109 research outputs found

    Fostering Physical Literacy at School. A Feasible Pedagogical Model in Physical Education

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    L'alfabetizzazione motoria viene definita come una capacità umana fondamentale che può essere acquisita educativamente e che comprende la motivazione, la fiducia, la competenza fisica, la conoscenza e la comprensione che determinano la pratica continuativa di attività fisiche nel tempo. Si tratta di una capability umana fondamentale che è alla base di un corretto stile di vita individuale e, pertanto, necessita di una sua promozione anche nei contesti formali dell’apprendimento, in primis la scuola. Come può l’educazione fisica promuovere e sostenere nel tempo questa competenza appresa, in modo da formare soggetti attivi e proattivi nell’ambiente? Il presente contributo intende allora declinare il concetto di alfabetizzazione motoria come fattore alla base di una capability contemporanea, attraverso possibili scenari pedagogici a suffragio di una formazione umana a tutto tondo.Physical literacy is a fundamental human skill that can be educationally learned and that includes the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding that determine the practice of physical activities over time. It is a fundamental human capability at the basis of a correct individual lifestyle and, therefore, it needs a promotion even in formal learning contexts, first and foremost the school. How can physical education promote and support this learned competence over time, in order to educate active and proactive subjects in the environment? The paper therefore intends to decline physical literacy as a factor at the basis of a contemporary capability, through possible pedagogical scenarios in support of a well-rounded human educatio

    Sport d'élite e transizioni identitarie. Uno studio qualitativo su un ginnasta di classe mondiale di trampolino elastico

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    Le transizioni identitarie in ambito sportivo rappresentano una pista di ri- cerca ancora piuttosto inesplorata in ambito pedagogico, seppur il tema del- l’identità e delle relative crisi esistenziali sia stato ben approfondito dalla letteratura pedagogica negli ultimi decenni, complice anche la condizione postmoderna che ha ulteriormente caricato di drammaticità i processi di scelta e di orientamento individuali e collettivi. Crisi d’identità e ridefinizioni esistenziali personali e professionali sono state solamente alcune delle te- matiche che la pedagogia ha inteso investigare; tra di queste, però, l’ambito sportivo sembra ancora essere relegato ai margini. Se lo sport è da ritenere un contesto ad alto impatto emotivo-affettivo per gli atleti che lo vivono sin da giovane età, ci si domanda cosa accada allorquando un atleta d’èlite de- cida, in maniera volontaria o meno, di abbandonare la propria carriera spor- tiva, quali scenari gli si prefigurino e quali opportunità gli siano concesse. Per analizzare il fenomeno in profondità, è stato condotto uno studio di casosu un ginnasta di classe mondiale di trampolino elastico, attraverso l’utilizzo della narrazione di sè. La ricerca qualitativa ha seguito il processo di transi- zione identitaria di fine carriera dell’atleta nell’arco di 36 mesi, durante i quali sono state condotte delle interviste semi-strutturate che ci hanno permesso di ricostruire la processualità del fenomeno, attraverso una rete concettuale emersa grazie all’ausilio del software ATLAS. ti 6.0.Identity transitions out of sport represent a still unexplored research interest in pedagogy, even if identity and related existential crises has been well stud- ied by the pedagogical literature in recent decades, thanks to the postmod- ern condition that has also loaded of seriousness individual and collective choice and guidance processes. Identity crisis and personal and professional existential redefinitions were just some of the issues that pedagogy intended to investigate. Among these, however, the sports context still seems to be relegated to the margins. If sport is to be considered a context with a high emotional-affective impact for athletes who live it from a young age, what happens when an élite athlete decides, voluntarily or not, to abandon sports career? What scenarios are envisioned and what opportunities are granted to athletes? To analyze the phenomenon in depth, a case study on a world class trampoline gymnast was conduct, using narrative inquiry. The qualita- tive research followed the athlete’s identity transition out of sport process at the end of his sports career over 36 months, during which semi-structured interviews were conducted. This allowed us to reconstruct the processuality of the phenomenon, through a conceptual network that emerged from data analysis thanks to ATLAS. ti 6.0 software

    Essere oggi. Corporeità in movimento tra neuro pedagogia e neurodidattica

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    Nel corso dei secoli il rapporto mente-corpo ha incontrato periodi di grande di- cotomia che si sono susseguiti ad altri di auspicata integrazione, il che ha in- fluenzato in maniera determinante tanto i modi di pensare quanto quelli di fare educazione. Seppur la fenomenologia, prima, e le neuroscienze, più di recente, abbiano sancito l’unione tra queste due componenti, sembrano ritornare alla ri- balta nuove antinomie, che non interessano tanto la relazione mente-corpo, quanto quella che si stabilisce, piuttosto, tra corpo-oggetto e corpo-soggetto. Di- venta necessario, allora, riflettere sul versante educativo, in modo da orientare i contesti formativi verso la costruzione di progetti di vita da intendere quali per- corsi di formazione ecologica ed olistica del Sè. Può essere di una certa utilità, allora, ricorrere alle più attuali frontiere della neuropedagogia e neurodidattica, quali presupposti teorico-epistemologici ed interventi metodologici in grado di favorire il ricorso a strategie formative integrate che possano conferire al sog- getto quelle formae mentis utili ad interpretare la complessità attraverso corpo- reità autentiche e in continuo movimento.Over the centuries the mind-body relationship had periods of great dichotomy or integration, hopefully still to realize, which has decisively influenced the different ways of thinking and acting education. Although phenomenology, first, and embodiment, neurosciences and bioeducational sciences, then, have established an integration between these two components, nowadays seem to come back again new antinomies that do not affect anymore the mind-body relationship but the one established between the body-object and the body- subject. It becomes necessary to reflect from an educational perspective, in order to guide educational and didactic settings toward the construction of life- projects, named as holistic paths of Self. It could be useful to refer toneuropedagogy and neurodidactics, as theoretical-epistemological frameworks and methodological interventions in order to promote integrated training strategies that may give to the subject frame of minds useful to interpret complexity through authentic corporeality always in movement

    Promuovere corporeità sistemiche nei contesti di formazione e lavoro. Quali scenari post-pandemici?

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    La pandemia da COVID-19 ha impresso una svolta radicale alla nostra vita, la quale è stata repentinamente investita da cambiamenti tali da accompagnarsi ad una crisi senza precedenti. La formazione e il lavoro, quali ambiti precipui di costruzione e consolidamento dell’identità personale e sociale, stanno attraversando un momento altrettanto critico, per cui, è necessario ripensare possibili scenari post-pandemici in cui la formazione funga da catalizzatore di cambiamento per la promozione di un benessere individuale e sociale a tutto tondo.The COVID-19 pandemic made a radical change in our life, which was suddenly hit by changes that were accompanied by an unprecedented crisis. Training and work, as main areas of construction and consolidation of personal and social identity, are going through an equally critical moment, for which it is necessary to rethink possible post-pandemic scenarios in which training acts as a catalyst for change for the promotion of a well-rounded individual and social well-being

    Promuovere corporeità sistemiche nei contesti di formazione e lavoro. Quali scenari post-pandemici?

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    La pandemia da COVID-19 ha impresso una svolta radicale alla nostra vita, la quale è stata repentinamente investita da cambiamenti tali da accompagnarsi ad una crisi senza precedenti. La formazione e il lavoro, quali ambiti precipui di costruzione e consolidamento dell’identità personale e sociale, stanno attraversando un momento altrettanto critico, per cui, è necessario ripensare possibili scenari post-pandemici in cui la formazione funga da catalizzatore di cambiamento per la promozione di un benessere individuale e sociale a tutto tondo.The COVID-19 pandemic made a radical change in our life, which was suddenly hit by changes that were accompanied by an unprecedented crisis. Training and work, as main areas of construction and consolidation of personal and social identity, are going through an equally critical moment, for which it is necessary to rethink possible post-pandemic scenarios in which training acts as a catalyst for change for the promotion of a well-rounded individual and social well-being

    Face and Facial Expression Recognition and Audience MeasurementErratum to: Video Analytics

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    International audienc

    Deep Learning for Action and Gesture Recognition in Image Sequences: A Survey

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    Interest in automatic action and gesture recognition has grown considerably in the last few years. This is due in part to the large number of application domains for this type of technology. As in many other computer vision areas, deep learning based methods have quickly become a reference methodology for obtaining state-of-the-art performance in both tasks. This chapter is a survey of current deep learning based methodologies for action and gesture recognition in sequences of images. The survey reviews both fundamental and cutting edge methodologies reported in the last few years. We introduce a taxonomy that summarizes important aspects of deep learning for approaching both tasks. Details of the proposed architectures, fusion strategies, main datasets, and competitions are reviewed. Also, we summarize and discuss the main works proposed so far with particular interest on how they treat the temporal dimension of data, their highlighting features, and opportunities and challenges for future research. To the best of our knowledge this is the first survey in the topic. We foresee this survey will become a reference in this ever dynamic field of research

    Treatment of osteoporosis in an older home care population

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    BACKGROUND: Previous research indicates that many patients with fractures indicative of underlying osteoporosis are not receiving appropriate diagnostic follow-up and therapy. We assessed osteoporosis treatment coverage in older home care clients with a diagnosis of osteoporosis and/or prevalent fracture. METHODS: Subjects included 330 home care clients, aged 65+, participating in a longitudinal study of medication adherence and health-related outcomes. Data on clients' demographic, health and functional status and service utilization patterns were collected using the Minimum Data Set for Home Care (MDS-HC). A medication review included prescribed and over-the-counter medications taken in the past 7 days. Criteria for indications for osteoporosis therapy included diagnosis of osteoporosis or a recent fracture. Coverage for treatment was examined for anti-osteoporotic therapies approved for use in 2000. RESULTS: Of the 330 home care clients, 78 (24%) had a diagnosis of osteoporosis (n = 47) and/or had sustained a recent fracture (n = 34). Drug data were available for 77/78 subjects. Among the subjects with osteoporosis or a recent fracture, 45.5% were receiving treatment for osteoporosis; 14% were receiving only calcium and vitamin D, and an additional 31% were receiving drug therapy (bisphosphonate or hormone replacement therapy). The remaining 54.5% of subjects were not receiving any approved osteoporosis therapy. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of undertreatment among a population of older adults with relatively high access to health care services raises concern regarding the adequacy of diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis in the community

    The osteoporosis care gap in Canada

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    BACKGROUND: The presence of a fragility fracture is a major risk factor for osteoporosis, and should be an indicator for osteoporosis diagnosis and therapy. However, the extent to which patients who fracture are assessed and treated for osteoporosis is not clear. METHODS: We performed a review of the literature to identify the practice patterns in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis in adults over the age of 40 who experience a fragility fracture in Canada. Searches were performed in MEDLINE (1966 to January 2, 2003) and CINAHL (1982 to February 1, 2003) databases. RESULTS: There is evidence of a care gap between the occurrence of a fragility fracture and the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis in Canada. The proportion of individuals with a fragility fracture who received an osteoporosis diagnostic test or physician diagnosis ranged from 1.7% to 50%. Therapies such as hormone replacement therapy, bisphosphonates or calcitonin were being prescribed to 5.2% to 37.5% of patients. Calcium and vitamin D supplement intake was variable, and ranged between 2.8% to 61.6% of patients. CONCLUSION: Many Canadians who experience fragility fracture are not receiving osteoporosis management for the prevention of future fractures