41 research outputs found

    Serum anti-glycan antibodies in paediatric-onset Crohn's disease : association with disease phenotype and diagnostic accuracy

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    Introduction: Antibodies reacting with various microbial epitopes have been described in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and are associated with a specific diagnosis and clinical presentation. Aim: To evaluate the profile of new anti-glycan antibodies, their potential association with disease phenotype and diagnostic accuracy in paediatric Crohn鈥檚 disease (CD). Material and methods: Blood samples from 134 paediatric IBD patients (109 CD, 25 ulcerative colitis (UC)) and 67 controls were blindly analysed for anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ASCA), anti-chitobioside carbohydrate (ACCA), anti-laminaribioside carbohydrate (ALCA), and anti-mannobioside carbohydrate (AMCA) antibodies using commercially available assays. The serological response to glycans was correlated with clinical disease characteristics. Results: At least one of the tested anti-glycan antibodies was present in 75% of CD patients. Despite the high frequency of reactivity to glycan epitopes, a limited overlap of serological markers was observed. In total, 49% of ASCA-negative patients presented with one of the following: ACCA, ALCA, or AMCA. The occurrence of one antibody from the anti-glycan panel was independently associated with complicated disease phenotype and ileocolonic disease location. A higher level of immune response as assessed by the quartile sum scores for ACCA, ALCA, and AMCA was linked with older age at diagnosis (10-17 years) and ileocolonic disease location. The ASCA had the greatest accuracy for diagnosis and differentiation of CD. Conclusions: Qualitative and quantitative serologicalal response to glycan epitopes was associated with distinct clinical presentation in paediatric CD patients. This raises the possibility for the use of these markers to differentiate subgroups of CD patients with more sever clinical presentation. The ASCA was the most accurate serological marker for CD; however, testing for the new anti-glycan antibodies may constitute an adjunctive tool in a specific group of patients to aid in the differentiation of CD with absent ASCA from ulcerative colitis

    Zesp贸艂 samotnego wrzodu odbytnicy i enterocele u 13-letniego ch艂opca

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    Zesp贸艂 samotnego wrzodu odbytnicy (solitary rectal ulcer syndrome - SURS) jest rzadkim schorzeniem u dzieci i m艂odzie偶y. Zwykle objawia si臋 zaburzeniami oddawania stolca i b贸lami brzucha. Powszechnie uwa偶a si臋, 偶e w patogenezie tego schorzenia odgrywaj膮 rol臋 zaburzenia defekacji. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku 13-letniego ch艂opca z zespo艂em nadpobudliwo艣ci psychoruchowej i SURS. G艂贸wnymi objawami, kt贸re zg艂asza艂 pacjent, by艂y: zwi臋kszona cz臋sto艣膰 oddawania stolca z obecno艣ci膮 艣luzu, okresowe krwawienia z odbytnicy, uczucie parcia na stolec i niepe艂nego wypr贸偶nienia oraz b贸le brzucha. W badaniu kolonoskopowym stwierdzono okr臋偶ne owrzodzenie i uniesion膮, nieregularn膮 zmian臋 si臋gaj膮c膮 esicy z typowym dla SURS obrazem mikroskopowym. Defekografia uwidoczni艂a typowy dla enterocele obraz wpuklenia si臋 p臋tli jelita cienkiego w 艣cian臋 prostnicy. Ch艂opcu i jego matce wyja艣niono 艂agodny, chocia偶 przewlek艂y, charakter schorzenia. Leczenie zachowawcze obejmowa艂o zalecenie unikania wysi艂kowego oddawania stolca oraz stosowanie diety bogatob艂onnikowej, aby zapobiega膰 zaparciom. W SURS obraz zmian makroskopowych jest bardziej r贸偶norodny, ni偶 powszechnie si臋 uwa偶a. Ustalenie w艂a艣ciwego rozpoznania zale偶y w du偶ej mierze od wnikliwo艣ci zar贸wno klinicysty, jak i patologa.Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) is a rare disorder of childhood, which usually presents with any of the manifestations of anorectal disease, bowel habit alteration and abdominal pain. It is commonly accepted that pathogenesis is associated with disturbances of defecation. We describe a 13-year-old boy with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and SRUS. He complained of increased stool frequency associated with the passage of blood and mucus, tenesmus, sensation of incomplete defecation and abdominal pain. Circumferential ulcer and flat lesion extending up to the sigmoid colon with typical microscopic findings were revealed upon colonoscopy. Defecography showed an opacified small bowel invaginating into the rectal wall, the pictures consistent with enterocele. Conservative treatment, including reassuring the patient and his mother of the benign nature of the disease, recommendation to avoid straining defecation and use of a high-fiber diet to prevent constipation, was applied. The macroscopic appearance of rectal lesions in SRUS are much more variable than is usually realized. An early diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion both for clinicians and the pathologist

    Human recombinant growth hormone normalizes growth and alleviates symptoms in children with severe growth deficit treated with glycocortisteroids due to Crohn’s disease - case presentation

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    Choroba Le艣niowskiego-Crohna (CD) jest przyczyn膮 niskiego wzrostu u 10–20% chorych w wyniku katabolicznego dzia艂ania: 1) niedo偶ywienia spowodowanego upo艣ledzeniem wch艂aniania oraz jelitow膮 utrat膮 bia艂ka, 2) przewlek艂ego procesu zapalnego, kt贸ry wywo艂uje zale偶n膮 od TNF-a oporno艣膰 na hormon wzrostu (GH) oraz 3) przewlek艂ej kortykoterapii hamuj膮cej dzia艂anie osi somatotropowej. Autorzy niniejszej pracy przedstawi膮 przypadek 14-letniego ch艂opca z CD, oty艂o艣ci膮 (+55%) o typie cushingoidalnym i nadChoroba Le艣niowskiego-Crohna (CD) jest przyczyn膮 niskiego wzrostu u 10–20% chorych w wyniku katabolicznego dzia艂ania: 1) niedo偶ywienia spowodowanego upo艣ledzeniem wch艂aniania oraz jelitow膮 utrat膮 bia艂ka, 2) przewlek艂ego procesu zapalnego, kt贸ry wywo艂uje zale偶n膮 od TNF-a oporno艣膰 na hormon wzrostu (GH) oraz 3) przewlek艂ej kortykoterapii hamuj膮cej dzia艂anie osi somatotropowej. Autorzy niniejszej pracy przedstawi膮 przypadek 14-letniego ch艂opca z CD, oty艂o艣ci膮 (+55%) o typie cushingoidalnym i nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym, kt贸rego leczono od 7 r偶. glikokortykoidami (GCS) (prednizon 2 mg/kg/d., metylprednizolon 0,1–0,6 mg/kg/d.), od 9 r偶. mesalazyn膮 (0,02–0,2 mg/kg/d.), od 14 r偶. azatiopryn膮 (1–2 mg/kg/d.), a od 15 — 4/12 ludzkim rekombinowanym hormonem wzrostu (rhGH) (1 j./kg/tydz.) z powodu rozpoznania izolowanego niedoboru GH na podstawie niedoboru wzrostu –4 SDS, op贸藕nienia wieku kostnego (9 lat), zahamowania wzrastania (0,0 cm/rok) w okresie ostatnich 2 lat oraz maksymalnego wyrzutu GH poni偶ej 10 ng/ml w dw贸ch testach farmakologicznych. Pacjent otrzymywa艂 ponadto analog GnRH (Diphereline 3,75 mg/4 tyg.) z powodu nasilonych w ci膮gu ostatnich 2 lat cech pokwitania (obj臋to艣膰 j膮der po 8 ml, maks. wyrzut LH = 9,1 mj./ml po do偶ylnej stymulacji 100 μg GnRH). W czasie trwaj膮cego 3,5 roku leczenia rHGH uzyskano st臋偶enia IGF-1 zbli偶one do +2 SD oraz szybko艣膰 wzrastania (maks. 9,7 cm/rok), mimo r贸wnoczesnego stosowania GCS, wzrost ko艅cowy (174 cm, –0,2 SDS), zgodny ze wzrostem docelowym (176,5 cm), oraz remisj臋 choroby zasadniczej, pozwalaj膮c膮 na redukcj臋, a nast臋pnie ca艂kowite odstawienie GCS. Nie obserwowano zaburze艅 gospodarki w臋glowodanowej (glikemia na czczo 5,4 mmol/l, HbA1c 5,1%). Na podstawie tych obserwacji wykazano, 偶e leczenie rhGH przy zastosowanych dawkach poprawia wzrost ko艅cowy i przebieg choroby u pacjent贸w z CD.Crohn’s disease (CD) causes short stature in 10-20% of patients due to catabolic effects of: 1. malnutrition resulting from malabsorbtion and intestinal protein loss, 2. chronic inflammatory process triggered by TNF-alpha-dependent resistance to growth hormone (GH), and 3. chronic corticoid therapy inhibiting the somatotropic axis activity. The authors present a 14-year old boy with CD, cushingoid-type obesity (+55%), hypertension, treated with glucocortocoids (GCS) (prednizone 2 mg/kg/day, methylprednizolone 0.1-0.6 mg/kg/day) since 7 years of age, mesalazine (0.02-0.2 mg/kg/day) since 9 years of age, azatioprin (1-2 mg/kg/day) since 14 years of age, and human recombinant growth hormone (rhGH) (1 IU/kg/week) since 15 4/12 years of age due to isolated GH deficiency diagnosed based on growth deficit -4 SDS, delayed bone age (9 years), growth inhibition (0.0 cm/year) within the past 2 years, and maks. GH release below 10 ng/ml in two pharmacological tests. Additionally, he received a GnRH analog (Diphereline 3.75 mg/4 weeks) due to intensified puberty signs noted over the past 2 years (testicular volume - 8 ml each, max. LH surge release 9.1 mIU/ml following IV stimulation with 100 μg GnRH). Within 3.5 years of rHGH treatment, he demonstrated IGF-I levels approximating IGF-I +2 SD, improved growth rate (max. 9.7 cm/year), despite concomitant GCS administration, final height of 174 cm, -0.2 SDS (in agreement with mean parental height - 176.5 cm) and underlying disease remission, allowing for reducing the dose and subsequent GCS termination. No carbohydrate metabolism disturbances were seen (fasting glycemia 5.4 mmol/l, HbA1c 5.1%). These observations indicate the employed doses of rhGH improve final height and the course of disease in CD patients

    Clinical characteristics of 320 pediatric Crohn's disease patients registered in the nationwide Crohn's disease registry in Poland

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    Wst臋p: Nieswoiste choroby zapalne jelit (inflammatory bowel diseases - IBD), zw艂aszcza choroba Le艣niowskiego-Crohna (Crohn鈥檚 disease - CD), s膮 narastaj膮cym problemem w gastroenterologii pediatrycznej. Dost臋pne dane dotycz膮ce klinicznych i demograficznych aspekt贸w choroby w Polsce s膮 ograniczone. Cel: Zebranie rzetelnych danych o klinicznych i demograficznych aspektach choroby Le艣niowskiego-Crohna u dzieci w Polsce na podstawie utworzonego internetowo prospektywnego rejestru choroby maj膮cych pom贸c w opracowaniu najbardziej optymalnych strategii terapeutycznych dla tej grupy pacjent贸w. Materia艂 i metody: We wrze艣niu 2005 roku zosta艂 utworzony w Internecie og贸lnopolski rejestr pacjent贸w z chorob膮 Le艣niowskiego-Crohna. Do projektu w艂膮czono 10 jednostek szpitalnych (9 szpitali akademickich, 1 rejonowy szpital referencyjny). W celu zebrania danych demograficznych i klinicznych zastosowano dost臋pny internetowo kwestionariusz, kt贸ry nast臋pnie przesy艂ano do centralnego rejestru do prospektywnej analizy. Ocenie poddano nast臋puj膮ce dane: demografia, historia rodzinna, lokalizacja i posta膰 choroby, objawy pozajelitowe, choroby wsp贸艂istniej膮ce, diagnostyka oraz leczenie (w艂膮czaj膮c w to interwencje chirurgiczne). Wyniki: Przez 4 lata 320 pacjent贸w (p艂e膰 m臋ska : p艂e膰 偶e艅ska - 191 : 129) w wieku poni偶ej 16 lat ze zdiagnozowan膮 CD (艣redni wiek w momencie postawienia diagnozy: 9,2 卤6,8 roku) zosta艂o zarejestrowanych w bazie danych. Tak zwany wczesny pocz膮tek choroby (wiek przy rozpoznaniu poni偶ej 5 lat) stwierdzono u 68 dzieci (21,25%). Rodzinne wyst臋powanie (obci膮偶ony wywiad rodzinny) odnotowano u 16 pacjent贸w (5%). G艂贸wne miejsce zmian chorobowych (wed艂ug Klasyfikacji montrealskiej: L1 - jelito cienkie, L2 - jelito grube, L3 - ileocolon, L4 - g贸rny odcinek przewodu pokarmowego) stanowi艂a lokalizacja kr臋tniczo-k膮tnicza (L3) - 217 (67,8,%). Posta膰 niepenetruj膮ca bez zw臋偶e艅 by艂a przewa偶aj膮c膮 postaci膮 choroby - 225 (70,32%) pacjent贸w. Objawy pozajelitowe zaobserwowano u 20 chorych (6,25%). Wnioski: Badanie dostarcza pe艂nych informacji dotycz膮cych aspekt贸w demograficznych i klinicznych choroby Le艣niowskiego-Crohna w Polsce. Uzyskane dane s膮 zgodne z doniesieniami z innych kraj贸w. Wnioski z badania s膮 nast臋puj膮ce: zbierane informacje musz膮 by膰 dobrze zdefiniowane i okre艣lone ju偶 na samym pocz膮tku badania, weryfikowane oraz aktualizowane systematycznie w trakcie jego trwania, aby usprawni膰 prac臋 i uzyska膰 jak najbardziej wiarygodne wyniki.Introduction: Inflammatory bowel disease, particularly Crohn鈥檚 disease (CD), is a rising problem in pediatric gastroenterology. Limited information is available on demographic and clinical aspects of pediatric CD in Poland. Aim: Preliminary data on demographic and clinical characteristic of pediatric CD in Poland based on the web-based prospective registry in order to gather reliable information to identify appropriate treatment strategies. Material and methods: In September 2005 a web-based prospective registry of CD patients was initiated in Poland. Ten institutes (9 academic centers, 1 referred regional hospital) took part in the project with the object of obtaining the demographic and clinical data of pediatric CD patients across the country. With this end in view, a computerized questionnaire was used and the collected data were sent prospectively to a central registry for analysis. The following data were analyzed: demographics, family history, location and behavior of disease, extraintestinal manifestation, coexisting diseases, diagnostic work-up, and medical treatment including surgical intervention. Results: Through the period of 4 years, 320 patients (male : female - 191 : 129) aged below 16 years with CD diagnosed at the mean age of 9.2 卤6.8 years were incorporated in the registry. Early onset of disease (age at diagnosis below 5 years) was recorded in 68 children (21.25%). Positive family history was reported for 16 patients (5%). The predominant localization of lesions described using the Montreal classification (L1 for small intestine, L2 for colon, L3 for ileocolon, and L4 for the upper gastrointestinal tract) was ileocolon (L3) - 217 patients (67.8%). The predominant behavior of disease was non-stricturing and non-penetrating - 225 patients (70.32%). Extraintestinal manifestation was reported in 20 patients (6.25%). Coexisting diseases occurred in 35 patients (10.93%). The predominant initial therapy was mesalazine (227 patients - 70.1%). Seventeen patients (5.31%) required a surgical intervention. Conclusions: This study provides comprehensive information on demographic and clinical aspects of pediatric CD in Poland. Our results are consistent with the previously published reports from other countries in terms of age of onset and male predominance in pediatric CD patients. Our conclusions are as follows: information needs to be well defined, validated at entry, and updated at every visit, which facilitates our work and makes the data more reliable

    Effect of substrate stiffness on physicochemical properties of normal and fibrotic lung fibroblasts

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    The presented research aims to verify whether physicochemical properties of lung fibroblasts, modified by substrate stiffness, can be used to discriminate between normal and fibrotic cells from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The impact of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate stiffness on the physicochemical properties of normal (LL24) and IPF-derived lung fibroblasts (LL97A) was examined in detail. The growth and elasticity of cells were assessed using fluorescence microscopy and atomic force microscopy working in force spectroscopy mode, respectively. The number of fibroblasts, as well as their shape and the arrangement, strongly depends on the mechanical properties of the substrate. Moreover, normal fibroblasts remain more rigid as compared to their fibrotic counterparts, which may indicate the impairments of IPF-derived fibroblasts induced by the fibrosis process. The chemical properties of normal and IPF-derived lung fibroblasts inspected using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry, and analyzed complexly with principal component analysis (PCA), show a significant difference in the distribution of cholesterol and phospholipids. Based on the observed distinctions between healthy and fibrotic cells, the mechanical properties of cells may serve as prospective diagnostic biomarkers enabling fast and reliable identification of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)