214 research outputs found

    Packing While Traveling: Mixed Integer Programming for a Class of Nonlinear Knapsack Problems

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    Packing and vehicle routing problems play an important role in the area of supply chain management. In this paper, we introduce a non-linear knapsack problem that occurs when packing items along a fixed route and taking into account travel time. We investigate constrained and unconstrained versions of the problem and show that both are NP-hard. In order to solve the problems, we provide a pre-processing scheme as well as exact and approximate mixed integer programming (MIP) solutions. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of the MIP solutions and in particular point out that the approximate MIP approach often leads to near optimal results within far less computation time than the exact approach

    Leadership training to improve adenoma detection rate in screening colonoscopy: A randomised trial

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    Objective Suboptimal adenoma detection rate (ADR) at colonoscopy is associated with increased risk of interval colorectal cancer. It is uncertain how ADR might be improved. We compared t

    Expression and analysis of the glycosylation properties of recombinant human erythropoietin expressed in Pichia pastoris

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    The Pichia pastoris expression system was used to produce recombinant human erythropoietin, a protein synthesized by the adult kidney and responsible for the regulation of red blood cell production. The entire recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) gene was constructed using the Splicing by Overlap Extension by PCR (SOE-PCR) technique, cloned and expressed through the secretory pathway of the Pichia expression system. Recombinant erythropoietin was successfully expressed in P. pastoris. The estimated molecular mass of the expressed protein ranged from 32 kDa to 75 kDa, with the variation in size being attributed to the presence of rhEPO glycosylation analogs. A crude functional analysis of the soluble proteins showed that all of the forms were active in vivo

    Improved breast cancer survival following introduction of an organized mammography screening program among both screened and unscreened women: a population-based cohort study

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    Introduction: Mammography screening reduces breast cancer mortality through earlier diagnosis but may convey further benefit if screening is associated with optimized treatment through multidisciplinary medical care. In Norway, a national mammography screening program was introduced among women aged 50 to 69 years during 1995/6 to 2004. Also during this time, multidisciplinary breast cancer care units were implemented. Methods: We constructed three cohorts of breast cancer patients: 1) the pre-program group comprising women diagnosed and treated before mammography screening began in their county of residence, 2) the post-program group comprising women diagnosed and treated through multidisciplinary breast cancer care units in their county but before they had been invited to mammography screening; and 3) the screening group comprising women diagnosed and treated after invitation to screening. We calculated Kaplan-Meier plots and multivariable Cox proportional hazard models. Results: We studied 41,833 women with breast cancer. The nine-year breast cancer-specific survival rate was 0.66 (95%CI: 0.65 to 0.67) in the pre-program group; 0.72 (95%CI: 0.70 to 0.74) in the post-program group; and 0.84 (95%CI: 0.80 to 0.88) in the screening group. In multivariable analyses, the risk of death from breast cancer was 14% lower in the post-program group than in the pre-program group (hazard ratio 0.86; (95%CI: 0.78 to 0.95, P = 0.003)). Conclusions: After nine years follow-up, at least 33% of the improved survival is attributable to improved breast cancer management through multidisciplinary medical care

    Przygotowanie jelita do kolonoskopii: Zalecenia Europejskiego Towarzystwa Endoskopii Przewodu Pokarmowego

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     CEL: Niniejsze zalecania są oficjalnym stanowiskiem Europejskiego Towarzystwa Endoskopii Przewodu Pokarmowego (ESGE, European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy) na temat wyboru sposobu przygotowania jelita do kolonoskopii.METODY: Zalecania opracowano na podstawie przeglądu literatury ukierunkowanego na dowody dotyczące przygotowania jelita do kolonoskopii. Siła zaleceń i jakość dowodów, na których je oparto zostały określone przy użyciu systemu GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation).WYNIKI: Najważniejsze zalecenia są następujące:1. ESGE zaleca w dniu poprzedzającym kolonoskopię dietę ubogoresztkową (słabe zalecenie, dowody umiarkowanej jakości);2. ESGE zaleca w rutynowym przygotowaniu do kolonoskopii 4 litry roztworu glikolu polietylenowego (PEG) w dwóch dawkach podzielonych lub, w przypadku kolonoskopii wykonywanej po południu, w jednorazowej dawce porannej. Alternatywą, szczególnie w przygotowaniu do kolonoskopii w warunkach ambulatoryjnych, może być podanie 2 l PEG z kwasem askorbinowym lub pikosiarczanu sodu z cytrynianem magnezu w dwóch dawkach podzielonych lub, w przypadku kolonoskopii wykonywanej po południu, w jednorazowej dawce porannej (silne zalecenie, dowody wysokiej jakości). Odstęp pomiędzy ostatnią dawką preparatu do przygotowania a kolonoskopią nie powinien przekraczać 4 godzin;3. ESGE radzi ze względów bezpieczeństwa nie używać rutynowo do przygotowania do kolonoskopii preparatów fosforanu sodu (silne zalecenie, dowody niskiej jakości).

    OVERHEATED SECURITY? The Securitisation of Climate Change and the Governmentalisation of Security

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    Since the mid-2000s, climate change has become one of the defining security issues in political as well as academic debates and amongst others has repeatedly been discussed in the UN Security Council and countless high level government reports in various countries. Beyond the question whether the characterisation as ‘security issue’ is backed up by any robust empirical findings, this begs the question whether the ‘securitisation’ of climate change itself has had tangible political consequences. Moreover, within this research area there is still a lively discussion about which security conceptions apply, how to conceptualise (successful) securitisation and whether it is a (politically and normatively) desirable approach to deal with climate change. The aim of this dissertation is to shed light on these issues and particularly to contribute to a more thorough understanding of different forms or ‘discourses’ of securitisation and their political effects on a theoretical and empirical level. Theoretically, it conceptualises securitisation as resting on different forms of power, which are derived from Michel Foucault’s governmentality lectures. The main argument is that this framework allows me to better capture the ambiguous and diverse variants of securitisation and the ever-changing concept of security as well as to come to a more thorough understanding of the political consequences and powerful effects of constructing issues in terms of security. Empirically, the thesis looks at three country cases, namely the United States, Germany and Mexico. This comparative angle allows me to go beyond the existing literature on the securitisation of climate change that mostly looks at the global level, and to come to a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of different climate security discourses and their political consequences. Concerning the main results, the thesis finds that climate change has indeed been securitised very differently in the three countries and thus has facilitated diverse political consequences. These range from an incorporation of climate change into the defence sector in the US, the legitimisation of far-reaching climate policies in Germany, to the integration of climate change into several civil protection and agricultural insurance schemes in Mexico. Moreover, resting on different forms of power, the securitisation of climate change has played a key role in constructing specific actors and forms of knowledge as legitimate as well as in shaping certain identities in the face of the dangers of climate change. From a normative perspective, neither of these political consequences is purely good or bad but highly ambiguous and necessitates a careful, contextual assessment