24 research outputs found


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    Abstract. A problem of output robust control for a system with power nonlinearity is considered. The considered problem can be rewritten as a stabilization problem for a system with polynomial nonlinearity by introducing the error term. The problem of temperature regulation is considered as application; the rapid thermal processes in vapor deposition processing are studied. Modern industrial equipment uses complex sensors and control systems; these devices are not available for laboratory setups. The limited amount of available sensors and other technical restrictions for laboratory setups make it an actual problem to design simple low-order output control laws. The problem is solved by the consecutive compensator approach. The paper deals with a new type of restriction which is a combination of linear and power restrictions. It is shown that the polynomial nonlinearity satisfies this restriction. Asymptotical stability of the closed-loop system is proved by the Lyapunov functions approach for the considered nonlinear function; this contribution extends previously known results. Numerical simulation of the vapor deposition processing illustrates that the proposed approach results in zero-mean tracking error with standard deviation less than 1K


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    A problem of tracking control is considered for a hydraulic drive with a pressure compensator that is widespread in the equipment of heavy-duty machines. Method. The control problem is solved by means of a switching sliding-mode controller coupled with static nonlinear compensation and desired velocity feedforward. Main Results. Mathematical model of a hydraulic drive is given in view of the pressure compensator presence. Traditional model of a hydraulic drive is formulated for a system with a spool valve; purpose and principles of operation of the pressure compensator in hydraulic systems are described, and the extended model is presented illustrating compensator contribution to overall system dynamics. It is shown that the obtained model has an input static nonlinearity; the nonlinearity cancellation method is proposed giving the possibility for injection of a desired velocity feedforward term. The control law is chosen as a switching one and two chattering attenuation methods are studied: equivalent control estimation via filtering and sign function integration. Experimental studies are performed at a forestry hydraulic crane prototype and illustrate high tracking accuracy achieved for typical crane motions. Practical Significance. The results are suitable for heavy-duty hydraulic machines automation in construction, road building and forestry


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    The article studies binding legal force of the ECtHR decisions in relation to the arising from the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms requirement demanding execution of measures of individual and general character. The authors analyze the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation regarding the binding nature of ECtHR judgments. The authors note that, in assessing the nature of the decisions of this Court, their influence on the Russian legal system, it is important to take into account the fact that the legal effect of its decisions is not limited only to decrees adopted in the cases on the appeals against the Russian Federation. The article emphasizes, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has never denied the role and importance of the ECtHR decisions in the Russian legal system, their commitment and the need of execution addressed to the Russian authorities of the individual measures, confidently and consistently perceiving the rights and freedoms of a person in the essential constitutional-Convention unity. The main difficulties of implementation or, as they say, domestication (domestication) of the Convention's provisions for Russia are connected not with the Convention itself and its interpretation in the decisions of the ECtHR. These difficulties are not sustainable and ambitious nature. Based on the anal-ysis of legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the ECtHR, the authors come to the conclusion that the Russian Federation shall make all possible efforts for the execution of final judgments of the Strasbourg Court which, however, does notrelieve Russian authorities from the unconditional compliance with the Constitution and which, in its turn, as a consequence, may hinder the execution of such judgments in case of their contradiction to the Constitution of Russia.УДК 343(3+5)Статья посвящена исследованию правовой обязательности решений ЕСПЧ в соотношении с вытекающим из Конституции Российской Федерации и Конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод требованием исполнения содержащихся в них предписаний (мер) индивидуального и общего характера. На основе анализа право-вых позиций Конституционного Суда РФ и ЕСПЧ авторы приходят к выводу, что Российская Федерация должна предпринимать все зависящие от неё усилия для исполнения окончательных постановлений Страсбургского Суда, что, однако, не освобождает российские власти от безусловного соблюдения собственной Конституции и, как следствие, может препятствовать исполнению таких постановлений в случае выявления их противоречия Конституции России

    Процедурная сторона правовой государственности в замечаниях с уклоном в антропологию

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    The subject. The article examines a wide range of issues related to the understanding of the role and importance of legal procedures in their relationship with the rule of law. The authors pay special attention to the current state and trends in the development of legislative, administrative and judicial procedures in the Russian Federation.The purpose of the article is to assess the impact of legal procedures on the rule of law.The description of methodology. The authors use methods of complex analysis, synthesis, as well as formal-legal, comparative-legal, research methods in combination with the methodology of anthropological science.The main results and scope of their application. Reconciling public-imperious decisions, the procedure sometimes governs the behavior of the state itself and keeps it in check, bringing statehood closer to rule of law. The rule of law needs urgently and comprehensively a system of different legal procedures: judicial, public, contractual, arbitration, electoral, referendum, parliamentary, federal, municipal and administrative (fiscal, budgetary, licensing, control, jurisdictional). It would simply not be able to meet its purpose without such procedures, and the idea of the rule of law would remain non-binding.  Not every form and fiction performs law-saving work and it’s also true for the conditional ability of the authorities to create law and judge law.Conclusions. Procedures, their combinations are different in origin and in action, but the "non-procedural" legal statehood can not exist. Therefore, procedural violations-encroachments on the judicial, parliamentary, electoral process and other types of processes – are especially dangerous. Legal statehood based on trust is harmed by frequent changes in procedures. The evolutionary capacity of legislative changes is the condition of their viability.На основе комплексного анализа исследуется широкий спектр вопросов, связанных с уяснением роли и значения юридических процедур в их соотношении с правовым го- сударством и верховенством закона. Особое внимание уделяется современному со-стоянию и тенденциям развития законодательного, административного и судебного процессов в Российской Федерации, в том числе в сравнении с аналогичными зару-бежными правовыми институтами


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    The article studies binding legal force of the ECtHR decisions in relation to the arising from the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms requirement demanding execution of measures of individual and general character. The authors analyze the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation regarding the binding nature of ECtHR judgments. The authors note that, in assessing the nature of the decisions of this Court, their influence on the Russian legal system, it is important to take into account the fact that the legal effect of its decisions is not limited only to decrees adopted in the cases on the appeals against the Russian Federation. The article emphasizes, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has never denied the role and importance of the ECtHR decisions in the Russian legal system, their commitment and the need of execution addressed to the Russian authorities of the individual measures, confidently and consistently perceiving the rights and freedoms of a person in the essential constitutional-Convention unity. The main difficulties of implementation or, as they say, domestication (domestication) of the Convention's provisions for Russia are connected not with the Convention itself and its interpretation in the decisions of the ECtHR. These difficulties are not sustainable and ambitious nature. Based on the anal-ysis of legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the ECtHR, the authors come to the conclusion that the Russian Federation shall make all possible efforts for the execution of final judgments of the Strasbourg Court which, however, does notrelieve Russian authorities from the unconditional compliance with the Constitution and which, in its turn, as a consequence, may hinder the execution of such judgments in case of their contradiction to the Constitution of Russia


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    A problem of parameters identification is considered for a nonlinear model of rapid thermal processes. A hybrid approach is proposed for parameter estimation combining both analytical solution and numerical optimization. At the first step, the rate of temperature change is estimated from experimental data, which makes it possible to rewrite the considered nonlinear model as a linear regression and estimate the parameters by the least-squares method. Further, this estimation is used as an initial guess for numerical optimization of prediction error minimization problem, thus the optimal predictor is obtained. The proposed approach was verified at an experimental setup for vapor deposition processing; the resulting estimates provide high-quality temperature prediction

    The procedural side of the rule of law in the observations with anthropological bias

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    The subject. The article examines a wide range of issues related to the understanding of the role and importance of legal procedures in their relationship with the rule of law. The authors pay special attention to the current state and trends in the development of legislative, administrative and judicial procedures in the Russian Federation.The purpose of the article is to assess the impact of legal procedures on the rule of law.The description of methodology. The authors use methods of complex analysis, synthesis, as well as formal-legal, comparative-legal, research methods in combination with the methodology of anthropological science.The main results and scope of their application. Reconciling public-imperious decisions, the procedure sometimes governs the behavior of the state itself and keeps it in check, bringing statehood closer to rule of law. The rule of law needs urgently and comprehensively a system of different legal procedures: judicial, public, contractual, arbitration, electoral, referendum, parliamentary, federal, municipal and administrative (fiscal, budgetary, licensing, control, jurisdictional). It would simply not be able to meet its purpose without such procedures, and the idea of the rule of law would remain non-binding.  Not every form and fiction performs law-saving work and it’s also true for the conditional ability of the authorities to create law and judge law.Conclusions. Procedures, their combinations are different in origin and in action, but the "non-procedural" legal statehood can not exist. Therefore, procedural violations-encroachments on the judicial, parliamentary, electoral process and other types of processes – are especially dangerous. Legal statehood based on trust is harmed by frequent changes in procedures. The evolutionary capacity of legislative changes is the condition of their viability


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    Identification problem of the linearly varying frequency for the sinusoidal signal is considered. Practical importance of this problem is shown. Dynamic model of the signal is proposed and identification algorithm is designed. Illustrative numerical example is also presented