1,132 research outputs found
Efficient Immunization Strategies for Computer Networks and Populations
We present an effective immunization strategy for computer networks and
populations with broad and, in particular, scale-free degree distributions. The
proposed strategy, acquaintance immunization, calls for the immunization of
random acquaintances of random nodes (individuals). The strategy requires no
knowledge of the node degrees or any other global knowledge, as do targeted
immunization strategies. We study analytically the critical threshold for
complete immunization. We also study the strategy with respect to the
susceptible-infected-removed epidemiological model. We show that the
immunization threshold is dramatically reduced with the suggested strategy, for
all studied cases.Comment: Revtex, 5 pages, 4 ps fig
Fractal and Transfractal Recursive Scale-Free Nets
We explore the concepts of self-similarity, dimensionality, and
(multi)scaling in a new family of recursive scale-free nets that yield
themselves to exact analysis through renormalization techniques. All nets in
this family are self-similar and some are fractals - possessing a finite
fractal dimension - while others are small world (their diameter grows
logarithmically with their size) and are infinite-dimensional. We show how a
useful measure of "transfinite" dimension may be defined and applied to the
small world nets. Concerning multiscaling, we show how first-passage time for
diffusion and resistance between hub (the most connected nodes) scale
differently than for other nodes. Despite the different scalings, the Einstein
relation between diffusion and conductivity holds separately for hubs and
nodes. The transfinite exponents of small world nets obey Einstein relations
analogous to those in fractal nets.Comment: Includes small revisions and references added as result of readers'
Socio-economic position and cardiovascular risk in rural Indian adolescents: evidence from the Andhra Pradesh children and parents study (APCAPS).
OBJECTIVES: This study examined association between socio-economic position and cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents to investigate whether childhood socio-economic position is a risk factor for future cardiovascular disease, independently of adult behaviours. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Participants (n = 1128, 46% girls, aged 13-18 years) were members of a birth cohort (Andhra Pradesh Children and Parents Study or APCAPS) established to investigate long-term effects of a pregnancy and childhood nutritional supplementation trial conducted in 29 villages near Hyderabad in South India. Cross-sectional associations between socio-economic position and cardiovascular risk factors were examined using linear regression models. RESULTS: The mean BMI was 16.7 kg/m(2) for boys and 17.8 kg/m(2) for girls. Socio-economic position was positively associated with fat mass index (0.15 kg/m(2); 95% CI: 0.05-0.25) and inversely associated with central-peripheral skinfold ratio (-0.04; 95% CI: -0.06 to -0.01) and, in boys, fasting triglycerides (-0.05; 95% CI: -0.09 to -0.01). Association of socio-economic position with other risk factors (blood pressure, arterial stiffness, fasting glucose, insulin and cholesterol) was weak and inconsistent, and did not persist after adjustment for potential confounders, including age, sex, pubertal stage, height, adiposity and nutrition supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: The study thus showed that lower socio-economic position may be associated with greater central adiposity and higher triglyceride levels in these settings. Socio-economic gradient in cardiovascular risk may strengthen in future with later economic and lifestyle changes. Cardiovascular disease prevention strategies should therefore focus on the youth from the low income group
Priority diffusion model in lattices and complex networks
We introduce a model for diffusion of two classes of particles ( and )
with priority: where both species are present in the same site the motion of
's takes precedence over that of 's. This describes realistic situations
in wireless and communication networks. In regular lattices the diffusion of
the two species is normal but the particles are significantly slower, due
to the presence of the particles. From the fraction of sites where the
particles can move freely, which we compute analytically, we derive the
diffusion coefficients of the two species. In heterogeneous networks the
fraction of sites where is free decreases exponentially with the degree of
the sites. This, coupled with accumulation of particles in high-degree nodes
leads to trapping of the low priority particles in scale-free networks.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Model selection of the effect of binary exposures over the life course (Epidemiology (2015) 26 (719-726))
Epidemiologists are often interested in examining the effect on a later-life outcome of an exposure measured repeatedly over the life course. When different hypotheses for this effect are proposed by competing theories, it is important to identify those most supported by observed data as a first step toward estimating causal associations. One method is to compare goodness-of-fit of hypothesized models with a saturated model, but it is unclear how to judge the “best” out of two hypothesized models that both pass criteria for a good fit. We developed a new method using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator to identify which of a small set of hypothesized models explains most of the observed outcome variation. We analyzed a cohort study with repeated measures of socioeconomic position (exposure) through childhood, early- and mid-adulthood, and body mass index (outcome) measured in mid-adulthood. We confirmed previous findings regarding support or lack of support for the following hypotheses: accumulation (number of times exposed), three critical periods (only exposure in childhood, early- or mid-adulthood), and social mobility (transition from low to high socioeconomic position). Simulations showed that our least absolute shrinkage and selection operator approach identified the most suitable hypothesized model with high probability in moderately sized samples, but with lower probability for hypotheses involving change in exposure or highly correlated exposures. Identifying a single, simple hypothesis that represents the specified knowledge of the life course association allows more precise definition of the causal effect of interest
Comparison between four published definitions of hyposmia in Parkinson's disease
Objectives: Hyposmia is a common feature of Parkinson's disease (PD), yet there is no standard method to define it. A comparison of four published methods was performed to explore and highlight differences. //
Materials and methods: Olfactory testing was performed in 2097 cases of early PD in two prospective studies. Olfaction was assessed using various cut-offs, usually corrected by age and/or gender. Control data were simulated based on the age and gender structure of the PD cases and published normal ranges. Association with age, gender, and disease duration was explored by method and study cohort. Prevalence of hyposmia was compared with the age and gender-matched simulated controls. Between method agreement was measured using Cohen's kappa and Gwet's AC1. //
Results: Hyposmia was present in between 69.1% and 97.9% of cases in Tracking Parkinson's cases, and between 62.2% and 90.8% of cases in the Parkinson's Progression Marker Initiative, depending on the method. Between-method agreement varied (kappa 0.09–0.80, AC1 0.55–0.86). The absolute difference between PD cases and simulated controls was similar for men and women across methods. Age and male gender were positively associated with hyposmia (p < .001, all methods). Odds of having hyposmia increased with advancing age (OR:1.06, 95% CI:1.03, 1.10, p < .001). Longer disease duration had a negative impact on overall olfactory performance. //
Conclusions: Different definitions of hyposmia give different results using the same dataset. A standardized definition of hyposmia in PD is required, adjusting for age and gender, to account for the background decline in olfactory performance with ageing, especially in men
Light Activation of an Innate Olfactory Avoidance Response in Drosophila
How specific sensory stimuli evoke specific behaviors is a fundamental problem in neurobiology. In Drosophila, most odorants elicit attraction or avoidance depending on their concentration, as well as their identity [1]. Such odorants, moreover, typically activate combinations of glomeruli in the antennal lobe of the brain 2, 3 and 4, complicating the dissection of the circuits translating odor recognition into behavior. Carbon dioxide (CO_2), in contrast, elicits avoidance over a wide range of concentrations 5 and 6 and activates only a single glomerulus, V [5]. The V glomerulus receives projections from olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) that coexpress two GPCRs, Gr21a and Gr63a, that together comprise a CO_2 receptor 7, 8 and 9. These CO_2-sensitive ORNs, located in the ab1 sensilla of the antenna, are called ab1c neurons [10]. Genetic silencing of ab1c neurons indicates that they are necessary for CO_2-avoidance behavior [5]. Whether activation of these neurons alone is sufficient to elicit this behavior, or whether CO_2 avoidance requires additional inputs (e.g., from the respiratory system), remains unclear. Here, we show that artificial stimulation of ab1c neurons with light (normally attractive to flies) elicits the avoidance behavior typical of CO_2. Thus, avoidance behavior appears hardwired into the olfactory circuitry that detects CO_2 in Drosophila
Age-related references in national public health, technology appraisal and clinical guidelines and guidance: documentary analysis
: older people may be less likely to receive interventions than younger people. Age bias in national guidance may influence entire public health and health care systems. We examined how English National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) guidance and guidelines consider age.
: we undertook a documentary analysis of NICE public health ( = 33) and clinical ( = 114) guidelines and technology appraisals ( = 212). We systematically searched for age-related terms, and conducted thematic analysis of the paragraphs in which these occurred ('age-extracts'). Quantitative analysis explored frequency of age-extracts between and within document types. Illustrative quotes were used to elaborate and explain quantitative findings.
: 2,314 age-extracts were identified within three themes: age documented as an consideration at scope-setting (518 age-extracts, 22.4%); documentation of differential effectiveness, cost-effectiveness or other outcomes by age (937 age-extracts, 40.5%); and documentation of age-specific recommendations (859 age-extracts, 37.1%). Public health guidelines considered age most comprehensively. There were clear examples of older-age being considered in both evidence searching and in making recommendations, suggesting that this can be achieved within current processes.
: we found inconsistencies in how age is considered in NICE guidance and guidelines. More effort may be required to ensure age is consistently considered. Future NICE committees should search for and document evidence of age-related differences in receipt of interventions. Where evidence relating to effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in older populations is available, more explicit age-related recommendations should be made. Where there is a lack of evidence, it should be stated what new research is needed.This work was supported by the National Institute for Health Research's School for Public Health Research (NIHR SPHR http://sphr.nihr.ac.uk/). J.A. & M.W. are members of the Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR) a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence
Is sticky blood bad for the Brain? Hemostatic and inflammatory systems and dementia in the Caerphilly prospective study
Objective— Hemostasis and inflammation have been implicated in dementia. This study investigates the role of specific hemostatic and inflammatory pathways with incident vascular and nonvascular dementia.Methods and Results— This was a prospective study of a population sample of men aged 65 to 84 years, with baseline assessment of hemostatic and inflammatory factors and cognition measured 17 years later. The sample included 865 men (59 had dementia and 112 had cognitive impairment, not dementia), free of vascular disease at baseline and for whom hemostatic and inflammatory marker data were available and cognitive status was known. A total of 15 hemostatic and 6 inflammatory markers were assessed. Factor analysis was used to identify hemostatic subsystems. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke–Association Internationale pour la Recherche et l’Enseignement en Neurologie criteria were used to identify vascular dementia. By using standardized (z) scores for hemostatic and inflammatory markers, and after adjustment for age and risk factors, vascular dementia was associated with fibrinogen (hazard ratio [HR], 1.68; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.02–2.76), factor VIII (HR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.09–3.00), and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (HR, 3.13; 95% CI, 1.73–5.70). For vascular dementia, the HR risk from high levels of all three hemostatic variables (fibrinogen, factor VIII, and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1) was 2.97 (P<0.001). Inflammatory factors were not associated with vascular dementia.Conclusion— The associations of these hemostatic markers with vascular dementia may implicate clot formation as the primary mechanism and are consistent with a microinfarct model of vascular dementia
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