4,529 research outputs found

    Subnanosecond GPS-based clock synchronization and precision deep-space tracking

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    Interferometric spacecraft tracking is accomplished by the Deep Space Network (DSN) by comparing the arrival time of electromagnetic spacecraft signals at ground antennas separated by baselines on the order of 8000 km. Clock synchronization errors within and between DSN stations directly impact the attainable tracking accuracy, with a 0.3-nsec error in clock synchronization resulting in an 11-nrad angular position error. This level of synchronization is currently achieved by observing a quasar which is angularly close to the spacecraft just after the spacecraft observations. By determining the differential arrival times of the random quasar signal at the stations, clock offsets and propagation delays within the atmosphere and within the DSN stations are calibrated. Recent developments in time transfer techniques may allow medium accuracy (50-100 nrad) spacecraft tracking without near-simultaneous quasar-based calibrations. Solutions are presented for a worldwide network of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers in which the formal errors for DSN clock offset parameters are less than 0.5 nsec. Comparisons of clock rate offsets derived from GPS measurements and from very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), as well as the examination of clock closure, suggest that these formal errors are a realistic measure of GPS-based clock offset precision and accuracy. Incorporating GPS-based clock synchronization measurements into a spacecraft differential ranging system would allow tracking without near-simultaneous quasar observations. The impact on individual spacecraft navigation-error sources due to elimination of quasar-based calibrations is presented. System implementation, including calibration of station electronic delays, is discussed

    General Green's function formalism for transport calculations with spd-Hamiltonians and giant magnetoresistance in Co and Ni based magnetic multilayers

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    A novel, general Green's function technique for elastic spin-dependent transport calculations is presented, which (i) scales linearly with system size and (ii) allows straightforward application to general tight-binding Hamiltonians (spd in the present work). The method is applied to studies of conductance and giant magnetoresistance (GMR) of magnetic multilayers in CPP (current perpendicular to planes) geometry in the limit of large coherence length. The magnetic materials considered are Co and Ni, with various non-magnetic materials from the 3d, 4d, and 5d transition metal series. Realistic tight-binding models for them have been constructed with the use of density functional calculations. We have identified three qualitatively different cases which depend on whether or not the bands (densities of states) of a non-magnetic metal (i) form an almost perfect match with one of spin sub-bands of the magnetic metal (as in Cu/Co spin valves); (ii) have almost pure sp character at the Fermi level (e.g. Ag); (iii) have almost pure d character at the Fermi energy (e.g. Pd, Pt). The key parameters which give rise to a large GMR ratio turn out to be (i) a strong spin polarization of the magnetic metal, (ii) a large energy offset between the conduction band of the non-magnetic metal and one of spin sub-bands of the magnetic metal, and (iii) strong interband scattering in one of spin sub-bands of a magnetic metal. The present results show that GMR oscillates with variation of the thickness of either non-magnetic or magnetic layers, as observed experimentally.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Peer-review in a world with rational scientists: Toward selection of the average

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    One of the virtues of peer review is that it provides a self-regulating selection mechanism for scientific work, papers and projects. Peer review as a selection mechanism is hard to evaluate in terms of its efficiency. Serious efforts to understand its strengths and weaknesses have not yet lead to clear answers. In theory peer review works if the involved parties (editors and referees) conform to a set of requirements, such as love for high quality science, objectiveness, and absence of biases, nepotism, friend and clique networks, selfishness, etc. If these requirements are violated, what is the effect on the selection of high quality work? We study this question with a simple agent based model. In particular we are interested in the effects of rational referees, who might not have any incentive to see high quality work other than their own published or promoted. We find that a small fraction of incorrect (selfish or rational) referees can drastically reduce the quality of the published (accepted) scientific standard. We quantify the fraction for which peer review will no longer select better than pure chance. Decline of quality of accepted scientific work is shown as a function of the fraction of rational and unqualified referees. We show how a simple quality-increasing policy of e.g. a journal can lead to a loss in overall scientific quality, and how mutual support-networks of authors and referees deteriorate the system.Comment: 5 pages 4 figure

    X-ray photoemission spectroscopy determination of the InN/yttria stabilized cubic-zirconia valence band offset

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    The valence band offset of wurtzite InN(0001)/yttria stabilized cubic-zirconia (YSZ)(111) heterojunctions is determined by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy to be 1.19±0.17 eV giving a conduction band offset of 3.06±0.20 eV. Consequently, a type-I heterojunction forms between InN and YSZ in the straddling arrangement. The low lattice mismatch and high band offsets suggest potential for use of YSZ as a gate dielectric in high-frequency InN-based electronic devices

    A Hartree-Fock Study of Persistent Currents in Disordered Rings

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    For a system of spinless fermions in a disordered mesoscopic ring, interactions can give rise to an enhancement of the persistent current by orders of magnitude. The increase in the current is associated with a charge reorganization of the ground state. The interaction strength for which this reorganization takes place is sample-dependent and the log-averages over the ensemble are not representative. In this paper we demonstrate that the Hartree-Fock method closely reproduces results obtained by exact diagonalization. For spinless fermions subject to a short-range Coulomb repulsion U we show that due to charge reorganization the derivative of the persistent current is a discontinuous function of U. Having established that the Hartree-Fock method works well in one dimension, we present corresponding results for persistent currents in two coupled chains.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Conductance Oscillations in Transition Metal Superlattices

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    We present a numerical study of conductance oscillations of transition metal multilayers as a function of layer thickness. Using a material-specific tight-binding model, we show that for disorder-free layers with random thicknesses but clean interfaces, long-period oscillations in the conductance can occur, which are reminiscent of those found in structures exhibiting GMR. Using a heuristic effective mass model, we argue that these oscillations arise from beating between the Fermi wavevector and a class of wavevectors characteristic of the superlattice structure.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Bandgap and effective mass of epitaxial cadmium oxide

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    The bandgap and band-edge effective mass of single crystal cadmium oxide, epitaxially grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy, are determined from infrared reflectivity, ultraviolet/visible absorption, and Hall effect measurements. Analysis and simulation of the optical data, including effects of band nonparabolicity, Moss-Burstein band filling and bandgap renormalization, reveal room temperature bandgap and band-edge effective mass values of 2.16±0.02 eV and 0.21±0.01m0 respectively

    Public sector reforms, privatisation and regimes of control in a Chinese enterprise

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    The Chinese economic reform has recently become a major focus of attention around the world. The underlying rationale for the Chinese government's privatisation and public sector reforms is the view that reformed state enterprises and privately managed firms will demonstrate superior management control and better performance, and hence encourage economic growth and employment. There are very few intensive case studies published in English journals studying whether firms privatised in China have reversed previous losses and introduced better management controls, leading to increased investment, productivity, and overall organizational effectiveness and efficiency. The researchers do not seek to deny the control problems of Chinese SOEs, but question the consequences of the new controls installed during the post-privatisation period. The paper also reveals a declining tendency in employment; altered distributions of wealth ? especially to the state ? and labour, and a lack of improvements in the accountability of privatised companies. Overall, the paper argues, the aims of reform policies in China, including better control, increased profitability and an improved working life for Chinese people, have not materialized. The paper calls for more research on the above issues in the Chinese context
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