290 research outputs found

    Hemp Flour Particle Size Affects the Quality and Nutritional Profile of the Enriched Functional Pasta

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    The rheological and chemical quality of pasta samples, which were obtained using the durum wheat semolina fortified with the hemp seed solid residue, after oil extraction, sieved at 530 mu m (Hemp 1) or 236 mu m (Hemp 2) at different percentages of substitution (5%, 7.5%, and 10%, were evaluated. The total polyphenolic content in hemp flour was quantified in the range of 6.38-6.35 mg GAE/g, and free radical scavenging was included in the range from 3.94-3.75 mmol TEAC/100 g in Hemp 1 and Hemp 2, respectively. The phenolic profiles determined by UHPLC-ESI/QTOF-MS showed that cannabisin C, hydroxycinnamic and protocatechuic acids were the most abundant phenolic compounds in both hemp flours. Among the amino acids, isoleucine, glutamine, tyrosine, proline, and lysine were the most abundant in raw materials and pasta samples. Although the hemp seeds were previously subjected to oil extraction, hemp flours retain about 8% of oil, and the fatty acids present in the largest amount were linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. Characterization of the minerals showed that the concentration of macro and trace elements increased according to fortification percentage. Sensory evaluation and cooking quality indicated that the best performance in terms of process production and consumer acceptance was obtained using Hemp 2 at 7.5%. Hemp supplementation could be a potential option for producing high-quality, nutritionally rich, low-cost pasta with good color and functionality


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    Este trabalho é parte integrante de um Projeto mais amplo “Unidade de Manejo Ambiental na Área Costeira do Estado do Rio de Janeiro”, ora em desenvolvimento no Laboratório de Geografia Física do Instituto de Geociência da UFRJ

    Post-operative outcomes and predictors of mortality after colorectal cancer surgery in the very elderly patients

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    Background: The frailty of the very elderly patients who undergo surgery for colorectal cancer negatively influences postoperative mortality. This study aimed to identify risk factors for postoperative mortality in octogenarian and nonagenarian patients who underwent surgical treatment for colorectal cancer. Methods: This is a single institution retrospective study. The primary outcomes were risk factors for postoperative mortality. The variables of the octogenarians and nonagenarians were compared by using t-test, chi-square test, and Fisher exact test. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was carried out on the combined cohorts. Results: we identified 319 octogenarians and 43 nonagenarians (N = 362) who underwent surgery for colorectal cancer at the Sant'Orsola-Malpighi university hospital in Bologna between 2011 and 2015. The 30-day post-operative mortality was 6% (N = 18) among octogenarians and 21% (N = 9) for the nonagenarians. The groups significantly differed in the type of surgery (elective vs. urgent surgery, p < 0.0001), ASA score (p = 0.0003) and rates of 30-day postoperative mortality (6% vs. 21%, p = 0.0003). In the multivariate analysis ASA > III (OR 2.37, 95% CI [1.43\u20133.93], p < 0,001), and urgent surgery (OR 2.17, 95% CI [1.17\u20134.04], p = 0.014) were associated to post-operative mortality. On the contrary, pre-operative albumin 653.4 g/dL (OR 0.14, 95% CI [0.05\u20130.52], p = 0.001) was associated with a protective effect on postoperative mortality. Conclusions: In the very elderly affected by colorectal cancer, preoperative nutritional status and pre-existing comorbidities, rather than age itself, should be considered as selection criteria for surgery. Preoperative improvement of nutritional status and ASA risk assessment may be beneficial for stratification of patients and ultimately for optimizing outcomes


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    Introduzione. Le misure di contenimento della spesa farmaceutica sono state le principali prerogative previste dal Piano di Rientro della Regione Sicilia ( adempimento A.1.2), in tal senso le realtà delle singole ASP si sono adeguate alle direttive regionali mostrando una classifica tra le Asp siciliane che vedono come protagonista virtuosa l’Asp di Agrigento, prima in classifica. La disamina dei dati fa riferimento al triennio 2010/2011/2012. Materiali e metodi. La rilevazione concerne farmaci rimborsati dal SSN ed erogati tramite canale convenzionale privato, farmaci distribuiti direttamente e quelli utilizzati in ambito ospedaliero nel triennio 2010/2011/2012, attraverso report sulla spesa farmaceutica della regione Sicilia. Risultati. Nel 2010 la spesa farmaceutica annua è stata per l’ASP 1 di Agrigento di € 102.942.864,99, questa grazie all’incremento della distribuzione diretta, di cui al PHT D.A.2205/08 attraverso l’introduzione di molecole appartenenti alla categoria N05A (l’11,03 % della spesa totale nell’anno 2011) secondi solo agli antianemici categoria B03X (26,93 % della spesa totale) già presenti nel 2010. La spesa della distribuzione diretta nel 2011 è stata di € 13.973.336,60 mentre la distribuzione attraverso le farmacie private avrebbe fatto lievitare la spesa totale a € 25.006.073,81 nel 2012 invece l’importo è stato di € 14.953.719,04 ed attraverso il canale privato convenzionato avremmo avuto un costo di € 29.530.504,13 . La spesa totale dell’Asp è passata dunque da € 102.942.864,99 nel 2010, a € 92.883.552,99 nel 2011, a € 91.128.889,13 nel 2012. Conclusioni. Le misure adottate per il contenimento della spesa hanno previsto l’introduzione a partire dal 2011 degli antipsicotici atipici, ed il potenziamento del primo ciclo di terapia per il periodo susseguente alla dimissione ospedaliera in base ai criteri dettati dal D.A. 0150/08 portando l’ASP di Ag ad essere tra le più virtuose della regione Sicilia passando dunque dalla sesta posizione in classifica nel 2010 alla prima nel 2012 con un risparmio pari al 11,48 %, il passaggio degli antipsicotici è stato dettato anche dalla necessità dei pazienti che hanno nell’essere sottoposti a controlli periodici da parte degli specialisti ma anche alla valutazione dell’appropriatezza prescrittiva che in quest’ultimo caso è affidato al farmacista ospedaliero. Un altro obiettivo dell’ASP 1 di Agrigento mirato ad un ulteriore contenimento della spesa è quello di estendere la distribuzione diretta anche alla prescrizione successiva ad ogni visita specialistica ambulatoriale

    The path from trigeminal asymmetry to cognitive impairment: a behavioral and molecular study

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    Trigeminal input exerts acute and chronic effects on the brain, modulating cognitive functions. Here, new data from humans and animals suggest that these effects are caused by trigeminal influences on the Locus Coeruleus (LC). In humans subjects clenching with masseter asymmetric activity, occlusal correction improved cognition, alongside with reductions in pupil size and anisocoria, proxies of LC activity and asymmetry, respectively. Notably, reductions in pupil size at rest on the hypertonic side predicted cognitive improvements. In adult rats, a distal unilateral section of the trigeminal mandibular branch reduced, on the contralateral side, the expression of c-Fos (brainstem) and BDNF (brainstem, hippocampus, frontal cortex). This counterintuitive finding can be explained by the following model: teeth contact perception loss on the lesioned side results in an increased occlusal effort, which enhances afferent inputs from muscle spindles and posterior periodontal receptors, spared by the distal lesion. Such effort leads to a reduced engagement of the intact side, with a corresponding reduction in the afferent inputs to the LC and in c-Fos and BDNF gene expression. In conclusion, acute effects of malocclusion on performance seem mediated by the LC, which could also contribute to the chronic trophic dysfunction induced by loss of trigeminal input

    Spin asymmetry A_1^d and the spin-dependent structure function g_1^d of the deuteron at low values of x and Q^2

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    We present a precise measurement of the deuteron longitudinal spin asymmetry A_1^d and of the deuteron spin-dependent structure function g_1^d at Q^2 < 1 GeV^2 and 4*10^-5 < x < 2.5*10^-2 based on the data collected by the COMPASS experiment at CERN during the years 2002 and 2003. The statistical precision is tenfold better than that of the previous measurement in this region. The measured A_1^d and g_1^d are found to be consistent with zero in the whole range of x.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Aptidão agroecológica de terras: proposta de avaliação em paisagens rurais montanhosas ocupadas por pequenos agricultores na Serra do Mar.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi gerar subsídios para o planejamento agrícola de pequenas propriedades rurais inseridas em paisagens rurais montanhosas da Serra dos Órgãos, ocupada com agricultura familiar. Apoiado em técnicas de geoprocessamento e SIGs, o trabalho demonstra os procedimentos adotados para a avaliação da aptidão agroecológica das terras por unidade ambiental, enfatizando limitações e potencialidades com base nas ofertas e restrições ambientais apresentadas em cada unidade delimitada. Os procedimentos utilizados envolveram a geração de banco de dados digital no SIG e a geração de dados básicos no campo, através de mapeamentos temáticos do meio físico, que foram associados a informações socioeconômicas, de pluviosidade e de áreas protegidas por legislação específica ou reservas existentes, constituindo assim um conjunto de informações agrossocioambientais em meio digital, o que possibilitou a delimitação de unidades ambientais e a geração de mapas interpretativos úteis ao planejamento. Em cada uma das unidades defi nidas, foi associado um conjunto de indicações relativas às suas limitações e potencialidades, fragilidades e riscos. O modelo de aptidão agroecológica considerado é feito por unidades ambientais delimitadas, e envolve a indicação de uso, manejo e sugestão de alternativas sustentáveis de utilização, visando reduzir os efeitos negativos sobre o meio ambiente e incrementar a qualidade ambiental. Conclui-se que a metodologia apresentou- se adequada ao planejamento agroambiental de áreas com relevo movimentado, pois onde foi identifi cada a ocorrência de compartimentos mais frágeis e problemáticos, em função dos solos, declividade, maior suscetibilidade aos processos erosivos e maior grau de fragilidade ambiental, estes se encaixaram nas classes de aptidão inapta, restrita, preservação ambiental ou recomposição de matas

    The Weak Charge of the Proton and New Physics

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    We address the physics implications of a precision determination of the weak charge of the proton, QWP, from a parity violating elastic electron proton scattering experiment to be performed at the Jefferson Laboratory. We present the Standard Model (SM) expression for QWP including one-loop radiative corrections, and discuss in detail the theoretical uncertainties and missing higher order QCD corrections. Owing to a fortuitous cancellation, the value of QWP is suppressed in the SM, making it a unique place to look for physics beyond the SM. Examples include extra neutral gauge bosons, supersymmetry, and leptoquarks. We argue that a QWP measurement will provide an important complement to both high energy collider experiments and other low energy electroweak measurements. The anticipated experimental precision requires the knowledge of the order alpha_s corrections to the pure electroweak box contributions. We compute these contributions for QWP, as well as for the weak charges of heavy elements as determined from atomic parity violation.Comment: 22 pages of LaTeX, 5 figure