452 research outputs found

    Cancellation of probe effects in measurements of spin polarized momentum density by electron positron annihilation

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    Measurements of the two dimensional angular correlation of the electron-positron annihilation radiation have been done in the past to detect the momentum spin density and the Fermi surface. We point out that the momentum spin density and the Fermi Surface of ferromagnetic metals can be revealed within great detail owing to the large cancellation of the electron-positron matrix elements which in paramagnetic multiatomic systems plague the interpretation of the experiments. We prove our conjecture by calculating the momentum spin density and the Fermi surface of the half metal CrO2, who has received large attention due to its possible applications as spintronics material

    Positronium reflection and positronium beams

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    Specular reflection of positronium, Ps was observed and that there is adequate intensity at higher energies to make further study worthwhile was established. The scattering appears to be restricted to the outermost surface with a mean free path of (0.75 + or - 0.15)A for Ps in LiF(100). With a greater intensity Ps beam one should see higher order diffraction beams as the result of the periodicity of the surface. Ps diffraction thus offers the possibility of being a novel and valuable probe to study the outermost surface and to study adsorbants on it. Two methods for producing Ps beams are described

    The Basic Communication Course at U.S. Colleges and Universities: VI

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    This is the sixth in a series of investigations of the basic communication course, begun in 1968 by members of the Undergraduate Speech Instruction Interest Group of the Speech Association of America. This study was replicated in 1974, 1980, 1985, and 1990. Each of these studies gathered and reported information on instructional practices and administrative issues in the basic course at two- and four-year colleges and universities. In this study, the survey instrument from 1990 was revised to reflect contemporary concerns and mailed to the National Communication Association mailing list of 1500 schools. Data were analyzed and presented from 292 responding schools covering institutional demographics and (1) general approach and orientation to the basic course, (2) pedagogy (which subsumes seven sub-categories), (3) enrollment description and dynamics, and (4) administrative concerns. Comparisons to past and studies indicate the basic communication course is thriving and growing, but some of the same problems continue today that beset the course in the past

    PHQ-2 Scores in Broward County’s Homeless: Prevalence, Barriers, and Proposed Solutions to Mental Health Disparities

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    Introduction: Florida ranks 9th in states with highest prevalence of mental illness among homeless individuals. The state also ranks 43rd of 52 states in providing adequate access for mental health concerns in homeless individuals. This study surveyed people experiencing homelessness in Broward County to investigate utilization of healthcare and mental health resources and accessibility of the target population to adequate care.. Aims included a collection of demographics concerning homelessness such as age and gender, prevalence of mental illness, history of substance use and emergency department, and then correlating these with scores from a standardized depression rating scale (PHQ-2). Methods: The Community Based Participatory Research model was employed while working with local volunteer organizations. Participants completed an 18 question survey and PHQ-2 at three feeding sites in Broward County, totaling 136 participants. . Results: 100% of participants surveyed had an income below $12,488, thereby falling in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) coverage gap. 66% stated “none” for insurance, 67% screened positive for depression with the PHQ-2 questionnaire, while 57% acknowledged having mental illness. Only 19% reported using the ER during mental health emergencies but 80% of this population had at least 1 ER visit within the year. Individuals who reported no to the question, “In the past year, was there ever a time when you were prescribed a drug but were unable to get it”, scored 1.23 points lower (95% CI: -0.33,-2.12) on the PHQ-2 than individuals who were able to obtain medications. Individuals who reported history of binge drinking, substance use and thoughts of suicide scored 1.21 points higher (95% CI: -0.14,-2.28) on the PHQ 2 than individuals who responded no. Discussion: Our results suggest a majority of homeless individuals need further assessment concerning depression. Based on the utilization of the ER, healthcare resource awareness is inadequately approached. Programs available are underutilized due to lack of awareness, accessibility and outreach. These findings encourage redistribution of funding and further advocate for resources available to this population

    Overlap of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: Common Mechanisms of Pathogenesis as a Key to Rational Therapy

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    Aim: to review the common risk factors and links in the pathogenesis of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) to optimize therapy of patients with a combination of multiple FGID.Key points. FGID occurs in more than 40 % of people globally, mainly affecting the working-age population in young and middle-aged subjects. At the same time, more than 30 % of patients have a combination of 2 or more functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorders i.e. overlap syndrome. Common links in the pathogenesis of FGID include disorders of gut-brain interaction, visceral hypersensitivity, changes in intestinal microbiota, overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines, impaired epithelial permeability and motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The combination of FGID in various gastrointestinal segments is associated with more pronounced clinical symptoms (mutual burden syndrome). Common risk factors and pathogenetic links of the functional disorders enables reducing the number of prescribed medications when several FGIDs overlap in one patient, which also increases adherence to therapy. Treatment of FGID includes adjustment of risk factors and drug therapy. As a pathogenetically justified pharmacotherapy of overlap syndrome, Kolofort, highly diluted antibodies to TNF-α, histamine and brain-specific protein S-100, is of interest.Conclusion. Kolofort has demonstrated high efficacy and safety including among patients with overlap FGID enabling to consider it as the treatment of choice in these patients

    Empirical Review of Youth-Employment Programs in Ghana

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    Ghana-s current youth unemployment rate is 19.7%, and the country faces a significant youth unemployment problem. While a range of youth-employment programs have been created over the years, no systematic documentation and evaluation of the impacts of these public initiatives has been undertaken. Clarifying which interventions work would guide policy makers in creating strategies and programs to address the youth-employment challenge. By complementing desk reviews with qualitative data gathered from focus-group discussions and key informant interviews, we observe that most youth-employment programs implemented in Ghana cover a broad spectrum that includes skills training, job placement matching, seed capital, and subsidies. Duplication of initiatives, lack of coordination, and few to non-existent impact evaluations of programs are the main challenges that plague these programs. For better coordination and effective policy making, a more centralized and coordinated system is needed for program design and implementation. Along the same lines, ensuring rigorous evaluation of existing youth-employment programs is necessary to provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency of these programs

    Full potential LAPW calculation of electron momentum density and related properties of Li

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    Electron momentum density and Compton profiles in Lithium along ,, , and directions are calculated using Full-Potential Linear Augmented Plane Wave basis within generalized gradient approximation. The profiles have been corrected for correlations with Lam-Platzman formulation using self-consistent charge density. The first and second derivatives of Compton profiles are studied to investigate the Fermi surface breaks. Decent agreement is observed between recent experimental and our calculated values. Our values for the derivatives are found to be in better agreement with experiments than earlier theoretical results. Two-photon momentum density and one- and two-dimensional angular correlation of positron annihilation radiation are also calculated within the same formalism and including the electron-positron enhancement factor.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures TO appear in Physical Review

    Exploring the knowledge and awareness of diabetes mellitus among inhabitants of Ho municipality in Ghana: A cross-sectional study

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    One of the fast-growing major non-communicable diseases (NCD) that poses a danger to global public health is Diabetes mellitus (DM). Trends in  the incidence of DM indicate a disproportionate increase in developing countries due to current rapid demographic transitions from traditional to  more westernized and urbanized lifestyles. Knowledge of DM is vital for curbing or control. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the level of  knowledge and awareness of DM among the Ho municipality general population, identify areas of deficiency for targeted health education efforts,  and identify respondent characteristics that may be associated with knowledge of diabetes. A survey involving 132 respondents (age over 18 years)  was conducted in the Ho municipality of the Volta region of Ghana. A 42-item pre-tested questionnaire was administered to participants to evaluate  general and specific knowledge and awareness of DM. The Pairwise Multiple Comparison and Fisher’s Exact tests were used to test the hypotheses  and associations between the respondents’ knowledge level and groups respectively. Of the 132 respondents, 22% were in the age range of 40-46  years; 72.7% were female. Mean over all diabetes knowledge composite score was poor: 32.99% (CI; 27.5, 38.5). Respondents performed best in the  symptoms section: mean score was 36.247% (CI; 29.0, 43.4); and worst in the section on complications: mean score was 30.909% (CI; 23.6, 38.2). In  multiple linear regression analyses, education level, older age, own self having diabetes, and having a family member/relative/friend with diabetes  were significantly associated with knowledge of diabetes. Knowledge of diabetes among the inhabitants of Ho municipality respondents was  interpreted as being inadequate 32.99% (CI; 27.5, 38.5). Some deficient portions and factors associated with knowledge of diabetes were identified.  Relevant information for targeted health education programs in Ghana and beyond may be considered as one of such benefits of these findings.  &nbsp

    The Result of Timely Therapy for Whipple's Disease: a Clinical Case

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    Аim: to provide basic information on Whipple's disease necessary for timely diagnosis and treatment, using the example of clinical observation.Key points. Whipple's disease is a rare systemic infectious disease that internists, gastroenterologists, rheumatologists, and other physicians may encounter. The incidence of Whipple's disease is extremely low and amounts to 1 case per 1,000,000–10,000,000 people. The low prevalence of pathology can lead to underdiagnosis in favour of more common diseases. This, in turn, may worsen the patient's prognosis, as it will delay the time for establishing the correct diagnosis and initiating the necessary therapy. A 50-year-old man complained of losing 10 kg of weight over 5 months, abdominal pain and bloating, pain in the joints of feet, and shoulders, accompanied by swelling and hyperemia. The disease began with articular syndrome followed by diarrhea and manifestations of malabsorption (iron deficiency anemia, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia). The diagnosis was established on the basis of morphological changes in biopsy samples of the postbulbar part of the duodenum. The identified changes were represented by thickening of the villi and accumulations in the stroma of large macrophages (CD68+) with wide light cytoplasm containing abundant accumulations of PAS-positive, negative when stained with carbol fuchsin according to Ziehl — Nielsen and auramine-rhodamine (under microscopy in luminescence mode) short rods, as well as numerous optically empty small and larger cavities. Treatment with intravenous injections of ceftriaxone 2 g per day for 14 days and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 1920 mg per day for 8 months led to improved health, normalization of laboratory parameters, endoscopic and morphological findings. Treatment with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole is planned to be continued for up to 12 months or longer if necessary.Conclusion. Timely diagnosis and initiation of antibiotic therapy will help to avoid late complications of the disease, including death