6,063 research outputs found

    Classical Literature for Modern Children: Books about the Roman World

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    Population ageing and changes in the age structure of Slovakia

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    В сборнике материалов конференции отражены научно-методические и прикладные результаты научных исследований, анализа, оценки, регулирования, картографического и ГИС-обеспечения современных структурных и региональных сдвигов в мировом хозяйстве, социально-экономической модернизации стран и регионов СНГ в условиях глобализации, инновационных факторов социально-экономического развития регионов Беларуси, демографического развития и социально-демографических рисков стран, современных региональных проблем развития туризма, природно-ресурсного потенциала стран и регионов, геоэкологических аспектов стратегии устойчивого развития. Адресуется преподавателям, научным работникам, студентам и аспирантам вузов, сотрудникам органов управления

    Josephson Effect in Pb/I/NbSe2 Scanning Tunneling Microscope Junctions

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    We have developed a method for the reproducible fabrication of superconducting scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tips. We use these tips to form superconductor/insulator/superconductor tunnel junctions with the STM tip as one of the electrodes. We show that such junctions exhibit fluctuation dominated Josephson effects, and describe how the Josephson product IcRn can be inferred from the junctions' tunneling characteristics in this regime. This is first demonstrated for tunneling into Pb films, and then applied in studies of single crystals of NbSe2. We find that in NbSe2, IcRn is lower than expected, which could be attributed to the interplay between superconductivity and the coexisting charge density wave in this material.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Presented at the New3SC-4 meeting, San Diego, Jan. 16-21 200

    Neural cell adhesion molecules in rat endocrine tissues and tumor cells: distribution and molecular analysis

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    The adhesive properties of neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) can be modified by alternative splicing of the primary transcript or posttranslational modifications. In the present study, we describe distinct forms of alternative splicing and posttranslational modification of the extracellular domain of NCAM of various endocrine tissues and derived tumor cells of the rat. Using an antiserum detecting the immunoglobulin-like domains of NCAM as well as a monoclonal antibody recognizing the NCAM-specific polysialic acid (PSA), we observed a similar staining pattern in adrenals, pituitary, and neoplastic endocrine cells. In endocrine tumor cells [pheochromocytoma (PC12), insulinoma (RINA2), and pituitary tumor cells (GH3)], NCAM immunoreactivity was most intense at contact sites between the cells. The immunocytochemical data were substantiated by results of in situ hybridization histochemistry. Specifically, higher levels of NCAM mRNA were detected in the adrenal cortex than in the medulla. In the pituitary, NCAM mRNA was more abundant in the anterior and intermediate lobes than in the neural lobe. The sequence of NCAM mRNAs in endocrine cells was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction and S1 nuclease protection assays. We found that major exons 4-13 of the NCAM mRNA in endocrine tissues and related tumor cell lines were homologous to those in the brain. However, PC12, RINA2, and GH3 tumor cells; normal rat pituitaries; and adrenals contained different amounts of NCAM mRNA with an alternative extra exon, termed VASE (also called pi in mouse) between constitutive exons 7 and 8. In addition, in pituitaries, we detected an alternative exon in splice site a between the constitutive exons 12 and 13, termed a15, with or without an AAG triplett. These sites are thought to be important for the adhesive properties of NCAM. Therefore, these results suggest that modifications of NCAM may be important for adhesive interactions in normal and neoplastic endocrine cells

    Implications of a Quantum Mechanical Treatment of the Universe

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    We attempt to treat the very early Universe according to quantum mechanics. Identifying the scale factor of the Universe with the width of the wave packet associated with it, we show that there cannot be an initial singularity and that the Universe expands. Invoking the correspondence principle, we obtain the scale factor of the Universe and demonstrate that the causality problem of the standard model is solved.Comment: LaTex, 5 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Observation of Modulated Quadrupolar Structures in PrPb3

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    Neutron diffraction measurements have been performed on the cubic compound PrPb3 in a [001] magnetic field to examine the quadrupolar ordering. Antiferromagnetic components with q=(1/2+-d 1/2 0), (1/2 1/2+-d 0) (d~1/8) are observed below the transition temperature TQ (0.4 K at H=0) whose amplitudes vary linear with H and vanish at zero field, providing the first evidence for a modulated quadrupolar phase. For H<1 T, a non-square modulated state persists even below 100 mK suggesting quadrupole moments associated with a Gamma3 doublet ground state to be partially quenched by hybridization with conduction electrons.Comment: Physical Review Letters, in press. 4 pages, 4 figure

    CMB Lensing Reconstruction in Real Space

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    We explore the reconstruction of the gravitational lensing field of the cosmic microwave background in real space showing that very little statistical information is lost when estimators of short range on the celestial sphere are used in place of the customary estimators in harmonic space, which are nonlocal and in principle require a simultaneous analysis of the entire sky without any cuts or excisions. Because virtually all the information relevant to lensing reconstruction lies on angular scales close to the resolution scale of the sky map, the gravitational lensing dilatation and shear fields (which unlike the deflection field or lensing potential are directly related to the observations in a local manner) may be reconstructed by means of quadratic combinations involving only very closely separated pixels. Even though harmonic space provides a more natural context for understanding lensing reconstruction theoretically, the real space methods developed here have the virtue of being faster to implement and are likely to prove useful for analyzing realistic maps containing a galactic cut and possibly numerous small excisions to exclude point sources that cannot be reliably subtracted.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Images in clinical medicine. Meckel\u27s diverticulum

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