14 research outputs found

    Estimation du sexe fƓtal à partir de l’ilium

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    La dĂ©termination du sexe est une des problĂ©matiques les plus frĂ©quemment rencontrĂ©es en anthropologie mĂ©dico-lĂ©gale. Chez l’adulte, cette dĂ©termination est essentiellement basĂ©e sur l’os iliaque et autorise un trĂšs fort taux de classification correcte, tandis que chez le fƓtus, les Ă©tudes sont beaucoup moins nombreuses et conduisent Ă  des rĂ©sultats souvent contradictoires.Nous avons recherchĂ© sur 83 paires d’ilia fƓtaux de la collection ostĂ©ologique hongroise de Fazekas et Kosa quels Ă©taient les critĂšres mĂ©triques qui dĂ©crivaient le mieux le dimorphisme sexuel, en Ă©valuant les diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes proposĂ©es sur l’ilium fƓtal et en adaptant certaines de celles proposĂ©es chez l’adulte. Nous avons pour cela Ă©tabli et validĂ© un protocole de prise de clichĂ©s photographiques et une mĂ©thode de mesure sur image numĂ©risĂ©e Ă  partir du logiciel Adobe Photoshop 6‚.Certains des paramĂštres retenus dans l’étude – principalement ceux qui ont Ă©tĂ© relevĂ©s sur l’échancrure ischiatique – prĂ©sentant de fortes corrĂ©lations avec le sexe, nous avons Ă©tabli une rĂ©gression logistique estimant la probabilitĂ© d’appartenir Ă  l’un ou l’autre des deux sexes. Le faible pourcentage de discrimination sexuelle obtenu avec cette formule nous a amenĂ© Ă  tenir compte de l’ñge : nous avons donc structurĂ© notre Ă©chantillon en diffĂ©rents groupes d’ñge et avons Ă©tabli une formule permettant de dĂ©terminer correctement le sexe dans plus de 85 % des cas (sur l’échantillon qui a servi Ă  l’établir) pour les fƓtus dont l’ñge est infĂ©rieur Ă  26 semaines d’amĂ©norrhĂ©e.Sex estimation is one of the most frequently encountered issues in forensic medicine. While in the case of adults this determination is essentially based on iliac bones and provides a rather reliable classification, there are fewer studies conducted on fetuses and the results are often contradictory.Therefore, we examinated 83 pairs of fetal iliac bones in the Hungarian collection of Fazekas and Kosa and searched for metric criteria that can the best be applied for determining sexual dimorphism. During this research, we tested the different methods proposed for fetal iliac bones and adapted some others used particularly in the case of adults.For this reason, we set up and validated a protocol of taking photographs, as well as a measurement technique developed for numeric pictures with the help of a software program, Adobe Photoshop 6‚.During this study, we selected certain parameters, principally the ones taken on the great sciatic notch, which showed a strong correlation with sex, and we established a logistic regression for estimating the probability of belonging to one sex or the other.The weak percentage of sexual differentiation obtained by this formula led us to take into account age: we organised our sample in different age groups and established a formula that permits correct sex determination in more than 85% of cases (in our sample) for fetuses that are less than 24 gestational weeks old

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Altered Risk of Lung Cancer in a Population-Based Case-Control Study

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been consistently associated with increased risk of lung cancer. However, previous studies have had limited ability to determine whether the association is due to smoking. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The Environment And Genetics in Lung cancer Etiology (EAGLE) population-based case-control study recruited 2100 cases and 2120 controls, of whom 1934 cases and 2108 controls reported about diagnosis of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, COPD (chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema), or asthma more than 1 year before enrollment. We estimated odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) using logistic regression. After adjustment for smoking, other previous lung diseases, and study design variables, lung cancer risk was elevated among individuals with a history of chronic bronchitis (OR = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.5-2.5), emphysema (OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.4-2.8), or COPD (OR = 2.5, 95% CI = 2.0-3.1). Among current smokers, association between chronic bronchitis and lung cancer was strongest among lighter smokers. Asthma was associated with a decreased risk of lung cancer in males (OR = 0.48, 95% CI = 0.30-0.78). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that the associations of personal history of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and COPD with increased risk of lung cancer are not entirely due to smoking. Inflammatory processes may both contribute to COPD and be important for lung carcinogenesis

    Reported prevalence and co-morbidity of asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema: A pan-European estimation

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    OBJECTIVE: Comparable population-based data exist at the European level for asthma but not for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Data from the World Health Organization's Large Analysis and Review of European Housing and Health Status Study conducted in random samples from eight European cities were used 1) to describe the prevalence of chronic bronchitis and emphysema (CBE) and asthma according to socio-demography, addictions, physical activities and body mass index; and 2) to identify the co-morbidities of these respiratory diseases. DESIGN: A total of 6915 adults filled out a standardised questionnaire on health outcomes, including major respiratory diseases and individual characteristics. RESULTS: Data showed that in the year preceding the survey, 3.3% of individuals had been diagnosed or treated for asthma and 6.2% for CBE. One per cent suffered simultaneously from both. Large variations were observed between cities. Physical activities and never smoking were inversely associated with CBE, independently of sociocultural differences between the eight cities. Furthermore, both asthma and CBE were significantly related to several non-respiratory diseases, after adjustment for potential confounders. CONCLUSION: Population-based data from eight European cities show that there is a link between chronic respiratory diseases and various non-respiratory comorbidities that needs further investigation. © 2007 The Union

    Reported prevalence and co-morbidity of asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema: a pan-European estimation.

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: Comparable population-based data exist at the European level for asthma but not for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Data from the World Health Organization's Large Analysis and Review of European Housing and Health Status Study conducted in random samples from eight European cities were used 1) to describe the prevalence of chronic bronchitis and emphysema (CBE) and asthma according to socio-demography, addictions, physical activities and body mass index; and 2) to identify the co-morbidities of these respiratory diseases. DESIGN: A total of 6915 adults filled out a standardised questionnaire on health outcomes, including major respiratory diseases and individual characteristics. RESULTS: Data showed that in the year preceding the survey, 3.3% of individuals had been diagnosed or treated for asthma and 6.2% for CBE. One per cent suffered simultaneously from both. Large variations were observed between cities. Physical activities and never smoking were inversely associated with CBE, independently of socio-cultural differences between the eight cities. Furthermore, both asthma and CBE were significantly related to several non-respiratory diseases, after adjustment for potential confounders. CONCLUSION: Population-based data from eight European cities show that there is a link between chronic respiratory diseases and various non-respiratory co-morbidities that needs further investigation

    The influence of water activity and temperature on germination, growth and sporulation of stachybotrys chartarum strains

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    The objectives were to determine theinfluence of water activity (aw, 0.997-0.92) andtemperature (10-37C) and their interactions onconidial germination, mycelial growth and sporulationof two strains of Stachybotrys chartarum in vitroon a potato dextrose medium. Studies were carriedout by modifying the medium with glycerol andeither spread plating with conidia to evaluate germinationand germ tube extension or centrally inoculatingtreatment media for measuring mycelialgrowth rates and harvesting whole colonies fordetermining sporulation. Overall, germination ofconidia was significantly influenced by aw andtemperature and was fastest at 0.997-0.98 aw between15 and 30C with complete germination within 24 h.Germ tube extension was found to be most rapid atsimilar aw levels and 25-30C. Mycelial growth ratesof both strains were optimal at 0.997 aw between 25and 30C, with very little growth at 37C. Sporulationwas optimum at 30C at 0.997 aw. However,under drier conditions, this was optimum at 25C.This shows that there are differences in the ranges ofaw x temperature for germination and growth and forsporulation. This may help in understanding the roleof this fungal species in damp buildings and conditionsunder which immune-compromised patientsmay be at risk when exposed to such contaminantsin the indoor air environment