75 research outputs found

    Analisis Persepsi Atas Aspek Pemasaran Kacang Goreng Talu Serta Pengaruhnya pada Loyalitas Konsumen

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    Talu Roasted Nut produced hereditary by craftsmen in Talu hadfamous savory taste. This product was very potential to be developed as main business especially for local communities. The Government efforts in order to effectively develop this product became a huge business community, should be supported by a professional marketing concept. To contributefor marketing strategy of this product, this research analyzed how the level of consumer perception toward the marketing diffused during the time and how the correlation on customer loyalty. The level of perception was measured by the TCR concept and confirmed with the Arikunto scale. The result showed only products qualityachieveda good ranking, price in sufficient level, promotion and distribution were at unfavorable rate. Meanwhile, consumer loyalty on this product was on the good level.It was only product qualities that correlate with consumer loyalty. The result of this study implied that for development the Talu roaste Nut,the product qualityshould be maintained especially about the taste, while assuredness of quality standard and packaging should be improved. In order to expand the area of marketing,this product should be revised the price aspect, promotion and distribution channels. Keywords: Customer loyalty, product, price, promotion and distribution channel

    The Comparation of Mandiri Bank and Bri Bank Performance

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    Bank Mandiri adalah hasil merger 4 buah Bank Milik Pemerintah pasca krisis moneter Indonesia diakhir tahun 1990-an yaitu Bank Bhumi Daya, Bank Export Import, Bank Dagang Indonesia dan Bank Pembangunan Indonesia. Tujuan merger ini sendiri adalah untuk memperbaiki kinerja bisnisnya setelah dilanda krisis keuangan yang dakhzat. Setelah 18 tahun berlalu, kinerja bank hasil merger ini tak juga bisa mengungguli Bank BRI yang berkembang sendirian tanpa mengalami merger meski juga mengalami masalah dilanda krisis moneter. Bank BRI justru melesat mendudukdi bank terbaik nasional pada beberapa tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis sejumlah parameter kinerja keuangan kedua bank ini dan memperbandingkan satu sama lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bawa sejumlah parameter keuangan yaitu CAR, ROA, ROE, NPL, NIM, BOPO dan LDR secara keseluruhan kondisi Bank BRI lebih baik dari Bank Mandiri. Meskipun demikian ratio-ratio keuangan Bank Mandiri masih lebih baik dari standar yang ditetapkan OJS. Uji beda Mann Whitney menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dari ratio-ratio keuanga kedua bank ini dimana nilai Asymp.sig. (2-tiled) mennjukkan angka sebesar 0,327 (> 0,05). Perbedaan kinerja keuangan kedua bank ini hanya dapat diterlusuri dari tehnik analisa ratio. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah Bank Mandiri masih harus berusaha lebih baik lagi untuk meningkatkan kinerja keuangannya bila dibandingkan dengan bank BRI selaku bank terbaik nasional. Keywords: CAR, ROA, ROE, NPL, NIM, BOPO dan LDR

    The Effect of Regional Original Income (Pad) and General Allocation Funds (DAU) on Capital Goods Expenditure in West Pasaman

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    Delegation of budget management authority to Regional Governments in the framework of regional autonomy provides flexibility for Regional Governments to plan and implement development for the welfare of the people. For this purpose, one of the important aspects in the APBD is capital expenditure. Capital goods are very urgent for improving welfare and as a stimulus for improving the economy of the community. Among the sources of funds to finance capital expenditure are Regional Original Revenues (PAD) and General Allocation Funds (DAU). Are there funds obtained from PAD and DAU that are factors that influence the policy for the procurement of capital goods? This study will look at whether in the West Pasaman Regional this happened. The data studied were the 2012-2016 Regional Budget (APBD). The research method was quantitative associative where the hypothesis was tested by multiple linear regression. The results showed that both PAD and DAU had no significant effect. This shows that the policies of the West Pasaman Regional Government in the procurement of capital goods are not directly related to the amount of revenue from the PAD or the transfer funds in the form of DAU. Many other factors have resulted in why PAD and DAU have no significant effect on the procurement of capital, such as emergency sector financing and priorities. Keywords: Capital goods expenditure, Regional Original Revenues (PAD) and General Allocation Funds (DAU

    Organization Citizenship Behavor (OCB) Study on STIE Pasaman Employees

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    The OCB behavior is necessary to effectiveness of work in organization including Higher Education. This study looks at how how organizational culture variables and organizational commitment affect the behavior of OCB on STIE Pasaman employees. Previously, TCR were measured in these three variables. The goal is to see how the level of this variable when the research done and how the influence of independent variables to the dependent variable. The population of the research was STIE Pasaman employee, amounting to 41 people, all of whom were respondents. Measurement of variables is done through questionnaires with Likert scale. Next is calculated TCR and Multiple Linear regression testing. The results showed that the three variables still need improvement efforts. Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment either partially or simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on OCB. The implication of this research is that STIE Pasaman's leadership still needs to work to make OCB's behavior better, and this can be done with improvements the organizational culture and increased organizational commitment

    Spin-flop quasi metamagnetic, anisotropic magnetic, and electrical transport behavior of Ho substituted kagome magnet ErMn6_6Sn6_6

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    We report on the magnetic and electrical properties of a (Mn3_3Sn)2_2 triangular network kagome structured high quality Ho substituted ErMn6_6Sn6_6 single-crystal sample by magneto-transport measurements. Er0.5_{0.5}Ho0.5_{0.5}Mn6_6Sn6_6 orders antiferromagnetically at N\'{e}el temperature TNT_\mathrm{N} \sim 350 K followed by a ferrimagnetic (FiM) transition at TCT_\mathrm{C} \sim 114 K and spin-orientation transition at TtT_\mathrm{t} \sim 20 K. The field-manifestations of these magnetic phases in the \textit{ab}-basal plane and along the \textit{c}-axis are illustrated through temperature-field \textit{T-H} phase diagrams. In \textit{H}\parallel\textit{c}, narrow hysteresis between spin reorientation and field-induced FiM phases below TtT_\mathrm{t}, enhanced/strengthened FiM phase below TCT_\mathrm{C} and stemming of FiM phase out of strongly coexisting AFM and FiM phases below TNT_\mathrm{N} through a non-meta-magnetic transition are confirmed to arise from strong R-Mn sublattices interaction. In contrast, \textit{H}\parallel\textit{ab}-plane, between TNT_\mathrm{N} and TCT_\mathrm{C}, individually contributing R-Mn sublattices with weak antiferromagnetic interactions undergo a field-induced spin-flop quasi-metamagnetic transition to FiM state. The temperature dependent electrical resistivity suggests metallic nature with Fermi liquid behavior at low temperatures. Essentially, the current study stimulates interest to investigate the magnetic and electrical properties of mixed rare-earth layered kagome magnetic metals for possible novel and exotic behavior.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for Intelligent Drilling System

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    An intelligent drilling system can be commercially very profitable in terms of reduction in crude material and labor involvement. The use of fuzzy logic based controller in the intelligent cutting and drilling operations has become a popular practice in the ever growing manufacturing industry. In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller has been designed to select the cutting parameter more precisely for the drilling operation. Specifically, different input criterion of machining parameters are considered such as the tool and material hardness, the diameter of drilling hole and the flow rate of cutting fluid. Unlikethe existing fuzzy logic based methods, which use only two input parameters, the proposed system utilizes more input parameters to provide spindle speed and feed rate information more precisely for the intelligent drilling operation

    Response of Stock Markets to Monetary Policy: An Asian Stock Market Perspective

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    We estimate the response of Asian stock market prices to exogenous monetary policy shocks using a vector error correction model. In our paper, monetary policy transmits to stock market price through three routes: money by itself, exchange rate, and inflation. Our result points to the fact that stock prices increase persistently in response to an exogenous easing monetary policy. Variance deposition results show that, after 10 periods, the forecast error variance of beyond 53% of the Tehran Stock Exchange Price Index (TEPIX) can be explained by exogenous shocks to the US dollar-Iranian rial exchange rate, while this ratio for exogenous shocks to Iranian real gross domestic product was only 17%. We argue that such evidence can be accounted for by an endogenous response of the stock prices to the monetary policy shocks

    Factors influencing students’ intention to use internet for academic purposes

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    This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing students’ intention to use the Internet for academic purposes amongst 204 final year business students in public universities in Malaysia.This study integrated theory of planned behavior (TPB) and theory of acceptance model (TAM) as the base model toward that purpose.The research model employs the variables from both theories namely attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, intention, and behavior.A multiple regression analysis provides empirical support for the applicability of integration of TPB and TAM in predicting students’ intention to use the Internet for academic purposes.Results of the study show that attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and perceived usefulness are statistically significant in influencing intention to use the Internet for academic purposes.Based on the results, it can be concluded that students’ intention to use the Internet for academic purposes could be predicted from their attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and perceived usefulness at 49% level.In view of the results, several implications and recommendations are discussed