191 research outputs found

    Speech Recognition Using HMM/ANN Hybrid Model

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    By the analysis on the principle of speech recognition system, a speech recognition system was designed by using LPC2148 as the hardware platform and MATLAB 2012 as the software platform. Speech recognition is an important component of biological identification which is an integrated technology of acoustics, signal processing and artificial intelligence. Recognition systems based on hidden Markov models are effective under particular circumstances, but do suffer from some major limitations that limit applicability of ASR technology in real-world environments. Attempts were made to overcome these limitations with the adoption of artificial neural networks as an alternative paradigm for ASR, but ANNs were unsuccessful in dealing with long time sequences of speech signals. So taking the limitations and advantages of both the systems it was proposed to combine HMM and ANN within a single, hybrid architecture. The goal in hybrid systems for ASR is to take advantage from the properties of both HMM and ANNs, improving flexibility and ASR performance For Speech recognition features from speech sample are extracted & mapping is done using Artificial Neural Networks. Multilayer pattern mapping neural network, which works on the principle of back propagation algorithm is proposed. Finally Speaker Recognition is done using Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The specialty of this model is the flexible and expandable hidden layer for recognition. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150613

    Design of Transfer Lines for INDUS-I

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    For synchrotron radiation source INDUS-I, electron beam from an injector microtron is to be transported to the booster synchrotron and from the synchrotron after acceleration to the storage ring INDUS-I with proper matching of beam parameters. Design of the two transfer lines is discussed from the beam dynamics considerations

    The 2mrad crossing angle scheme for the international linear collider

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    http://cern.ch/AccelConf/e08/papers/mopp005.pdfInternational audienceThe present baseline configuration of the ILC has a 14 mrad crossing angle between the beams at the interaction point. This allows easier extraction of the beams after col- lisions, but imposes on the other hand more constraints on the control of the beams prior to colliding them. More- over, some limitations to physics capabilities arise, in par- ticular because of the degraded very forward electromag- netic detector hermeticity and because calibration proce- dures for (gaseous) tracking detectors become more com- plex. To mitigate these problems, alternative configurations with very small crossing angles are studied. A new version of the 2 mrad layout was designed last year, based on sim- pler concepts and assumptions. The emphasis of this new scheme was to satisfy specifications with as few and feasi- ble magnets as possible, in order to reduce costs

    Extraction line optics in the improved 2mrad alternative ILC crossing angle layout

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    In this memo we present the optical parameters of the new extraction line for the 2mrad crossing angle layout of the International Linear Collider (ILC). The revised design, separately optimised for both the 500 GeV and 1 TeV machine, directly addresses the beam transport and magnet feasibility issues of the previous designs. Acceptable beam transport capabilities are achieved for all machine energies and beam parameter sets

    Early Results from NOAA-20 (JPSS-1) Viirs On-Orbit Calibration and Characterization

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    Since launch in November 2018, the VIIRS on-board the NOAA-20 (or JPSS-1) satellite has completed its initial intensive on-orbit check-outs and several key calibration and validation activities scheduled to help evaluate sensor at launch performance. This paper provides a brief overview of NOAA-20 VIIRS on-orbit operation and calibration activities, presents early results derived from its on-board calibrators and lunar observations, and discusses potential improvements and future effort to assure sensor data product quality

    Machine-Related Backgrounds in the SiD Detector at ILC

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    With a multi-stage collimation system and magnetic iron spoilers in the tunnel, the background particle fluxes on the ILC detector can be substantially reduced. At the same time, beam-halo interactions with collimators and protective masks in the beam delivery system create fluxes of muons and other secondary particles which can still exceed the tolerable levels for some of the ILC sub-detectors. Results of modeling of such backgrounds in comparison to those from the e+ e- interactions are presented in this paper for the SiD detector.Comment: 29 pages, 34 figures, 7 table

    MODIS Instrument Operation and Calibration Improvements

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    Terra and Aqua MODIS have successfully operated for over 14 and 12 years since their respective launches in 1999 and 2002. The MODIS on-orbit calibration is performed using a set of on-board calibrators, which include a solar diffuser for calibrating the reflective solar bands (RSB) and a blackbody for the thermal emissive bands (TEB). On-orbit changes in the sensor responses as well as key performance parameters are monitored using the measurements of these on-board calibrators. This paper provides an overview of MODIS on-orbit operation and calibration activities, and instrument long-term performance. It presents a brief summary of the calibration enhancements made in the latest MODIS data collection 6 (C6). Future improvements in the MODIS calibration and their potential applications to the S-NPP VIIRS are also discussed

    Developments in CLARA accelerator design and simulations

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    We present recent developments in the accelerator design of CLARA (Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications), the proposed UK FEL test facility at Daresbury Laboratory. Updates on the electron beam simulations and code comparisons including wakefields are described. Simulations of the effects of geometric wakefields in the small-aperture FEL undulator are shown, as well as further simulations on potential FEL experiments using chirped beams. We also present the results of simulations on post-FEL diagnostics

    Work Plans of the EUROTeV Technical Work Packages for 2005-2007

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    This report summarises the status of the work in the seven scientific Work Packages of EUROTeV as presented during the ILC-European Regional Meeting at Royal Holloway in June 2005. The purpose of the meeting was to monitor the progress and to contrast the developments inside EUROTeV with the worldwide developments of the GDE. The presentations of the entire meeting are available from http://www.pp.rhul.ac.uk/workshop/