13,206 research outputs found

    Optimal Mass Configurations for Lensing High-Redshift Galaxies

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    We investigate the gravitational lensing properties of lines of sight containing multiple cluster-scale halos, motivated by their ability to lens very high-redshift (z ~ 10) sources into detectability. We control for the total mass along the line of sight, isolating the effects of distributing the mass among multiple halos and of varying the physical properties of the halos. Our results show that multiple-halo lines of sight can increase the magnified source-plane region compared to the single cluster lenses typically targeted for lensing studies, and thus are generally better fields for detecting very high-redshift sources. The configurations that result in optimal lensing cross sections benefit from interactions between the lens potentials of the halos when they overlap somewhat on the sky, creating regions of high magnification in the source plane not present when the halos are considered individually. The effect of these interactions on the lensing cross section can even be comparable to changing the total mass of the lens from 10^15 M_sun to 3x10^15 M_sun. The gain in lensing cross section increases as the mass is split into more halos, provided that the lens potentials are projected close enough to interact with each other. A nonzero projected halo angular separation, equal halo mass ratio, and high projected halo concentration are the best mass configurations, whereas projected halo ellipticity, halo triaxiality, and the relative orientations of the halos are less important. Such high mass, multiple-halo lines of sight exist in the SDSS.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; emulateapj format; 24 pages, 13 figures, 1 table; plots updated to reflect erratu

    Multiphase PC/PL Relations: Comparison between Theory and observations

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    Cepheids are fundamental objects astrophysically in that they hold the key to a CMB independent estimate of Hubble's constant. A number of researchers have pointed out the possibilities of breaking degeneracies between Omega_Matter and H0 if there is a CMB independent distance scale accurate to a few percent (Hu 2005). Current uncertainties in the distance scale are about 10% but future observations, with, for example, the JWST, will be capable of estimating H0 to within a few percent. A crucial step in this process is the Cepheid PL relation. Recent evidence has emerged that the PL relation, at least in optical bands, is nonlinear and that neglect of such a nonlinearity can lead to errors in estimating H0 of up to 2 percent. Hence it is important to critically examine this possible nonlinearity both observationally and theoretically. Existing PC/PL relations rely exclusively on evaluating these relations at mean light. However, since such relations are the average of relations at different phases. Here we report on recent attempts to compare theory and observation in the multiphase PC/PL planes. We construct state of the art Cepheid pulsations models appropriate for the LMC/Galaxy and compare the resulting PC/PL relations as a function of phase with observations. For the LMC, the (V-I) period-color relation at minimum light can have quite a narrow dispersion (0.2-0.3 mags) and thus could be useful in placing constraints on models. At longer periods, the models predict significantly redder (by about 0.2-0.3 mags) V-I colors. We discuss possible reasons for this and also compare PL relations at various phases of pulsation and find clear evidence in both theory and observations for a nonlinear PL relation.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, proceeding for "Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation", Santa Fe 200

    The Properties of Poor Groups of Galaxies: II. X-ray and Optical Comparisons

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    We use ROSAT PSPC data to study the X-ray properties of a sample of twelve poor groups that have extensive membership information (Zabludoff and Mulchaey 1997; Paper I). Diffuse X-ray emission is detected in nine of these groups. In all but one of the X-ray detected groups, the X-ray emission is centered on a luminous elliptical galaxy. Fits to the surface brightness profiles of the X-ray emission suggest the presence of two X-ray components in these groups. The first component is centered on the central elliptical galaxy. The location and extent of this component, combined with its X-ray temperature and luminosity, favor an origin in the interstellar medium of the central galaxy. Alternatively, the central component may be the result of a large-scale cooling flow. The second X-ray component is detected out to a radius of at least 100-300 kpc. This component follows the same relationships found among the X-ray temperature, X-ray luminosity and optical velocity dispersion of rich clusters. This result suggests that the X-ray detected groups are low-mass versions of clusters and that the extended gas component can properly be called the intragroup medium, in analogy to the intracluster medium in clusters. We also find a trend for the position angle of the optical light in the central elliptical galaxy to align with the position angle of the large-scale X-ray emission. (Abridged)Comment: 38 pages, AASLaTeX with 16 PS figures. Figure 1a-1l available in gzipped postscript format at ftp://corvus.ociw.edu/pub/mulchae

    White Dwarf Mergers on Adaptive Meshes I. Methodology and Code Verification

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    The Type Ia supernova progenitor problem is one of the most perplexing and exciting problems in astrophysics, requiring detailed numerical modeling to complement observations of these explosions. One possible progenitor that has merited recent theoretical attention is the white dwarf merger scenario, which has the potential to naturally explain many of the observed characteristics of Type Ia supernovae. To date there have been relatively few self-consistent simulations of merging white dwarf systems using mesh-based hydrodynamics. This is the first paper in a series describing simulations of these systems using a hydrodynamics code with adaptive mesh refinement. In this paper we describe our numerical methodology and discuss our implementation in the compressible hydrodynamics code CASTRO, which solves the Euler equations, and the Poisson equation for self-gravity, and couples the gravitational and rotation forces to the hydrodynamics. Standard techniques for coupling gravitation and rotation forces to the hydrodynamics do not adequately conserve the total energy of the system for our problem, but recent advances in the literature allow progress and we discuss our implementation here. We present a set of test problems demonstrating the extent to which our software sufficiently models a system where large amounts of mass are advected on the computational domain over long timescales. Future papers in this series will describe our treatment of the initial conditions of these systems and will examine the early phases of the merger to determine its viability for triggering a thermonuclear detonation.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Conservative Initial Mapping For Multidimensional Simulations of Stellar Explosions

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    Mapping one-dimensional stellar profiles onto multidimensional grids as initial conditions for hydrodynamics calculations can lead to numerical artifacts, one of the most severe of which is the violation of conservation laws for physical quantities such as energy and mass. Here we introduce a numerical scheme for mapping one-dimensional spherically-symmetric data onto multidimensional meshes so that these physical quantities are conserved. We validate our scheme by porting a realistic 1D Lagrangian stellar profile to the new multidimensional Eulerian hydro code CASTRO. Our results show that all important features in the profiles are reproduced on the new grid and that conservation laws are enforced at all resolutions after mapping.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Proceeding for Conference on Computational Physics (CCP 2011

    Joint Strong and Weak Lensing Analysis of the Massive Cluster Field J0850+3604

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    We present a combined strong and weak lensing analysis of the J085007.6+360428 (J0850) field, which was selected by its high projected concentration of luminous red galaxies and contains the massive cluster Zwicky 1953. Using Subaru/Suprime-Cam BVRcIci′z′BVR_{c}I_{c}i^{\prime}z^{\prime} imaging and MMT/Hectospec spectroscopy, we first perform a weak lensing shear analysis to constrain the mass distribution in this field, including the cluster at z=0.3774z = 0.3774 and a smaller foreground halo at z=0.2713z = 0.2713. We then add a strong lensing constraint from a multiply-imaged galaxy in the imaging data with a photometric redshift of z≈5.03z \approx 5.03. Unlike previous cluster-scale lens analyses, our technique accounts for the full three-dimensional mass structure in the beam, including galaxies along the line of sight. In contrast with past cluster analyses that use only lensed image positions as constraints, we use the full surface brightness distribution of the images. This method predicts that the source galaxy crosses a lensing caustic such that one image is a highly-magnified "fold arc", which could be used to probe the source galaxy's structure at ultra-high spatial resolution (<30< 30 pc). We calculate the mass of the primary cluster to be Mvir=2.93−0.65+0.71×1015 M⊙\mathrm{M_{vir}} = 2.93_{-0.65}^{+0.71} \times 10^{15}~\mathrm{M_{\odot}} with a concentration of cvir=3.46−0.59+0.70\mathrm{c_{vir}} = 3.46_{-0.59}^{+0.70}, consistent with the mass-concentration relation of massive clusters at a similar redshift. The large mass of this cluster makes J0850 an excellent field for leveraging lensing magnification to search for high-redshift galaxies, competitive with and complementary to that of well-studied clusters such as the HST Frontier Fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 14 pages, 13 figures, 3 table
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