616 research outputs found

    Seismic wide-angle study of accreted Proterozoic crust in southeastern Wyoming

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    A seismic wide-angle xperiment was conducted in southeastern Wyoming, USA to investigate the seismic character of a postulated Proterozoic magmatic arc south of the suture (Cheyenne Belt) to the Archean Wyoming Province. Recordings from vibrator and dynamite sources with offsets between 34 and 126 km reveal no evidence for Moho reflections. The large-offset recordings contain multicyclic bands of reflective phases from the middle to lower crust. The data were transformed into the intercept ime-ray parameter (~--p) domain to estimate local depth bounds. A subsequent 1D inversion using high-amplitude ~'-p arrivals shows that the reflective part of the crust ranges from the depths of 25 to 40 km. This part of the crust exhibits velocities increasing from about 6.5 to 7.5 km/s. Reflectivity modeling shows that the lower crust might consist of a zone of alternating low- and high-velocity layers with average velocity increasing. The average lower crustal velocity of about 6.9 km/s suggests a predomi-nantly mafic composition with interlayered intermediate to felsic components generating impedance contrasts that cause observable amplitudes from reflections at large offsets but not at clearly pre-critical and near-vertical distances. Our model is consistent with observations of interlayered sequences of gabbroic to ultramafic rocks with more felsic anorthositic and charnockitic rocks in the exposed lower crust of magmatic arc complexes. The lack of wide-angle Moho reflections might be explained by a gradational compositional boundary, or a transitional phase change from granulite to eclogite facies. 1

    Application LANDSAT imagery to geologic mapping in the ice-free valleys of Antarctica

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Studies in the Ice-Free Valleys are resulted in the compilation of a sizeable library of maps and publications. Rock reflectance measurements were taken during the Antarctic summer of 1973. Spectral reflectance of rocks (mostly mafic lava flows) in the McMurdo and Ice-Free Valleys areas were measured using a filter wheel photometer equipped to measure reflectances in the four Landsat bands. A series of samples were collected at regular intervals across a large differentiated, mafic sill near Lake Vida. Chemical analyses of the sample suggest that the tonal variations in this sill are controlled by changes in the iron content of the rock. False color images were prepared for a number of areas by the diazo method and with an optical multispectral biviewer. These images were useful in defining boundaries of sea ice, snow cover, and in the study of ablating glaciers, but were not very useful for rock discrimination

    Some examples of deep structure of the Archean from geophysics

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    The development of Archean crust remains as one of the significant problems in earth science, and a major unknown concerning Archean terrains is the nature of the deep crust. The character of crust beneath granulite terrains is especially fascinating because granulites are generally interpreted to represent a deep crustal section. Magnetic data from this area can be best modeled with a magnetized wedge of older Archean rocks (granulitic gneisses) underlying the younger Archean greenstone terrain. The dip of the boundary based on magnetic modeling is the same as the dip of the postulated thrust-fault reflection. Thus several lines of evidence indicate that the younger Archean greenstone belt terrain is thrust above the ancient Minnesota Valley gneiss terrain, presumably as the greenstone belt was accreted to the gneiss terrain, so that the dipping reflection represents a suture zone. Seismic data from underneath the granulite-facies Minnesota gneiss terrain shows abundant reflections between 3 and 6 s, or about 9 to 20 km. These are arcuate or dipping multicyclic events indicative of layering

    Medicines adherence: Involving patients in decisions about prescribed medicines and supporting adherence

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    It is thought that between a third and a half of all medicines1 There are many causes of non-adherence but they fall into two overlapping categories: intentional and unintentional. Unintentional non-adherence occurs when the patient wants to follow the agreed treatment but is prevented from doing so by barriers that are beyond their control. Examples include poor recall or difficulties in understanding the instructions, problems with using the treatment, inability to pay for the treatment, or simply forgetting to take it. prescribed for long-term conditions are not taken as recommended. If the prescription is appropriate, then this may represent a loss to patients, the healthcare system and society. The costs are both personal and economic. Adherence presumes an agreement between prescriber and patient about the prescriber’s recommendations. Adherence to medicines is defined as the extent to which the patient’s action matches the agreed recommendations. Non-adherence may limit the benefits of medicines, resulting in lack of improvement, or deterioration, in health. The economic costs are not limited to wasted medicines but also include the knock-on costs arising from increased demands for healthcare if health deteriorates. Non-adherence should not be seen as the patient’s problem. It represents a fundamental limitation in the delivery of healthcare, often because of a failure to fully agree the prescription in the first place or to identify and provide the support that patients need later on. Addressing non-adherence is not about getting patients to take more medicines per se. Rather, it starts with an exploration of patients’ perspectives of medicines and the reasons why they may not want or are unable to use them. Healthcare professionals have a duty to help patients make informed decisions about treatment and use appropriately prescribed medicines to best effec

    Breeding for resistance, to Heliothis armigera in chickpea

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    Chickpea (Cicer ariethtim L) is a mandate crop of International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). The crop has fewer pest problems khan other legumes, Heliothis arimgtra is the major past in most chickpea growing areas and is polyphagous attacking many crop species

    Genetic analysis of agronomic characters in chickpea. I. Estimates of genetic variances from diallel mating designs

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    Twenty-eight diallel trials over 8 years and two locations were analysed to estimate genetic variances for agronomic characters of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The data were analysed according to Method 4 and Model I of Griffing (1956). Days to flowering, plant height, and seed size were found to be predominantly under additive inheritance and were highly predictable. Both additive and non-additive genetic components were important for seed yield, number of branches, pods per plant, and seeds per pod. Although both general combining ability (gca) and specific combining ability (sca) varied significantly with generation, components of gca mean squares were invariably much larger than gca x generation interaction components, indicating that either the F lor the F2 generation can be used to estimate the gca components effectively. Combined diallel analysis of F 2S over locations revealed the importance of combining ability x location . interactions and emphasized the need for testing over more than one location for the precise estimation of combining ability. The implications of these fmdings and those reported earlier in the literature on the breeding strategies/methods for the genetic improvement of agronomic characters in cbjckpea are discussed

    Do UK universities communicate their brands effectively through their websites?

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    This paper attempts to explore the effectiveness of UK universities’ websites. The area of branding in higher education has received increasing academic investigation, but little work has researched how universities demonstrate their brand promises through their websites. The quest to differentiate through branding can be challenging in the university context, however. It is argued that those institutions that have a strong distinctive image will be in a better position to face a changing future. Employing a multistage methodology, the web pages of twenty UK universities were investigated by using a combination of content and multivariable analysis. Results indicated ‘traditional values’ such as teaching and research were often well communicated in terms of online brand but ‘emotional values’ like social responsibility and the universities’ environments were less consistently communicated, despite their increased topicality. It is therefore suggested that emotional values may offer a basis for possible future online differentiation