953 research outputs found

    An Ant Colony Optimization based Routing Techniques for VANET

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    With number of moving vehicles, vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is formed. These are provided with the wireless connections. Among various challenges in the VANET such as security and privacy of the messages, data forwarding is also considered as a major challenge. The effective communication is mainly depends on the how safely and fast the data is being forwarded among the vehicles. Data forwarding using Greedy mechanism suitable for routing in the VANETs, it depends only on the position of nodes and also data forwarding is done with minimum number of hops. In this paper, Position based GPCR and topology based DYMO routing protocol are adapted to make the use of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) procedures. The resulting bio-inspired protocols, ACO_GPCR and ACO_DYMO had its performance evaluated and compared against existing GPCR and DYMO routing protocols. The obtained results suggest that making the use of ACO algorithm make these protocols more efficient in terms of Delay, Jitter, Packet Delivery Ratio and energy consumption

    Morphometric studies in the genus Clerodendrum L.

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    Six Clerodendrum L. species from Kolhapur district were morphometrically analyzed with the help of PCA, cluster analysis and CD. It was observed that the quantitative characters viz. petiole length, leaf length and leaf width have great significance in delimitation of all the species and corolla tube length, leaf width, gynoecium length and leaf length have great contribution in separation of the taxa. Clerodendrum multiflorum (Burm.f.) O. Ktze.- Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn., Clerodendrum paniculatum L. - Clerodendrum viscosum Vent. and Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn. - Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon. are very closely related with each other and Clerodendrum multiflorum (Burm.f.) O.Ktze.- Clerodendrum paniculatum L. and Clerodendrum multiflorum (Burm.f.) O. Ktze. - Clerodendrum viscosum Vent. are significantly different from each other

    Conservative management of traumatic brachial plexus injury: a case report

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    Brachial plexus injury (BPI) is one of the devastating conditions for patients, which has a negative impact on patients' quality of life. It renders patients with an inability to achieve functional independence. With advancements in surgeries and rehabilitation, improvement in these domains is possible. This case report describes the rehabilitation of a 28-year-old male patient. Being a driver by occupation and the only earning member in the family, upper limb function was essential for functional independence and resume work. After examination, problems were identified, goals were set, and intervention was planned. The patient took 2 months of inpatient rehabilitation six days a week. After completion of treatment, the patient was independent in basic and instrumental activities of daily living. The study concludes that structured, evidence-based physiotherapy treatment is effective in achieving functional independence and reducing disability in patients with traumatic BPI

    Harvesting Image Databases from The Web

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    The research work presented here includes data mining needs and study of their algorithm for various extraction purpose. It also includes work that has been done in the field of harvesting images from web. Here the proposed method is to harvest image databases from web. We can automatically generate a large number of images for a specified object. By applying concept of data mining and the algorithm from data mining which is used for extraction of data or harvesting images. A multimodal approach employing text ,metadata and visual  features is used to gather many high-quality images from the web. The modules can be made to find query images by selecting images where nearby text is top ranked by the topic i.e., formation of image clusters then download associate images by using approaches like web search, image search and Google images. Apply re-ranking algorithm and then filtering process to harvest the images.Currently, image search gives a very low precision (only about 4%) and is not used for the harvesting experiments. Since the movements of the technologies are growing rapidly the kinds of work also need to be grown up. This work shows an approach to harvest a large number of images of a particular class automatically and to achieve this with high precision by providing training databases so that a new object model can be learned effortlessly. Many other tools also are available for harvesting images from web .An approach in this paper is original and up to the mark. Keywords: Legacy code, re-engineering, class diagrams, Aggregation, Association, Attribute

    A prospective study on feto-maternal outcome in patients with premature rupture of membranes at tertiary care center

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    Background: PROM is associated with increased risk of chorioamnionitis, unfavorable cervix and dysfunctional labour, increased cesarean rates, postpartum hemorrhage and endometritis in the mother. Possible neonatal outcomes in cases of PROM may include respiratory distress syndrome, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, intraventricular hemorrhage, broncho pulmonary dysplasia etc. Objective of this study the maternal and perinatal outcomes in premature rupture of membranes at term.Methods: This prospective study was done among 100 pregnant women with premature rupture of membranes after 37 completed weeks visited at department of obstetrics & Gynecology in RCSM Hospital, Kolhapur during June 2014 and June 2015. Inclusion Criteria was Gestational  age  of  >37  weeks  confirmed  by  dates,  clinical  examination  or ultrasound, cervical dilatation of <3 cms, Lack of uterine contractions for atleast 1 hour from PROM, Single live pregnancy in vertex presentation and PROM confirmed by Direct visualization or Litmus.Results: Present study found highest number of cases among age group 20-24 years and mean age was 22 years. Almost 70% cases were un-booked. Average duration to PROM to hospital admission was 9.6 hours. Most common maternal outcome was febrile illness Most common perinatal outcome was birth asphyxia and 3 perinatal death.Conclusions: Pregnancies complicated with PROM should have supervised labor preferably in an institution. Management of each case has to be individualised. A combined effort of obstetrician and neonatalogist is necessary. A good neonatal intensive care unit can be instrumental in reducing the perinatal morbidity and mortality

    Comparison of neuroimaging by CT and MRI and correlation with neurological presentation in eclampsia

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    Background: The objective of the study was to compare computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of eclampsia patients with respect to neurological signs and symptoms.Methods: This is a prospective observational study, 25 patients of eclampsia were studied, statistical analysis was done by Fishers’ exact and chi square test.Results: All patients in our study presented with antepartum or intrapartum eclampsia with neurological features ranging from headache, altered consciousness to coma. On neuroimaging by MR transiently high T2 signal intensity in the cerebral cortex and sub cortical white matter was seen, including edema. With MR angiography generalized vasospasm was also seen in 40% cases. MRI was found to be co-relating more than CT with the neurological presentation and had 90% sensitivity and 100% sensitivity.Conclusions: Symptoms like visual blurring, loss of vision and ophthalmological signs in eclampsia suggest occipital lobe involvement. Magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities in eclampsia correlate well with clinical findings as compared to CT and can be better imaging modality in eclampsia patients


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    Ayurveda is hope for suffering humanity in today’s world where no one found complete treatment solution for commonest chronic inflammatory joint disease Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis). This causes swelling, pain and stiffness of joints. Chronic condition may cause debility, deformities of joints and crippling. Unfortunately the man has not succeeded in eradicating this diseases and find to come out with successful therapeutic measures that can cure the patient completely.  Amavata is made up of two words, Ama &amp; Vata. Ama means incomplete digestion of food which result in incomplete/impure formation of Annarasa, circulate in body &amp; reach to target cell where it produces pathology like heaviness in body, loss of strength, drowsiness, aggravation of Vata &amp; improper elimination of waste product. Ayurveda says chikitsa (Treatment) is Nidaan Parimarjna (removal of cause). The clinical presentation of Amavata closely mimics with the special variety of Rheumatological disorders called Rheumatoid Arthritis in accordance with their similarities on clinical features like pain, swelling, stiffness, fever, redness, general debility, fatigue are almost identical to that of Amavata. It is a severe form of chronic inflammatory autoimmune systemic disorders which mainly affects the synovial joints. sometimes leads to destruction and ankylosis of affected joints along with substantial loss of functioning and mobility. The available treatment modalities in contemporary science is NSAIDS, DMRDS, steroids etc. but these drugs are related with hazardous side effects and remission is very big problem. The ancient Ayurvedic treatment not only devoid such type of ill effect, but also provides a better way by treating Agni and Ama at its roots. Shamana (conservative) and Shodhana (biological purification of the body) treatments are advised in Ayurveda
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