1,938 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Attitude of Students of Post-secondary Institutions in Kano, Northern Nigeria Towards the Causes and Prevention of Blindness

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    Objective: Blindness is a disabling condition of public health importance in Nigeria. This study assesses the attitude and nowledge of secondary school students, who are mostly adolescents, towards the causes of blindness and its prevention in Kano, Northern Nigeria. The findings of this study will provide important eye health data for this important subgroup of the population as well as identify the gaps in adolescents’ knowledge about eye health which can then be modified or targeted through health education. Method: This cross sectional descriptive study used a multistage sampling method to select 220 secondary school students from 1 girls only secondary school and 1 boys only secondary school located in Tarauni LGA of Kano State in a ratio of 1:1. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 15.5 years with a standard deviation of 2.5 years, and a male: female ratio of 1:1. The level of poor knowledge and attitude about the causes of blindness and its prevention was 62.3% and 58.2% respectively. Conclusion: This study showed that awareness and knowledge of causes of blindness and its prevention were poor among secondary school students. Attitude towards prevention of blindness and perception of respondents regarding the importance of preventing blindness were similarly poor. There is an urgent need to incorporate eye health promotion into secondary school curricula.Key words: blindness, disability, adolescents, secondary school students, eye health promotio

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Orang Tua terhadap Pencegahan Primer Karies pada Anak Usia PRA Sekolah 3-5 Tahun di Tk Kemala Bhayangkari 20 Kab. Pangkep

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    Masalah kesehatan gigi masih merupakan masalah yang menarik, karena penyakit gigi dan mulut masih banyak diderita masyarakat seperti karies gigi. Prevalensi karies mencapai 80 % dari jumlah penduduk. Demikian juga dengan USAha untuk mencegahnya belum terlihat hasil yang nyata, bila diukur dengan indikator kesehatan gigi masyarakat, misalnya prevalensi karies hingga tahun 2009 yang masih sangat tinggi. Hasil survey kesehatan rumah tangga (SKRT) yang menyatakan karies gigi pada anak merupakan masalah yang serius pada kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Indonesia dengan prevalensi hingga 90,05 %. Karies menjadi salah satu bukti tidak terawatnya kondisi gigi dan mulut masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi proses karies adalah dengan adanya saliva dalam rongga mulut. Saliva memegang peranan penting antara lain yaitu dalam proses terbentuknya plak gigi, saliva juga merupakan media yang baik untuk kehidupan mikroorganisme tertentu yang berhubungan dengan karies gigi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara pH Saliva dengan terjadinya kerusakan gigi di SDN No 187 Patobong Kec Mattiro Sompe Kabupaten Pinrang. Metode penelitian adalah penelitian observasional analitik mengenai pH Saliva dengan Kerusakan Gigi,dimana kerusakan gigi dipengaruhi oleh cara menyikat gigi dan makanan dan minuman yang dikonsumsi siswa/siswi. Subjek penelitian adalah seluruh siswa/siswi SD No 187 Patobong dengan jumlah sampel 30 orang yang terdiri dari laki-laki 13 orang dan perempuan 17 orang. Metode Metode yang digunakan dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional untuk menguji hipotesis, dimana variabel-variabel yang diteliti diobservasi kemudian diukur dalam waktu bersamaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pH Saliva Dengan Kerusakan Gigi di SD No 187 Patobong Kecamatan Mattirosompe Kabupaten Pinrang dengan Considance interval sebesar 95 %. Kesimpulan penelitian Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pH saliva dengan kerusakan gigi, dimana kerusakan gigi terbanyak terlihat terjadi pada anak yang memiliki ph saliva kritis yaitu 5,0 – 5,8


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    Scholars and policymakers continue to debate the ramifications of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) and infrastructure development in Africa. Some argue that China’s activities in Africa create mutual economic opportunities, while others postulate that Chinese presence on the continent simply advances Chinese Communist Party (CCP) interests. More granular research into specific countries is crucial to better assess this debate. Using a qualitative methodology, this thesis examines the financing and construction of Nigeria’s railways by Chinese companies in the 21st century. More broadly, it evaluates the regional context of Sino-African economic cooperation on infrastructure development. Through a close analysis of press and official reports as well as a review of scholarly work, this study establishes the ways, means, and consequences of China’s investment in Africa. Chinese FDIs have helped to strengthen infrastructure, power generation, and resource extraction industries in many African countries, though not without costs such as huge debt burdens and disadvantageous trade imbalances. This study documents that Chinese financing and construction of Nigeria’s railway system has generated local revenue and employment and has facilitated technology transfer in the country, but the engagement benefits China even more because it expands the CCP’s economic influence and reinforces the Sino-Nigerian political connection.Commander, Nigerian NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Graded level inclusion of melon shell in the diet of hybrid catfish (Heteroclarias) as energy source

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    Utilization of agricultural waste- melon shell by hybrid catfish (heteroclarias) 3.92 ~c 0.05g was investigated in this research. Five isonitrogenous diets containing 40% crude protein with inclusion levels of melon shell meal (MSM) at 0%,25%,50%, 75% and 100% in replacement of maize meal was fed to heteroclarias species for 56.days. The results indicated significant differences (P<0.05) in the growth parameters and body compositions. Diet containing 50% melon shell meal gave a significantly high mean weight gain, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio, apparent protein utilization and low feed conversion ratio respectively. The experiment supported the inclusion of melon shell meal up to 50% without detrimental effects on the growth of the fish

    Development of 2.14 M one sheet canoe (SAMPAN) for pond activities

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    A 2.14 M length overall (LOA) flat bottom modern canoe (Sampan), was designed and constructed using locally available materials. The canoe features include easy construction, portability, least cost, light weight, shallow draft, and easy maneuverability. The light displacement (weight empty) was 25kg, which was less than local canoe of same size. When placed on water a draft of 5.5cm. The capacity of the canoe was 200kg, and the total production cost of N10, 000.00, ($67) which was not beyond the reach of an average fisher folks, or any fish farmer. The canoe was easily maneuvered when propelled by paddling as it floated at a shallow draft; this makes the canoe adequate for use on shallow water bodies such as ponds and reservoirs. The craft, because of its easy maneuverability, can also be used on shallow water bodies for recreational activities such as, sport fishing and canoeing

    Pelaksanaan Bimbingan Karir Bagi Siswa SMA sebagai Persiapan Awal Memasuki Dunia Kerja

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    Bimbingan karir merupakan salah satu bentuk bimbingan yang terpadu pelaksanaannya dalam layanan bimbingan konseling di sekolah. Bimbingan karir merupakan salah satu bidang layanan bimbingan yang setara dengan tiga layanan bimbingan lainnya yaitu bimbingan belajar, bimbingan sosial, dan bimbingan pribadi. Program bimbingan karir di sekolah bertujuan untuk membantu anak dalam merencanakan karir di masa mendatang, agar karir yang dipilih sesuai dengan bakat minat dan nilai-nilai yang dijunjung tinggi. Jika orang memperoleh karir yang tepat maka hidup orang akhirnya akan bahagia. Dan kebahagiaan adalah tujuan hidup semua orang. Oleh sebab itu, bimbingan karir sejak usia dini merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari tugas pendidikan. Bimbingan karir tidak hanya sekedar memberikan respon kepada masalah-masalah yang muncul, akan tetapi juga membantu memperoleh pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan yang diperlukan dalam pekerjaan

    Adoption of Free Open Source Geographic Information System Solution for Health Sector in Zanzibar Tanzania

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    \ud The study aims at developing in-depth understanding on how Open Source Geographic Information System technology is used to provide solutions for data visualization in the health sector of Zanzibar, Tanzania. The study focuses on implementing the health visualization solutions for the purpose of bridging the gap during the transition period from proprietary software to the Free Open-Source Software using Key Indicator Data System. The developed tool facilitates data integration between the two District Health Information Software versions and hence served as a gateway solution during the transition process. Implementation challenges that include outdated spatial data and the reluctance of the key users in coping with the new Geographical Information System technologies were also identified. Participatory action research and interviews were used in understanding the requirements for the new tool to facilitate the smooth system development for better health service delivery.\u

    Effect of oral administration of aqueous extract of cassia occidentalis l. seeds on serum electrolytes concentration in rats

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    The effect of aqueous extract of C. occidentalis seeds on serum electrolytes concentration, in rats, was investigated in order to assess the acclaimed hypotensive effect of the seeds and also the seeds extract’s relation with acid – base balance of the body. Serum concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate ions were determined in 64 rats grouped into 4. Groups I, II and III rats were orally administrated with the seeds extract at a daily dose of 30 mg/kg, 60 mg/kg and 90 mg/kg respectively for 1,2,3 and 4 weeks each. Group IV served as control. Concentration of sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate in the serum of control rats were found to range from 130 – 155 mEq/L, 3.4 - 8.7 mEq/L, 80 – 107 mmol/L and 20 -35 mmol/L respectively. The results of this study showed no significant difference (

    Development of 4.78M LOA fishing boat (punt) for artisanal fishery

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    A 4.78 M length overall (LOA) flat bottom modern fishing boat (punt), was designed and constructed using locally available materials. The boat features include easy construction, stability, and high capacity to carry load. Other features include: least cost, light weight, shallow draft, and easy maneuverability. The light displacement (weight empty) was 202.24kg, which was lighter than a local boats of same size. When placed on water a draft of 5cm. The capacity of the boat was 715kg (11 prs), and the total production cost of N39,000.00, which was not beyond the reach of an average fisher folks, or fish farmer. The punt can easily be maneuvered when propelled with 5hp out board engine as it floats at a shallow draft (10cm); this makes it adequate for fishing activities on shallow water bodies. The craft, because of its easy maneuverability, can also be used on shallow water bodies for recreational activities such as, sport fishing
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