47 research outputs found

    PRA Perancangan Kapal Pariwisata Di Green Canyon Pangandaran

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    Kapal yang akan dirancang sebagai pengembangan pariwisata di objek wisata Green Canyon dan daerah sungai Cijulang harus memperhitungkan ukuran utama, rencana garis, rencana umum, analisa hidrostatik, stabilitas kapal dan analisis olah gerak kapal, serta pemilihan peralatan penyelamatan dan motor induk berdasarkan hasil perhitungan daya motor sesuai dengan hambatan yang dialami kapal, sehingga sarana pariwisata yang dirancang memiliki image yang baik karena sangat mengutamakan faktor keamanan dan Kenyamanan penumpang. Metode perancangan kapal pariwisata ini menggunakan kapal pembanding sebagai acuannya, dengan lambung kapal berbentuk katamaran, agar menambah kesan keselamatan, keamanan dan Kenyamanan penumpang. Setelah ukuran utama didapatkan maka analisa kelayakan lambung bisa didapatkan dari software pendukung perancangan kapal. Ukuran utama yang dihasilkan dari perhitungan adalah Lwl: 9,50 m, B: 4,00 m, T: 0,6 m, H: 1,5 m. Kapal pariwisata ini menggunakan dua buah tenaga penggerak berupa diesel outboard motors dengan daya yang dihasilkan sebesar 20 HP. Pada tinjauan stabilitas, hasil menunjukkan nilai GZ terbesar dan periode oleng tercepat terjadi pada saat kapal standby. Pada tinjauan olah gerak kapal pariwisata ini memiliki olah gerak yang baik terbukti tidak terjadi deck weaknes. Kemudian pada hasil gambar rencana umum, kapal memiliki space yang cukup untuk menampung penumpang lebih banyak, menata peralatan keselamatan, peralatan komunikasi dan navigas

    The counterintuitive mechanical response in simple tension of arterial models that are separable functions of the I1, I4, I6 invariants

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    It is shown that some of the orthotropic models reported in the literature for the mechanical response of elastic arteries and which assume a separable dependence on the invariants predict curious and unexpected behaviour in simple tension. Specifically it is shown that the out-of-plane stress response can be stiffer than the in-plane over a moderate range of strain and that when the in-plane response is much stiffer than the out-of-plane, as might be expected for a fibre-reinforced material, it is accompanied by a large auxetic response in the out-of-plane direction. This mechanical response for this class of orthotropic materials seems counterintuitive and it is hypothesised that it could be due to their well-known inability to fully recover the linear theory, on restriction to infinitesimal deformations. A generalisation of these models that is fully compatible with the linear theory is proposed. An alternative strategy of assuming that the fibres cannot support compression is shown not to be a universal remedy

    Elastic inhomogeneity and acoustic phonons in Pd-, Pt-, and Zr-based metallic glasses

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    We have investigated acoustic-phonon behavior of Pd-, Pt-, and Zr-based metallic glasses with the combination of inelastic x-ray scattering and ultrasonic (US) measurements. In the dispersion of the longitudinal acoustic modes at small wave number Q, the phase velocity of phonon tends to exceed the US velocity with a wavelength of macroscopic scale for Pd- and Pt-based glasses, whereas the former goes close to the latter for Zr-based glasses. Furthermore, in all the cases, the mean free path L of phonon apparently increases steeply at a certain Q value. These phenomena on the acoustic phonon behavior can be qualitatively explained by the elastic-wave-scattering theory with a simple two-phase model