1,144 research outputs found

    The Philosophical Principles of Thirumoolar

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    Thirumanthiram, composed by Thirumoolar, is a philosophical book. This is the first book that attempts to explain the philosophy of the shastras. Philosophy is the acquisition of the right knowledge. The best way to get it is through the senses. Thirumoolar holds that the body, which comprises the senses, is the medium through which knowledge is attained. It tells us how to grow the body and thereby develop life. While Western philosophies are free from myths and create new philosophies, Indian philosophies are adapting to tradition. Thirumoolar's philosophy suggests ways to know and achieve the truth. In this way, Thirumoolar is also prepared to accept or reject the tradition. Moreover, Thirumanthiram explains how to get rid of the shackles of this worldly life and live a great life without death. He explains how to live without desire for anything, to be free from desires, and to live alone. Man is advised to live free from religious restrictions. Thirumoolar emphasizes the philosophy of self-knowledge. Moreover, only one who knows himself fully can understand others, other matters, and the universe. Thirumoolar's philosophic principles tell anyone to examine and know with the strength of his knowledge without forcing anything. Thirumanthiram gives us the way to freedom rather than answering the questions of life

    Tamils Land-based Thinai Theory and Economic Transformation

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    Literary theory is a tool for the systematic study of the nature of literature and the ethics of analyzing literature. The Tolkappiam theory of Thinai has been identified by scholars and presented as a worldwide literary theory. It is worth considering here how our forefathers thought and constructed the natural environment, the emotions of the human mind, and time. Although the environment and topography mentioned by Tolkappiyar have changed, the basic feelings of man are always applicable everywhere. One of the theories of Tolkappiam, the Theory of the Thinai, is an excellent approach to study. As far as Tolkappiyam is concerned, the formation of the thinai theory is a tool to bring the subjective life records of group society into the order of grammatical rules. The term "thinai" can be taken to refer to the characteristic interests based on the land. Subject matters can be considered as determining factors in the character of the land. The Thinai distinctions and delimitations show that the Sangam society has become a society that has begun to live forever in one place. There is no doubt that the Sangam age was the period when the ethnic society in which the system of collective life prevailed was followed by feudalism. Thinai's life is based on the respective geographies. The lives of four lands, such as Kurinji, also existed at the same time. They have attained levels of development appropriate to their respective economic bases. The purpose of this article is to study this based on the theory of the Four Thinai lands

    Women in Tamil Magazines

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    Even though the printed version of books started to come in the tenth century, still palm leaves were used to compile the literature. Due to the evolution of printing of books, the conventional types of byhearting and remembering slowly started to dilute. However, only limited books were available before the evolution of printed books. Those available books were also meant for educational purposes only. Books related to entertainment and libraries apart from education campuses were not available at that time. At this point in time, the people started to enjoy the benefits of a printing press where a large volume of books was made available to the public. The newly printed books were not only meant for educational purposes but also for entertainment purposes. In the recent Tamil context, there are two major topics that were highly spoken namely Feminism and Dalitism. In the two-thousand-year-long history of Tamil literature, the space for women and their literature was limited. Expect for the sanga ilakkiyam, the role of women in Tamil literature is scarce. After the Indian independence, many women literates were identified. The flow of literature in the current generation is mostly based on fiction. Due to the domination of the printing press, the volume of books in Tamil was increased in fiction-based books with less importance to grammatical-oriented books. Every script was initiated by men and later it is passed onto women

    Pattern of Pap smear cytology: our experience

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    Background: To study the pattern of cervical smear abnormalities among patients attending the Gynaecology department in our hospital during the study period, in order to understand the magnitude of the problem in our region and to address the need for effective screening programmes.Methods: It was a hospital based prospective study over a period of six months. According to our study criteria, pap smears were collected and reported. Frequencies of the epithelial abnormalities were calculated.Results: A total of 630 pap smears were collected and reported in our study. Among them 256 were normal smears (40.6%), 362 were abnormal smears (57.5%) and 12 smears were unsatisfactory (1.9%). When we analysed the abnormal smears (362 smears), 338 were negative for intraepithelial lesions or malignancy (93.4% of abnormal smears or 53.7% of total smears), and 24 smears were classified as epithelial lesions (6.6% of abnormal smears or 3.8% of total smears). ASC-US, ASC-H, LSIL, HSIL, AGUS, Atypical endocervical cells and squamous cell carcinoma were found in 0.9%, 0.5%, 0.5%, 0.6%, 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.8% respectively.Conclusions: Our results emphasize that we have to encourage and motivate the women for active screening. It also indicates the need for well-organized screening programmes which already exist in well developed countries in order to reduce the burden of cervical cancer

    Demand side management studies on distributed energy resources: A survey

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    The number of distributed environmentally friendly energy sources and generators necessitates new operating methods and a power network board to preserve or even increase the efficiency and quality of the power supply. Similarly, the growth of matriculates promotes the formation of new institutional systems, in which power and power exchanges become increasingly essential. Because of how an inactive entity traditionally organizes distribution systems, the DG’s connection inevitably changes the system’s qualifications to which it is connected. As a consequence of the Distributed Generation, this presumption is currently legal and non-existent. This article glides on demand side management and analysis on distributed energy resources. Investigation of DSM along with zonal wise classification has been carried out in this survey. Its merits and applications are also presented.Universidad Tecnológica de Bolíva
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