised masculine identity is crafted by carefully blending traits conventional deemed feminine such as technical precision, elegance and agility alongside displays of strength and dominance. Such performances challenge conceptions of an orthodox sporting masculinity and notions of hierarchical gender distinction

    Assessing the application of miscible CO2 flooding in oil reservoirs: a case study from Pakistan

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    Miscible carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding has been recognized as a promising approach to enhance the recovery of oil reservoirs. However, depending on the injection strategy and rock/fluid characteristics, efficiency of the miscible CO2flooding varies from reservoir to reservoir. Although, many studies have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the miscible CO2flooding, a specific strategy which can be strictly followed for a hydrocarbon reservoir has not been established yet. The aim of this study is to assess one of Pakistan’s oil reservoirs for miscible CO2flooding by applying a modified screening criterion and numerical modeling. As such, the most recent miscible CO2screening criteria were modified, and a numerical modeling was applied on the prospective reservoir. Based on the results obtained, South oil reservoir (S3) is chosen for a detailed assessment of miscible CO2flooding. It was also found that implementation of CO2water-alternating gas (CO2-WAG) injection at early stages of production can increase the production life of the reservoir

    Economies of (Alleged) Deviance: Sex Work and the Sport Mega Event

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    Based on ethnographic data collected during the 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, thisarticle is interested to examine urban processes which reinvent the changing (sexual) landscape. Focusing on the way (host) citiesshape sex work both imaginatively and physically, we explore the (lived) realities of neoliberal imaginaries that shape urbanspace. Often thought to exist in the urban shadow as an absent-presence in cosmopolitan processes, we demonstrate the manner inwhich sexualized and racialized women creatively resist the political and economic trajectories of neoliberal urbanism that seek toexpropriate land and dispossess certain bodies. In the context of Rio de Janeiro—as in other host cities—this is particularlyevident in the routine encounter between sexual minorities and local law enforcement. Mindful of the literature on state incursioninto social-sexual life, we remain attentive to the everyday strategies through which those deemed sexually deviant and/or victimnavigate local authorities in search of new opportunities for economic salvation in the midst of the sport mega-event

    Exploring the relationship between homosexuality and sport among the teammates of a small, Midwestern Catholic college soccer team.

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    Despite decreasing homophobia, openly gay male athletes are still rare in organized, competitive teamsports. In this action research, we explore two aspects of homosexuality and sport: (1) the effect of a gay male soccer player coming out to his teammates; and (2) the effect of having an openly gay researcher in the field. This is, therefore, the first-ever first-hand account of an athlete's coming-out process with researchers in the field. Even though this is action research and, therefore, not generalizable, we highlight that this research contributes to the body of literature on sexuality and sport because we document the interactions of straight athletes with a gay player and a gay researcher among the heterosexual players at a small, Catholic college in the American Midwest. We use interviews to show that players were accepting of homosexuality before the beginning of this research and show that discussions with these two gay men further promoted players' perspectives on homosexuality. This led to an increase in the team's social cohesion and a decrease in heteronormativity
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