1,038 research outputs found

    Optimal management of post-traumatic radioulnar synostosis

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    Post-traumatic radioulnar synostosis is a rare complication after forearm or elbow injury that can result in loss of motion and significant disability. Risk factors include aspects of the initial trauma and of the surgical treatment of that trauma. Surgical intervention for synostosis is the standard of care and is determined based on the location of the bony bridge. Surgical timing is recommended between 6 months and 2 years with recent advocacy for the 6- to 12-month period after radiographs demonstrate bony maturation but early enough to prevent further stiffness and contractures. For most types of synostosis, surgical resection with interposition graft is recommended. The types of materials used include synthetic, allograft, and vascularized and non-vascularized materials, but currently there is no consensus on which is the most preferable. Adjuvant therapy is not considered necessary for all cases but can be beneficial in patients with high risk factors such as recurrence or traumatic brain injury. Postoperative rehabilitation should be performed early to maintain range of motion. © 2017 Osterman and Arief

    Studi Ayat-ayat Tentang Pluralitas dan Korelasinya dengan Objek Dakwah

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    The Qur\u27anic verses that speak of a plural society are numerous. The existence of this verse signifies that God Himself does not want any uniformity among his creatures. Plurality is a fact that must be accepted and addressed appropriately. This is because Islamic teachings not only belong to a certain nation at a certain time but it is a universal teaching. And da\u27wah should be propagated to all objects of da\u27wah. As the object of da\u27wah, human plurality requires the missionaries to always preach according to the condition of each object of da\u27wah. Awareness of this plurality also indirectly has a great correlation with the method used to preach to every object of da\u27wah. In this study it is found that the Qur\u27an provides guidance in preaching to be gentle, to say persuasive words, to give good advice, to invite dialogue, and not to force

    Interpretation of Bouguer Anomaly to Determine Fault and Subsurface Structure at Blawan-ijen Geothermal Area

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    Gravity survey has been acquired by Gravimeter Lacoste & Romberg G-1035 at Blawan-Ijen geothermal area. It was a focusing study from previous research. The residual Bouguer anomaly data was obtain after applying gravity data reduction, reduction to horizontal plane, and upward continuation. Result of Bouguer anomaly interpretation shows occurrence of new faults and their relative movement. Blawan fault (F1), F2, F3, and F6 are normal fault. Blawan fault is main fault controlling hot springs at Blawan-Ijen geothermal area. F4 and F5 are oblique fault and forming a graben at Banyupahit River. F7 is reverse fault. Subsurface model shows that Blawan-Ijen geothermal area was dominated by the Ijen caldera forming ignimbrite (ρ1=2.670 g/cm3), embedded shale and sand (ρ2=2.644 g/cm3) as Blawan lake sediments, magma intrusion (ρ3=2.814 g/cm3 & ρ7=2.821 g/cm3), andesite rock (ρ4=2.448 g/cm3) as geothermal reservoir, pyroclastic air fall deposits (ρ5=2.613 g/cm3) from Mt. Blau, and lava flow (ρ6=2.890 g/cm3)

    Penggunaan Bea Materai Yang Benar Dalam Rangka Sempurnanya Akta Autentik.

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    Sofyan AriefStaf Pengajar Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Perum Bestari Indah Blok C2 No. 262 MalangHp : 85736025201, Email:[email protected] research aims to understand pattern of postage expense payment and its procedure inorder to appropriate with law regulation, that is regulation number 13 year 1985 concerning PostageExpense, so that it can help to solve the problem if there is negligence in postage expense usage.Research about the role of postage expense in letter of authority's legality which was legalizedby notary is a normative judicial research with emphasized in literature research to get primary data,with data collecting through documents study. Data obtained from field research is secondary datawhich was collected through interview. Interview method used in interviewing respondents is eitherstructured interview or unstructured interview. This research used analytics descriptive method.Research result show that letter of authority not necessarily made in front of notary, but can bemade among parties. As authentic certificate, letter of authority made in front of notary mustappropriate with law regulation and had been paid off postage expense tax prescribed by the regulation.If judge authentication assessment is determined by judge statutory, judge is affixed by evidences.If the statute doesn't regulate, judge is given freedom to evaluate authentication and judgmentcannot be accused and interfered. their letter of authority have law defect in attachable postageexpense, it does not given the date, month, and years like obligated in appointment article 7 verse (5)regulation number 13 year 1985 about postage expense, so in the next days should fair when judgeuse regulation number 13 year 1985 about postage expense.Key Word : Authorization, Stamps Duty

    Pengelolaan Sampah Malang Raya Menuju Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu yang Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat

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    PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH MALANG RAYA MENUJU PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH TERPADU YANG BERBASIS PARTISIPASI MASYARAKATWaste Management of Malang to Integrated Waste Management Based Public ParticipationSofyan AriefFakultas Hukum, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangEmail: [email protected] the results of the study found that the three cities district which comprises the city of Malang, Batu and Malang having the desire to do a joint venture or partnership in the management of garbage for Malang Raya, this is delivered by each of the following related to the handling of waste, among others, the cleanliness and landscaping of Malang, a service of the copyright works and spatial malang and Office of copyright works and spatial stone town. this research result obtained a model of integrated waste management policy that consists of the community management model garbage in garbage and the emergence as a place where rubbish can be managed with good to the first should be regulated is how the waste sorting of waste in place At this stage is also done a reduction of waste by empowering the community capable of managing its own garbage so that there can be said the key to success in the sorting of waste in the community , next is the transportation model waste management in the implementation of transport and garbage that has been divided on the community must be transported to a sharply divided also easy to be handled and safe transportation of waste in accordance with the purpose of this model made transportation of waste is conducted behind closed doors and separated between inorganic and organic waste and garbage , the latter is a model of the management of landfill where in this model management policies Final disposal place is used to inorganic waste recycling system and the use of landfill waste policy being made to regional unfortunate highway at least contain provisions on waste effective remedial to reuse organic and inorganic waste , more important is the residue of handling waste to be done well.Keywords: management, waste, integratedABSTRAKDari hasil penelitian didapati bahwasannya ketiga kota kabupaten yang terdiri atas kota Malang, kota Batu dan kabupaten Malang sama sama memiliki keinginan untuk melakukan kerjasama atau bermitra dalam pengelolaan sampah malang raya hal ini disampaikan oleh masing masing dinas yang berhubungan dengan penanganan sampah yang antara lain dinas kebersihan dan pertamanan kota malang, dinas cipta karya dan tata ruang kabupaten malang dan dinas cipta karya dan tata ruang kota batu. Bahwasannya dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh suatu model kebijakan pengelolaan sampah terpadu yang terdiri atas model pengelolaaan sampah pada masyarakat dimana sebagai tempat timbulnya sampah maka agar sampah dapat dikelola dengan baik yang pertama harus diatur adalah bagaimana pemilahan sampah pada tempat timbulnya sampah, pada tahap ini pula dilakukan suatu pengurangan sampah dengan memberdayakan masyarakat yang mampu mengelola sendiri sampahnya sehingga dapat dikatakan kunci keberhasilan ada pada pemilahan sampah pada masyarakat, selanjutnya adalah model tramsportasi pengelolaan sampah dalam pelaksanaan transportasi maka sampah yang telah dipilah pada masyarakat harus diangkut secara terpilah pula agar mudah untuk penangannnya maka diaturlah transportasi sampah yang aman sesuai dengan tujuan dibuatnya model ini yaitu transportasi sampah yang dilakukan secara tertutup dan dipisahkan atara sampah organik dan sampah annorganik, yang terakhir adalah model pengelolaan TPA dimana dalam model ini kebijakan pengelolaan TPA adalah digunakan sistem daur ulang untuk sampah anorganik dan pemanfaatan sampah kebijakan yang dibuat untuk TPA regional malang raya setidaknya memuat ketentuan tentang pemanfatan sampah organik dan pendaur ulangan sampah anorganik, yang lebih penting adalah penanganan residu sampah yang harus dilakukan dengan baik.Kata Kunci : Pengeloaan, Sampah, Terpad

    Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From Dangke and Indonesian Beef as Hypocholesterolaemic Agent

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    Lactobacillus fermentum strains were successfully isolated from dangke which was a fresh cheese-like product originating from Enrekang, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. In addition, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus acidophillus were isolated from beef. This study aimed to investigate the ability of those 8 LAB strains from dangke and beef in lowering cholesterol level by using in vitro study. Strain of Lactic acid bacteria used were L. fermentum strains (A323L, B111K, B323K, C113L, C212L), L. plantarum strains (IIA-1A5 and IIA-2C12), and L. acidophillus IIA-2B4. Variables observed were identification of Bile Salt Hydrolase (BSH) gene by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), BSH activity and cholesterol assimilation. Phylogenetic tree indicated homology of L. plantarum IIA-IA5 was 98% to BSH gene of L. plantarum Lp529 with access code of FJ439771 and FJ439775 obtained from GenBank. The results demonstrated that eight strains of LAB isolated from dangke and beef that potentially showed cholesterol-lowering effects were L. fermentum B111K and L. plantarum IIA-1A5. L. fermentum B111K was able to assimilate cholesterol by 4.10% with assimilated cholesterol of 0.13 mg in 1010 cells. In addition, L. plantarum IIA-1A5 had BSH gene and BSH activity, as well as the ability to assimilate cholesterol by 8.10% with assimilated cholesterol of 0.06 mg in 1010 cells. It is concluded that L. fermentum B111K and L. plantarum IIA-1A5 were strains that showed cholesterol-lowering effects

    Stress Can Undermine the Process of Spermatogenesis in Mice

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    Introduction: This study aimed to determine the effect of stress on the process of spermatogenesis and testosterone levels of mice (Mus musculus) male. Method: This was an experimental study using a completely randomized design. The variables examined were the number of spermatogenic cells (spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids oval) and testoseron levels. Data analysis using oneway analysis of variance (ANOVA), test a small real difference (LSD) 5%, and the kruskal wallis test. This study used 36 mice (Mus musculus) male age 2 months with 20–40 gram body weight divided into 4 groups. The control group (subcutaneous injection of 0.1 ml physiological saline), subcutaneous epinephrine injection group 0.001 mg/20 g BW, subcutaneous epinephrine injection group 0.005 mg/20 g BW, the subcutaneous injection of epinephrine 0.01 mg/20 BB gr. Result: The results show that the analysis of spermatogenic cells (spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids oval), that repeated exposure to epinephrine with different doses showed that there was a significant decrease. The average decline in a row in the treated group (P1, P2, P3) compared with the control group (K0) for spermatogonia was 28.8%, 42.4%, 45.5%, to spermatocytes was 13.7%, 37.4%, 38.9% and for oval spermatids was 33.3%, 44.2%, 50.4% Having followed by LSD 5% found that there were significant differences for almost all groups except the pair P2–P3 groups for the number of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and partner groups P1–P2 and P2–P3. As for the blood serum levels of testosterone hormone mice showed no significant decrease. Discussion: Administration of high doses of epinephrine (as stressor) can lead to bottlenecks in the process of spermatogenesis as indicated by decreased number of spermatogenic cells but not cause a decrease in testosterone levels

    Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Fundamental terhadap Kualitas Pengungkapan Sukarela dalam Laporan Tahunan pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to find the fundamental factors that influence voluntary disclosure published in ar:nual reports. This research used 22 manufacturing companies listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period of 2006-2007, is chosen by pwposive sampling. Multiple regression analysis was employed to test the research hypothesis. The result of this research show that none of the independent variables in/hence voluntary disclosure published in annual report