621 research outputs found

    Doubling of background solution in 5D stabilized brane world model

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    We discuss a model providing two different stationary background solutions with flat and dS4dS_{4} metric on the branes under the same values of the fundamental parameters. It is shown that only an additional fine-tuning of the brane scalar field potentials can provide a separation between two background solutions.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, typos correcte

    Gauge Coupling Variation in Brane Models

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    We consider the space-time variation of gauge couplings in brane-world models induced by the coupling to a bulk scalar field. A variation is generated by the running of the gauge couplings with energy and a conformal anomaly while going from the Jordan to the Einstein frame. We indicate that the one-loop corrections cancel implying that one obtains a variation of the fine structure constant by either directly coupling the gauge fields to the bulk scalar field or having bulk scalar field dependent Yukawa couplings. Taking into account the cosmological dynamics of the bulk scalar field, we constrain the strength of the gauge coupling dependence on the bulk scalar field and relate it to modifications of gravity at low energy.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    CMB Anisotropies in the Presence of Extra Dimensions

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    We discuss the effect of the time evolution of extra dimensions on CMB anisotropies and large-scale structure formation. We study the impact of scalar fields in a low-energy effective description of a general class of brane world models on the temperature anisotropy power spectrum. We show that when the coupling between these scalar fields and matter evolves over cosmological timescales, current observations of the CMB anisotropies can constrain primordial values of the fields in a manner complementary to local, late-time tests of gravity. We also present the effect of these fields on the polarization anisotropy spectra and the growth of large-scale structure, showing that future CMB observations will constrain theories of the Universe involving extra dimensions even further.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Varying Constants in Brane World Scenarios

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    Higher-dimensional theories imply that some constants, such as the gravitational constant and the strength of the gauge-couplings, are not fundamental constants. Instead they are related to the sizes of the extra--dimensional space, which are moduli fields in the four--dimensional effective theory. We study the cosmological evolution of the moduli fields appearing in brane world scenarios and discuss the implications for varying constants.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures; based on a talk given by C. van de Bruck at JENAM 2002, Porto; typos correcte

    Cosmological Evolution of Brane World Moduli

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    We study cosmological consequences of non-constant brane world moduli in five dimensional brane world models with bulk scalars and two boundary branes. We focus on the case where the brane tension is an exponential function of the bulk scalar field, Ubexp(αϕ)U_b \propto \exp{(\alpha \phi)}. In the limit α0\alpha \to 0, the model reduces to the two-brane model of Randall-Sundrum, whereas larger values of α\alpha allow for a less warped bulk geometry. Using the moduli space approximation, we derive the four-dimensional low-energy effective action from a supergravity-inspired five-dimensional theory. For arbitrary values of α\alpha, the resulting theory has the form of a bi-scalar-tensor theory. We show that, in order to be consistent with local gravitational observations, α\alpha has to be small (less than 10210^{-2}) and the separation of the branes must be large. We study the cosmological evolution of the interbrane distance and the bulk scalar field for different matter contents on each branes. Our findings indicate that attractor solutions exist which drive the moduli fields towards values consistent with observations. The efficiency of the attractor mechanism crucially depends on the matter content on each branes. In the five-dimensional description, the attractors correspond to the motion of the negative tension brane towards a bulk singularity, which signals the eventual breakdown of the four-dimensional description and the necessity of a better understanding of the bulk singularity.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, typos and factor of 2 corrected, version to appear in Physical Review

    Bulk scalar field in DGP braneworld cosmology

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    We investigated the effects of bulk scalar field in the braneworld cosmological scenario. The Friedmann equations and acceleration condition in presence of the bulk scalar field for a zero tension brane and cosmological constant are studied. In DGP model the effective Einstein equation on the brane is obtained with bulk scalar field. The rescaled bulk scalar field on the brane in the DGP model behaves as an effective four dimensional field, thus standard type cosmology is recovered. In present study of the DGP model, the late-time accelerating phase of the universe can be explained .Comment: 10 pages, to appear in JCA

    On orbifold theory and N=2, D=5 gauged supergravity

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    We have studied the most general N=2 supergravity in five dimensions in context with the orbifold theory based on M4×S1/Z2M_4 \times S^1/Z_2. Various ways to treat the supersymmetry with singular sources placed in orbifold fixed points were proposed in past. Supersymmetric branes were consistently introduced in a bulk where a gauged supergravity was present. In this paper we find that in the N=2,D=5N=2,D=5 supergravity with general gauging, the possibility to obtain a supersymmetric brane world is constrained. Imposing the compatibility of supersymmetry transformation rules with the orbifold condition, we find the necessary and sufficient condition to obtain supersymmetric branes and bulk independently. We comment that the same condition guarantees naturally the presence of singular BPS solutions.Comment: 16 page

    Braneworld Flux Inflation

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    We propose a geometrical model of brane inflation where inflation is driven by the flux generated by opposing brane charges and terminated by the collision of the branes, with charge annihilation. We assume the collision process is completely inelastic and the kinetic energy is transformed into the thermal energy after collision. Thereafter the two branes coalesce together and behave as a single brane universe with zero effective cosmological constant. In the Einstein frame, the 4-dimensional effective theory changes abruptly at the collision point. Therefore, our inflationary model is necessarily 5-dimensional in nature. As the collision process has no singularity in 5-dimensional gravity, we can follow the evolution of fluctuations during the whole history of the universe. It turns out that the radion field fluctuations have a steeply tilted, red spectrum, while the primordial gravitational waves have a flat spectrum. Instead, primordial density perturbations could be generated by a curvaton mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, references adde

    Dark matter relic density from conformally or disformally coupled light scalars

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    Thermal freeze-out is a prominent example of dark matter (DM) production mechanism in the early Universe that can yield the correct relic density of stable weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). At the other end of the mass scale, many popular extensions of the Standard Model predict the existence of ultra-light scalar fields. These can be coupled to matter, preferentially in a universal and shift-symmetry-preserving way. We study the impact of such conformal and disformal couplings on the relic density of WIMPs, without introducing modifications to the thermal history of the Universe. This can either result in an additional thermal contribution to the DM relic density or suppress otherwise too large abundances compared to the observed levels. In this work, we assume that the WIMPs only interact with the standard model via the light scalar portal. We use simple models of fermionic or scalar DM, although a similar discussion holds for more sophisticated scenarios, and predict that their masses should be between ∼100 GeV and several TeV to comply both with the DM abundance and current bounds on the couplings of the light scalars to matter at the LHC. Future searches will tighten these bounds