466 research outputs found

    The anionic sites at luminal surface of peritubular capillaries in rats

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    The anionic sites at luminal surface of peritubular capillaries in rats. Anionic sites have been demonstrated in the basement membranes of peritubular capillaries. The anionic barrier function of peritubular capillary wall has been ascribed to these sites. Fenestrated capillaries in other organs have anionic sites in the endothelial cell glycocalyx and at the luminal surface of the fenestral diaphragms. The purpose of this study was to map anionic sites at the luminal surface of peritubular capillaries and to assess whether a concentration gradient for albumin exists across the endothelium. Partial chemical characterization of these anionic sites was done by in vivo enzymatic degradation. The difference in distribution of albumin following enzyme digestion was also studied. The binding of cationized ferritin to the luminal surface indicated that the rat peritubular capillaries have anionic sites along the entire luminal surface of the endothelial cell, including the fenestral diaphragms. Partial biochemical characterization of these sites shows that the sites in the glycocalyx are mainly from neuraminic acid, while the fenestral diaphragms have mainly heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Intravascular albumin extended to the endothelial luminal plasmalemma and to the luminal surface of fenestral diaphragms. Digestion with heparitinase was associated with the leakage of albumin outside the capillary wall. These findings suggest that the anionic surface of fenestrae constitutes a charge barrier of the peritubular capillaries

    Swift Heavy Ion-induced Mixing

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    In this paper, the possible swift heavy ion (SHI)-matter interaction processes and their applicability to SHI-induced mixing have been discussed. The assumption that the SHI mixing is a consequence of a transient molten state diffusion has been brought forward. The following experimental evidences have been presented to verify the concepts developed for SHI mixing process: (i) Evidence of high temperature conditions in materials produced by SHIs via the study of SHI mixing in an Fe/Fe57/Si system; (ii) Verification of the hypothesis of transient molten state diffusion via a detailed study on Fe/Si system; (iii) The role played by a thermodynamical parameter, viz., interfacial free energy via a SHI mixing study on an Fe/Si multilayer; (iv) Demonstration of the occurrence of the process in an exclusively thermal-spike determined metal/metal system, viz., Fe/Ni multilayer; and (v) synthesis of technologically important SiC phases at room temperature via SHI mixing of C-allotrope/Si multilayers.Defence Science Journal, 2009, 59(4), pp.425-435, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.59.154

    Spin resonance of 2D electrons in a large-area silicon MOSFET

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    We report electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements on a large-area silicon MOSFET. An ESR signal at g-factor 1.9999(1), and with a linewidth of 0.6 G, is observed and found to arise from two-dimensional (2D) electrons at the Si/SiO2 interface. The signal and its intensity show a pronounced dependence on applied gate voltage. At gate voltages below the threshold of the MOSFET, the signal is from weakly confined, isolated electrons as evidenced by the Curie-like temperature dependence of its intensity. The situation above threshold appears more complicated. These large-area MOSFETs provide the capability to controllably tune from insulating to conducting regimes by adjusting the gate voltage while monitoring the state of the 2D electron spins spectroscopically.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physica E special edition for EPS2DS-1


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    Clinical assessment of functional outcome in lateral epicondylitis managed by local infiltration of autologous blood

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    Lateral epicondylitis is a well known elbow disorder known to affect a variety of population. Though the disorder is expected to affect alot of sports personnel, the incidence is not uncommon in persons ofhousehold activities. The management comprises of conservative tooperative with a dilemma of what to be done in most of the affected population. A large number of interventions have been tried to delineatethe best modality but none of them proved to be conclusive. The aim of the present study was to prove the efficacy of cheapest possible interventional modality autologous blood for treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis. Twenty five patients of Tennis elbow were included in this study who have attended the OPD of GSVM Medical College and associated LLR Hospital, Kanpur from November 2007 to April 2008 and fulfilled inclusion and exclusion criteria. 78% were females, mostly housewivesinvolved in regular household activities. All the patients were infiltratedautologous blood with local anaesthetic infiltration. Patients were deprivedof regular activities for 3 weeks after infiltration. Follow up was done atweekly interval for 2 weeks and then at 6th week and 12th week. Assessment was done using Visual Analogue Scale ( VAS) and Verhaar etal scoring system. Total follow up period was 3 months. We observed thatthe mean VAS score improved from preinfiltrative 6.40±1.22 to 0.48±1.53with p value being < .001. 64% patients showed excellent results and 32%showed good results as per Verhaar et al scoring system on 12 weeksfollow up. One patient did not respond to this procedure and showed poorresult as per Verhaar et al score. Therefore, autologous blood infiltration isa safe and effective modality in treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis.KEY WORDS: Lateral epicondylitis; Autologous blood infiltratio

    First checklist of rust fungi in the genus Puccinia from Himachal Pradesh, India

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    Abstract A checklist of rust fungi belonging to the genus Puccinia was prepared for Himachal Pradesh, India. All Puccinia species published until 2014 are included in this list. A total of 80 species have been reported on 91 plant species belonging to 33 families. The family Poaceae supports the highest number of species (26 species) followed by Ranunculaceae (8), Asteraceae (7), Apiaceae and Polygonaceae (6 each), Rubiaceae and Cyperaceae (3 each), Acanthaceae, Berberidaceae, Lamiaceae and Saxifragaceae (2 each). The other host plant families are associated with a single species of Puccinia. This study provides the first checklist of Puccinia from Himachal Pradesh