25,517 research outputs found

    A study of the potential impacts of space utilization

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    Because the demand for comprehensive impact analysis of space technologies will increase with the use of space shuttles, the academic social sciences/humanities community was surveyed in order to determine their interests in space utilization, to develop a list of current and planned courses, and to generate a preliminary matrix of relevant social sciences. The academic scope/focus of a proposed social science space-related journal was identified including the disciplines which should be represented in the editorial board/reviewer system. The time and funding necessary to develop a self-sustaining journal were assessed. Cost income, general organizational structure, marking/distribution and funding sources were analyzed. Recommendations based on the survey are included

    A fourth HI 21-cm absorption system in the sight-line of MG J0414+0534: a record for intervening absorbers

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    We report the detection of a strong HI 21-cm absorption system at z=0.5344, as well as a candidate system at z=0.3389, in the sight-line towards the z=2.64 quasar MG J0414+0534. This, in addition to the absorption at the host redshift and the other two intervening absorbers, takes the total to four (possibly five). The previous maximum number of 21-cm absorbers detected along a single sight-line is two and so we suspect that this number of gas-rich absorbers is in some way related to the very red colour of the background source. Despite this, no molecular gas (through OH absorption) has yet been detected at any of the 21-cm redshifts, although, from the population of 21-cm absorbers as a whole, there is evidence for a weak correlation between the atomic line strength and the optical--near-infrared colour. In either case, the fact that so many gas-rich galaxies (likely to be damped Lyman-alpha absorption systems) have been found along a single sight-line towards a highly obscured source may have far reaching implications for the population of faint galaxies not detected in optical surveys, a possibility which could be addressed through future wide-field absorption line surveys with the Square Kilometre Array.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Phosphine Functionalization of GaAs(111)A Surfaces

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    Phosphorus-functionalized GaAs surfaces have been prepared by exposure of Cl-terminated GaAs(111)A surfaces to triethylphosphine (PEt3) or trichlorophosphine (PCl3), or by the direct functionalization of the native-oxide terminated GaAs(111)A surface with PCl3. The presence of phosphorus on each functionalized surface was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. High-resolution, soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to evaluate the As and Ga 3d regions of such surfaces. On PEt3 treated surfaces, the Ga 3d spectra exhibited a bulk Ga peak as well as peaks that were shifted to 0.35, 0.92 and 1.86 eV higher binding energy. These peaks were assigned to residual Cl-terminated Ga surface sites, surficial Ga2O and surficial Ga2O3, respectively. For PCl3-treated surfaces, the Ga 3d spectra displayed peaks ascribable to bulk Ga(As), Ga2O, and Ga2O3, as well as a peak shifted 0.30 eV to higher binding energy relative to the bulk signal. A peak corresponding to Ga(OH)3, observed on the Cl-terminated surface, was absent from all of the phosphine-functionalized surfaces. After reaction of the Cl-terminated GaAs(111)A surface with PCl3 or PEt3, the As 3d spectral region was free of As oxides and As0. Although native oxide-terminated GaAs surfaces were free of As oxides after reaction with PCl3, such surfaces contained detectable amounts of As0. Photoluminescence measurements indicted that phosphine-functionalized surfaces prepared from Cl-terminated GaAs(111)A surfaces had better electrical properties than the native-oxide capped GaAs(111)A surface, while the native-oxide covered surface treated with PCl3 showed no enhancement in PL intensity

    Black and Minority Ethnic Trainees' Experiences of Physical Education Initial Teacher Training: Report to the Training and Development Agency

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    Remotely controlled mirror of variable geometry for small angle x-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation

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    A total-reflecting mirror of 120-cm length was designed and built to focus synchrotron radiation emanating from the electron-positron storage ring at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SPEAR). The reflecting surface is of unpolished float glass. The bending and tilt mechanism allows very fine control of the curvature and selectability of the critical angle for wavelengths ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 Å. Elliptical curvature is used to minimize aberrations. The mirror is placed asymmetrically onto the ellipse so as to achieve a tenfold demagnification of the source. The bending mechanism reduces nonelastic deformation (flow) and minimizes strains and stresses in the glass despite its length. Special design features assure stability of the focused image. The mirror reduces the intensity of shorter wavelength harmonics by a factor of approximately 100