26 research outputs found


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    Ikan segar sebagai penghasil protein tinggi yang terjangkau oleh semua lapisan masyarakat dapat dijadikan alternatif pemenuh kebutuhan protein harian. Ikan menjadi sumber asam lemak tak jenuh, taurin, dan asam lemak omega-3, terutama pada ikan jenis tuna, tongkol, ikan kembung, dan ikan lemuru. Dalam budidaya ikan pada umumnya sekitar 60 – 80% biaya produksi dihabiskan untuk kebutuhan pakan. Pakan berpengaruh pada proses pertumbuhan, reproduksi, dan pemeliharaan tubuh ikan. Oleh karena itu pemantauan jumlah pakan yang diberikan menjadi hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan supaya lebih efisien. Selain itu waktu pemberian pakan juga tidak boleh sembarangan. Pemberian pakan yang baik adalah terjadwal dengan tepat waktu dan tidak berubah – ubah. Dengan berkembanganya teknologi mobile yang semakin pesat, pertumbuhan jumlah penggunanya pun kian meningkat. Salah satu teknologi mobile yang populer adalah Android. Operating Sistem (OS) yang kini banyak digunakan pada telepon seluler ini menyediakan platform terbuka bagi siapapun untuk pengembangan aplikasinya. Pada tugas akhir ini dirancang suatu sistem yang terintegrasi antara aplikasi smartphone Android dengan Raspberry Pi sebagai web server yang dapat digunakan sebagai pemantau pemberian pakan pada kolam ikan. Dengan demikian maka diharapkan pemantauan dan pengaturan pakan pada kolam budidaya ikan dapat lebih efisien. Kata kunci: android, Raspberry P

    Clinical and endocrinological changes after electro-acupuncture treatment in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee

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    Neurobiological mechanisms invoking the release of endogenous opioids and depression of stress hormone release are believed to be the basis of acupuncture analgesia. This study compared plasma β-endorphin and cortisol levels with self assessment scores of intensity of pain, before and after 10 days of electro-acupuncture treatment in patients suffering from chronic pain as a result of osteoarthritis knees. Forty patients of either sex over 40 years with primary osteoarthritis knee were recruited into a single-blinded, sham-controlled study. For electro-acupuncture group the points were selected according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridian Theory. In the sham group needles were inserted at random points away from true acupoints and no current was passed. Both groups were treated for 10 days with one session every day lasting for 20–25 min. Pre- and post-treatment Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) index of osteoarthritis knee and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain were recorded and blood samples were taken for the measurement of plasma cortisol and β-endorphin levels. Following electro-acupuncture treatment there was a significant improvement in WOMAC index and VAS (p = 0.001), a significant rise in plasma β-endorphin (p = 0.001), and a significant fall in plasma cortisol (p = 0.016). In conclusion electro-acupuncture resulted in an improvement in pain, stiffness and disability. Of clinical importance is that an improvement in objective measures of pain and stress/pain associated biomarkers was shown above that of a sham treatment; hence demonstrating acupuncture associated physiological changes beyond that of the placebo effects

    CORAK TAFSIR BALAGHI (Studi Analisis Tafsir Al-Kassyaf ‘An Ghawamidh At-Tanzil Wa ‘Uyun Al-Aqawil Fii Wujuh At-Ta'wil Karya Abu Al-Qasim Az-Zamakhsyari)

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    Mengetahui corak penafsiran tertentu dari suatu karya tafsirnbsp; penting dilakukan sebab setiap Mufassir akan terpengaruh dalam penafsirannya baik itu oleh lingkungan, pemikiran, Aqidah, Guru dan sebagainya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui corak tafsir balaghi dengan analisis melalui kitab tafsir Tafsir Al-Kassyaf ‘An Ghawamidh At-Tanzil Wa ‘Uyun Al-Aqawil Fii Wujuh At-Ta'wil karya Abu al-Qasim Az-Zamakhsyari. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalahnbsp; metode pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi literatur (Library research). Berdasarkan pembahasan, Corak penafsiran balaghi bisa diketahui dengan cara melihat mufassir dalam menafsirkan ayat tertentu. Dalam konteks tafsir al-Kasyaf ini, Az-Zamaksyari memilki metode khusus dalam menafsirkan ayat tertentu diantaranya: mengawalinya dengan menyebutkan nama surat,nbsp;makkiyahnbsp;dannbsp;madaniyah, menjelaskan makna nama surat, menyebutkan keutamaan surat,memasukkannbsp;qira'at, Menjelaskan bahasa,nbsp;nahwu,nbsp;sharafnbsp;dan ilmu-ilmu bahasa Arab lainnya (secaranbsp;tahlili), dan menafsirkan ayat dengan mengacu pendapat tertentu dan membantah penafsiran yang dianggapnya tidak tepat. Knowing the pattern of certain interpretations of a work of interpretation is important because each Mufassir will be affected in its interpretation be it by the environment, thoughts, Aqidah, Master and so on. This paper aims to find out balaghi's interpretation patterns with analysis through the Tafsir al-Kassyaf 'An Ghawamidh At-Tanzil Wa 'Uyun Al-Aqawil Fii Wujuh At-Ta'wil by Abu al-Qasim Az-Zamakhsyari. The method used in this paper is a qualitative approach method with the method of literature study (Library research). Based on the discussion, balaghi interpretation patterns can be known by looking at mufassir in interpreting certain verses. In the context of al-Kasyaf's interpretation, Az-Zamaksyari has a special method of interpreting certain verses including: starting by mentioning the names of letters, makkiyah and madaniyah, Explain the meaning of the letter name, mention the virtues of the letter, include qira'at, explain the language, nahwu, sharaf and other Arabic sciences (tahlili), and interpret the verse by referring to certain opinions and refute interpretations that it considers inappropriate


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    Background: Toxoplasmosis is a condition in which a person is infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Humanitarian transmission is closely linked to the environment in which they live and the conduct that allows the entry into the body of Oocyst Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasmosis in married women is very dangerous because it can cause conditions of infertility, repeated spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and congenital abnormalities. This study aimed to analyze the association between environmental and behavior on toxoplasmosis incidences among married women. Subjects and Method: This was a case-control study carried out at the Alternative Medical Clinic, Aquatreat Therapy Indonesia Foundation in Bogor City during 2019. Total of 160 women were enrolled in this study and divided into 2 groups: 80 in case group and 80 in control group. The dependent variable was toxoplasmosis behavior. The independent variables were environmental and behavior factors. Data were collected from clinical laboratory results and questionnaire and analyzed using a multiple logistic regression. Results: In environmental factors, presence of pets at home (OR= 3.73; 95%CI= 1.83 to 7.61; p<0.001), presence of wild cats or neighboring cats that are often seen around the house (OR= 2.63; 95%CI= 1.24 to 5.58; p= 0.012), and risky environment (OR= 9.60; 95%CI= 3.74 to 24.61; p<0.001) were significantly associated with toxoplasmosis among married women. In behavior factors, consumption of raw vegetables/vegetables (OR= 4.53; 95%CI= 1.23 to 16.73; p= 0.023), consumption of smoked meat/ steak/ undercooked (OR= 3.32; 95%CI= 0.12 to 0.77; p<0.001), food buying habits at roadside stalls (OR= 8.64; 95%CI= 0.03 to 0.50; p<0.001), and washing hands before eating (OR= 0.29; 95%CI= 1.80 to 25.50; p= 0.006) were significantly associated with toxoplasmosis among married women. Conclusion: Environmental and behavior factors are positively associate with toxoplasmosis among married women. Keywords: determinant, environment, behavior, toxoplasmosis, married woman Correspondence: Andi Asnifatima. Study Program of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Ibn Khaldun, Bogor, West Java. Email: [email protected]. Hp: +6281355879086

    The Effect of Marketing Mix and Consumer Behavior on the Decision to Purchase Hydroponic Vegetables: Study on Consumers of P4S Hikmah Farm

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the marketing mix and consumer behavior both partially and simultaneously on the purchasing decisions of hydroponic vegetables on the consumers of P4S Hikmah Farm. This type of research is quantitative research. The sampling technique in this study uses accidental sampling. The number of samples used in this study was 50 respondents. Methods of data collection through questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis and descriptive analysis. The results showed that partially variable of product, price, and promotion have a positive effect on purchasing decisions for hydroponic vegetables. Variable of place, cultural factor, personal factor, and psychological factor did not influence the purchasing decisions of hydroponic vegetables. Variable social factors have a negative effect on purchasing decisions for hydroponic vegetables. Simultaneously marketing mix and consumer behavior have a positive effect on purchasing decisions for hydroponic vegetables. The dominant variable in purchasing decisions is a product

    Geometric, Electronic, and Optoelectronic Properties of Carbon-Based Polynuclear C<sub>3</sub>O[C(CN)<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub>M<sub>3</sub> (where M = Li, Na, and K) Clusters: A DFT Study

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    Carbon-based polynuclear clusters are designed and investigated for geometric, electronic, and nonlinear optical (NLO) properties at the CAM-B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. Significant binding energies per atom (ranging from −162.4 to −160.0 kcal mol−1) indicate excellent thermodynamic stabilities of these polynuclear clusters. The frontier molecular orbital (FMOs) analysis indicates excess electron nature of the clusters with low ionization potential, suggesting that they are alkali-like. The decreased energy gaps (EH-L) with increased alkali metals size revael the improved electrical conductivity (σ). The total density of state (TDOS) study reveals the alkali metals’ size-dependent electronic and conductive properties. The significant first and second hyperpolarizabilities are observed up to 5.78 × 103 and 5.55 × 106 au, respectively. The βo response shows dependence on the size of alkali metals. Furthermore, the absorption study shows transparency of these clusters in the deep-UV, and absorptions are observed at longer wavelengths (redshifted). The optical gaps from TD-DFT are considerably smaller than those of HOMO-LUMO gaps. The significant scattering hyperpolarizability (βHRS) value (1.62 × 104) is calculated for the C3 cluster, where octupolar contribution to βHRS is 92%. The dynamic first hyperpolarizability β(ω) is more pronounced for the EOPE effect at 532 nm, whereas SHG has notable values for second hyperpolarizability γ(ω)