572 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru Berlandaskan Ilmu Pendidikan dalam Mencerdaskan Kehidupan Bangsa

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    This article discusses the important roles of the teachers in educating people to have smart life. To enable the teachers to perform their tasks professionally, some requirements have to be fulfilled. The Indonesian government has already conducted a number of efforts to improve the teacher professionalism. However, some hindrances are still faced. Having analyzed the existing situation, the article suggests some ideas to improve the teacher professionalism

    Analisa Tarif Angkutan Umum Berdasarkan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan, Atp Dan Wtp

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    ANALISA TARIF ANGKUTAN UMUM BERDASARKAN BIAYA OPERASIONAL KENDARAAN, ATP DAN WTPAnalysis of Public Transport Rates Based Vehicle Operating Costs , And WTP ATPSekar Arum1 & Samin21,2Jurusan Sipil Fakultas Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Raya Tlogomas No.246, Malang (0341) 464318Email : 1)[email protected] determination of trasportation tariff needs a wise manangement and policy because for able to bridge the passengers' interest as the consumers and the public trasportation operator. NUANSA INDAH city bus a public trasportation servers the strategic areas which is expected to represent the publick trasportation passengers particularly city bus in kab. Paser. Data is collected by distribute questionnaire to passngers of NUANSA INDAH city bus and also interview whit NUANSA INDAH bus operators, output of data analysus is to find out amount of vehicle Oprational Cost (BOK) by NUANSA INDAH and to find out the passengers' ability to pay and willingness to pay the city bus tariff. The result of research shows tariff based on BOK is 14.140,4, based on ability to pay (ATP) on wekday is Rp. 22.500 for public category and Rp 12.500 for public category and Rp 22.500 for student category. The value of Willingness To Pay (WTP) on weekday is Rp 22.291,9 for public category and is Rp. 22.656,25 for student category. WTP on weekend season is Rp. 23.100,172 for public category and Rp. Rp. 19.192,30 for student category.Keywords : tariff, vehicle Oprational Cost (BOK), ability to pay (ATP), (WTP).AbstrakPenentuan besaran tarif angkutan membutuhkan penanganan dan kebijakan yang arif, Data di dapat dengan penyebaran kuisioner kepada pengguna angkutan bus PO. NUANSA INDAH dan juga wawancara dengan pengelola bus PO. NUANSA INDAH kemudian data di analisis, hasil data analisis untuk memenuhi besarnya biaya oprasional kendaraan (BOK) yang di keluarkan oleh oprator PO. NUANSA INDAH dan mengetahui daya beli penumpang dari kemampuan (ability) dan kemauan (willingeness) untuk membayar tarif bus kota. Hasil analisis dan menunjukan tarif berdasarkan BOK Rp. 14.140,4, berdasarkan Ability To Pay (ATP) pada hari kerja sebesar Rp. 22.500 untuk kategori umum dan Rp. 12.500 untuk kategori pelajar pada hari libur sebesar Rp. 22.500 untuk kategori umum dan Rp. 12.500 untuk kategori pelajar. Besarnya nilai Willingness To Pay (WTP) pada hari kerja sebesar Rp. 22.291,9 untuk kategori umum dan Rp 22

    The incidence of Sexually Transmitted Disease at Ciracas Primary Health Care, East Jakarta

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    Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) is a worldwide public health problem and become significant causes of maternal, perinatal mortality and illness. This research analyzed the incidence of STD at STD Clinic, Ciracas Primary Health Care, East Jakarta, in 2010. The association among socio-demographic (age, sex, occupation, education, civil mobilization, marital status, knowledge), environment (localization area), behavior (multi-partner sexual behavior, first sexual activity, wearing condom behavior, douching/vaginal washing, drug users, dry sex, rape/sexual assault, sexual traditional practices) and health service factors (supply of condoms, late treatment, irrational use of antibiotics, contraception, unsafe medical procedures, health promotion) withincidence of stocktickerSTD were investigated by cross-sectional study design. Eightyfive samples were chosen and interviewed by using a self-constructed questionnaire. Genital and other body fluid, as well as blood samples, were analyzed to find out the incidence of infection. It found that the total prevalence of STD was 34.2% (consist of gonorrhea 22.4%, syphilis 7.1% and HIV 4.7%). By bivariate analysis, a significant relationship found between STD incident and age (OR 2.8 for age 16-34 years old); sex (OR 0.57 for women); residency(OR 0.25 for Jakarta resident); sexual behavior (OR 5.11 for multi-partner sexual conduct); and drug users (OR 5.19). Keywords: Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD); sociodemographic; environment; behavior; health servic

    Aplikasi Hidroponik NFT Pada Budidaya Pakcoy (Brassica Rapa Chinensis)

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    Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) is one of hydroponic system with the roots of plants put on a thin layer of water that resembles a film. Circulate the water and nutrients needed by plants. Movement of nutrient solution circulation but because of the encouragement of the pump, is also caused by the slope of the gutter pipes are used. Gutter pipe slope is getting steeper can cause plants to be difficult to stand up straight and nutrients are absorbed a bit because the flow is too fast. The slope of the gutter pipe that is too small can cause nutrient flow easily clogged because the flow is too slow. Therefore, in this study the slope of the NFT gutter pipe used was 1%, 3%, 5%, and 7%. The aim is to determine the effect of NFT gutter pipe slope on the growth and yield of pakcoy. Analysis used to determine whether there is difference in the growth and production of different crops on slopes is ANOVA (Analysis of variances) in one direction because there is only one independent variable, followed by a test of Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) at 5% significance level. The results show that there are differences in average growth and crop production pakcoy using different NFT gutter pipe. NFT gutter pipe slope the best effect on plant growth (number of leaves, plant height, and root length) and pakcoy crop production (weight of the plant) is on a slope of 5%, with the results for each crop is the average number of leaf 9.1 strands, the average plant height 18.4 cm, the average length of the roots of plants 41.5 cm, and an average weight of 34.49 g plant

    Etika, Profesi Dosen dan Perguruan Tinggi: sebuah Kajian Konseptual

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    University is place to produced of professional human resource for have qualification in science area and ethical behaviour. Universities have a duty to establish "charater building" student. college consists of several components, namely faculty, students and curriculum. diantaran most important component is the lecturer. so as to ensure that college education is better then the required ethics. The first portion of this paper will examine the role and function of higher education, the importance of ethics for both college and the third the importance of ethics for the profession of teacher. Keywords: college, ethical issues and professional ethic

    Perbedaan Gender Pada Hubungan Person Job Fit Dan Organizational Fit Dengan Kinerja Dan OCB

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    Studies on gender are largely investigated by scholars, included investigation on work achievement. However few researchers explore different gender on personal fit influence intra and extra role performance. Hence, this study was aimed to investigate different gender on Person Job Fit and organizational fit related to task performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Moderation effects of gender are included to test those relationships. The result shows that male and female are equal on the relationship between Person Job Fit and task performance and between personal organizational fit and OCB. Implication for the result and suggestion for future research are discussed

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior Dengan Komitmen Organisasi Sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    This study is aimed to explore the mediation effect of organizational commitment on the influence of job satisfaction on the organizational citizenship behavior. Respondent include on this study is the staff of Yogyakarta Sate University (YSU). Path analysis is used to analize the data. The result showed that organizational commitment is accepted to mediate the effect of job satisfaction on the organizational citizenship behavior. Hence organizational commitment is important for YSU staf to improve the effect of their job satisfaction on the organizational citizenship behavior

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran Seni Budaya SMP

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    This research purposes to know : (1) Correlation between emotional intelligence and students achievement in the culture art lesson study, (2) Influence of emotional intelligence to students' achievement in the culture art lesson study, (3) contribution of emotional intelligence to students achievement in the culture art lesson study. The method used in this research is the quantitative correlation action research using ex post facto technique. Data collection techniques used were documentary study and questionnaire. Techniques of data analyze using product moment correlation, regression correlation, and determination coefficient. The result showed that : (1) There was a significant correlation between emotional intelligence and students' achievement in the culture art lesson study (2) From the regression  Y = 60,660 + 0,169X means that if emotional intelligence values progressed 1 point, so the students' achievement values progressed 0,169 points, (3) Contribution of emotional intelligence to students' achievement in the culture art lesson study were 12,2% and 87,8% supported by other factors. Based on the above result, so the teachers and schools team suggested for giving accommodation, and implementation to emotional intelligence factor in the education
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