48 research outputs found

    International migrations of Polish pensioners in the context of the cumulative causation theory

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    Nowadays we deal with both rapid population ageing and considerable increases in international migrations of people over 65. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to present the destinations Polish pensioners choose when moving abroad. The most popular destination country is Germany, which results from the family networks binding pensioners with this country. This fact is confirmed by the cumulative causation theory, which argues that a combination of several factors is necessary for migrations to occur. Pensioners face low incomes, and after retirement they seek opportunities to raise them. However, going abroad to work is not easy due to lack of knowledge of foreign languages. Mobility is facilitated by existing migration networks, i.e. migrants move to join their families and friends

    Krajobrazy podmiejskie i rezydencjalne, jako przestrzeń mieszkaniowa emerytów

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    The ageing of society is an important problem affecting the functioning of urban and suburban areas. After retiring, elderly people spend the majority of their time at home, therefore, to them, home is the most important place in their lives. This is due to the fact that the home offers them shelter and a sense of safety, as well as allowing them to satisfy most of their needs. However, there a dilemma appears as to whether one should choose to live in the city or in the suburbs. Modern cities fail to guarantee a safe and comfortable life for seniors, as urbanisation does not entail creating a better environment in which they can live. To meet their needs, housing estates are built especially for them. Nonetheless they do not want to move into these areas due to their mentality. The purpose of this paper is to present suburban landscapes as housing space for pensioners and to show the migration of pensioners to suburban areas

    Migracje emerytów w Polsce - czynniki, kierunki, konsekwencje

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    Migrations of senior citizens are an important aspect of the social and economic development of local communities. Especially in the era of ageing populations and increasing life span, they are a challenge for local governments. The social capital constituted by senior citizens is very valuable and should be supported and strengthened. In the places where the pensioners migrate to, new types of services offered specifically to the elderly may be developed. The main aim of the study was to identify the patterns of the migration of the old age pensioners in Poland with regard to the stage of life they are in. It has been assumed that there are certain differences in this respect between old age pensioners within different age ranges. It has been found that they issue from different health status of the senior citizens and the benefits the destination offers. The research findings allowed showing the real scale of the retirees migration at the municipal level, which is around 30,000 annually as to internal migration, and about 2 thousand (migration turnover) as to international migration. The migrations are dominated by females, who migrate about three times more often than males, whereas the main directions of the migrations are municipalities, and they are twice more numerous than to rural communities. Since the phenomenon is a multidimensional process, the paper looks at migration concepts with regard to spatial, motivational, cost and benefit approach, and discusses the dynamic model of the senior citizens migration consisting of three cycles: industrial, post-industrial and informational. In each of the cycles the factors that have influenced migration were indicated, as well as the directions in which migration occurred, and the benefits and costs borne by the migrating pensioners. What should be indicated among the migration factors in the industrial period, are health and familial and financial factors. They played a major role in making a decision about migration by the pensioner. The dominant destination was the city or town, because it is associated with easier life. Unfortunately, during the industrial period, the migrating pensioners lost more than they gained, in terms of housing, economic and social aspects. The most frequently, the migrants were elderly, poorly educated pensioners, who moved within short distances. In the post-industrial period, familial and financial factors were the dominant aspects, whereas health was of the secondary (far lesser) importance. The main destination of the migration was the city or town. The costs were outweighed by the benefits, and the most important of the latter were housing and social benefits. The most frequently migrating pensioners were younger, well-educated senior citizens, who moved within short distances. In the information period, health and environmental factors play the most important role among the migration factors, while the main directions are: to the city or town and abroad. The benefits (the most important of which are housing and social benefits) outweigh the costs. The most frequently, the migrants are younger, very well-educated pensioners, who migrate at long distances. In the case of industrial society, pushing out forces play a pivotal role, whereas in the case of post-industrial and informational societies, the forces of attraction are crucial. The conducted survey of migration studies in chronological terms, subdivided into study periods, indicates that the monograph is innovative, and that there is no similar study of such a research scope in the literature on the subject. The paper shows the regional background of the migration of old age pensioners in other countries. The migration of elderly people in the Mediterranean, North America and selected Asian countries was discussed in detail, therefore it was possible to determine prospects of the migration of old age pensioners in Poland. It has been found that there is a significant impact of tourism on the migration of senior citizens. In the monograph, on the basis of questionnaire surveys, the factors that influenced the pensioner’s decision about migration have been determined. The causes of migration have been further distinguished due to gender, education, age and family status. The main reasons for the migration of the old age pensioners comprise: • building or purchasing a house or a flat, • improving the standard and quality of life, • stopping work and going into retirement, • deterioration of health, the need for treatment and care, • desire to improve the climatic and environmental conditions, • accompanying the family when they move to a different place of living, • intention to reduce the living area and decrease relevant fees, • high tourist and social attractiveness of the destination, • need to take care of grandchildren, • loneliness and longing for the family. The phenomenon of the migration of Polish senior citizens was characterized in terms of their material situation, housing situation and family situation. The study comprises the description of the direction and volume of the migration of the old age pensioners. The scale of the phenomenon occurring between 1990 and 2013 was determined with regard to both national and international migration. The occurrence of migration cycles in five-year periods was shown and a summative analysis of the cycles was carried out. In three time periods (2000, 2006, 2013), a meticulous analysis was performed individually for gender, within five-year intervals, as to influx to and outflow from municipalities of up to 5, 10, 20, 20–100 thousand inhabitants and more than 100 and 200 thousand inhabitants. In the aforesaid time periods, the municipalities where the highest number of pensioners migrated into were indicated, both in absolute values and per 1000 inhabitants. A spatial distribution of the influx of the pensioners was presented. In addition, the influx of the retired people with regard to different age groups was presented cartographically: up to 70 years of age, 70–79, and 80 years of age and above. The volume of the migration influx of the retired people to municipalities in Poland was determined, and thus it proved to be systematically increasing from 1990 until 1998 when it reached the highest level (1025 pensioners). After 1998, it dropped to about 800 immigrants in 2001, and has remained at this level until today. The typology of the migration of the pensioners was developed in three aspects: • spatial classification of the migrants’ age (k-means clustering), • typology of the causes of the migration (cluster analysis method), • typology of the migration directions (character table method). Distinguished types have been presented graphically. On the basis of the proposals of actions of numerous local authorities, recommendations have been made for the other ones. They were presented in 10 groups concerning the following issues: social activity, volunteering, actions preventing loneliness, health promotion, the Silver Economy, transport and infrastructure, meals, housing, senior citizens- friendly places, information for senior citizens. The study of the senior citizens migration counters the myth persisting in Polish society that “you cannot shift an old tree without it dying” – the monograph unequivocally confirms that the migration of Polish pensioners amounts to several tens of thousands each year during the period considered. Such a scale of migration may indeed cause the emergence of retirement towns in the nearest future (so far, senior citizens settlements are growing up in our cities or towns). The migration of old age pensioners plays an important role in the social and economic development of cities and villages. It brings about transfer of income to these places, development of the infrastructure necessary for the retirees, and creation of new jobs associated with the assistance to the elderly people. On the other hand, it may become a burden on municipal social services because of an increasing demand for care services, and it also may reduce the investment of enterprises looking for new employees. Whether the migration of the retirees will facilitate the development or will become a hindrance to our cities and villages, will depend on social policy, especially in terms of developing the social potential of active, creative, experienced and professional senior citizens

    Kształceniowa funkcja wyjazdów turystycznych seniorów i młodzieży

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    Celem artykułu jest ukazanie funkcji kształceniowej, jaką mogą pełnić wyjazdy turystyczne dla seniorów, i porównanie ich do zachowań turystycznych młodzieży akademickiej. Odwiedzając nowe miejsca, doświadczamy zbliżania się i integracji społecznej ludności, oprócz tradycyjnie pojmowanej kształceniowej roli turystyki. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, że funkcja kształceniowa turystyki jest bardzo istotna zarówno dla seniorów, jak i dla młodzieży

    Aktywność turystyczna seniorów w Polsce

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    The aim of the article is to present the senior citizens’ activity in Poland. The profile of senior tourist as well as programs supporting and facilitating travelling for this age group are going to be introduced. It is going to be found out what the seniors’ impact on tourism development is and what the future of this service sector is

    Obecność związków powierzchniowo czynnych w rzece Kłodnicy (Katowice; Polska) Część II. Czwartorzędowe związki amoniowe

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    The paper presents methods of determination of analytes of the cation group (alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium (BDDA-C12-C16), alkyl trimethyl ammonium (TMA), hexadecyl piridinium (HP)) in surface water and bottom sediment samples. In the sample preparation phase the solid phase extraction (SPE) or accelerated solvent extraction/ultrasound assisted extraction (ASE/UAE)-SPE technique was used and in the identification phase and quantitative determination of analytes phase - ion chromatography technique (combined with a conductivity detector (CD)). The determined concentrations were in the range below the determined method detection limit (MDL) or method quantification limit (MQL) figures up to 0.142 ±0.023 mg/dm3 or 2014 ±10 μg/kg (liquid and solid samples, respectively). Comparing concentrations of individual analytes found in liquid and solid environmental samples we may notice that surfactants containing a shorter alkyl chain in their molecules were found in higher concentrations in liquid samples (hydrophobicity increasing with the chain length)

    Three-dimensional photography as a new technique to make didactic presentations more attractive

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    In the 21st century, the form of presenting information plays an incredibly important role in arousing interest in research problems. Stereoscopy is among the imaging techniques that have evoked much interest in the recent years. Its numerous applications that can be observed in various fields (such as medicine, space science, law, marketing, or entertainment industry) suggest that we should also use this technology for didactic purposes. The aim of the article is to discuss the process of creating threedimensional photography and the opportunities offered by stereoscopy, which makes it possible to obtain images with depth effect and impression of solidity. The authors describe different ways to obtain threedimensional images and the devices applied in the process, as well as techniques of presenting threedimensional material to a wider audience. The methods of free-viewing (the oldest method of viewing stereoscopic images), anaglyph (a simple method applied in printing and displaying static images and movies on screen), lenticular raster (employing a series of narrow vertical cylindrical lenses), and stereoscopy (in which mirrors, lenses, prisms, or filters are used) are discussed. Also, the application of computer technology is reviewed and the ways in which stereoscopy can benefit from this medium owing to the use of LCD shutter glasses. Contemporary technology offers considerable opportunities, at the same time posing ever-increasing demands, which are mentioned in the paper, too. Teaching is most effective when information is received through multiple channels, combining verbal and visual messages. Owing to 3D images, the recipients grasp more information details, remember them longer, and are more interested in the message content. Creating didactic presentations with the use of three-dimensional photographs or films is presented as a way of arousing interest, allowing direct participation in the cognitive process, and facilitating the reception of the transmitted content

    Efficiency of website service in polish spas enterprises

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    The main aim of this study is to investigate the usefulness of websites selected spas enterprises in Poland. The analysis included 37 Polish websites spa business. The efficiency of web service tested by masked surveys (mystery shopping), and using a ethical conduct code in the operation of medical HONcode websites

    Rola turystyki w rozwoju miast poprzemysłowych

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    Tourism within the area of Katowice urban aggregate consists of many forms, including culture tourism, business, entertainment, trade, ethnic-sentimental, religious, sport and recreation. The aim ofthe thesis is to show the changes that have taken place in the area of Katowice urban aggregate; to show the chance of the development within the touristic function and to answer the question whether it can tum into the main field of activity of the city’s citizens. On the basis of the indexes analysis one may State that the role of tourism in the cities of the urban aggregate is rather complementary and at various levels of progress.Górny Śląsk i Zagłębie Dąbrowskie w przeszłości były i często nadal są postrzegane jako centrum przemysłowe, jednak ich wizerunek zmienia się z roku na rok. Wzrasta znaczenie usług i intensywnie rozwijają się małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa. Dla rozwoju regionu niebywale ważne są trafnie dobrana strategia promocji i przełamywanie stereotypów. Poza tym analizowany obszar mieści w sobie również ogromny potencjał naukowy i kulturowy. W literaturze przedmiotu turystyczna funkcja miasta jest traktowana jako „turystyka w mieście” lub „turystyka na obszarach miejskich”. Pod tym pojęciem można rozumieć:                                                                                                                                                                                             1. wszystkie formy turystyki, które występują na terenach miejskich;                                                                                                                                                                                                           2. formy turystyki związane z atrakcyjnością turystyczną miasta;                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3. turystykę, której celem jest odwiedzanie i poznanie miasta traktowanego jako dziedzictwo materialne i duchowe przekazywane z pokolenia na pokolenie oraz uznawanego za   niepodzielny element przestrzeni turystycznej.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Turystyka na obszarach miejskich obejmuje zatem wiele form turystyki, w tym turystykę kulturową, biznesową, kulturalno-rozrywkową, handlową, etniczno-sentymentalną, religijną i sportowo-rekreacyjną. Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania są funkcje turystyczne miast konurbacji katowickiej. Głównym czynnikiem miastotwórczym większości tych miast był przemysł, a zwłaszcza górnictwo węgla kamiennego, które jeszcze w latach 60. i 70. XX w. było dominującą funkcją. Obecnie dominującymi funkcjami większości miast konurbacji katowickiej są funkcje usługowe. W świetle zarysowanych zmian funkcjonalnych nasuwa się pytanie: Jakie miejsce wśród funkcji usługowych zajmuje funkcja turystyczna i czy może ona stać się główną dziedziną działalności mieszkańców miasta, od której zależy jego dalszy rozwój