25 research outputs found

    A research on satisfaction of Vocational Health Professions High SchoolSağlık Meslek Lisesi mesleki eğitim memnuniyeti üzerine bir araştırma

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    The determination of satisfaction for the students in vocational schools is important to improve the quality of health and to train allied health personnel. This study aims to determine level of satisfaction about their education and career preferences-expectations of the students in Van IMKB Anatolia Health Vocational High School. The population of this descriptive study consists of 540 students. The students were questioned by survey form and student satisfaction questionnaire. The questionnaire contains four parts: 1) Satisfaction with Vocational High Schools (6 items), 2) Satisfaction with Vocational Education (5 items), 3) Satisfaction with Personal Development (4 items), and 4) Satisfaction from School (3 items). For the total points of each part, the comparisons were performed by categorical variables. Grade, school type, department preference, family structure and joining to socio-cultural-sports activities were found to effective variables on satisfaction level of the students. As a result, it can be suggested that attention should be given to conscious preference of department and vocational school as well as socio-cultural and sports activities to enhance satisfaction level for vocational training of the student in terms of improving the quality and training eligible allied health personnel. ÖzetSağlıkta kalitenin artırılması ve kaliteli yardımcı sağlık personeli yetiştirilmesi bakımından, Sağlık Meslek Liselerinde öğrenci memnuniyetinin belirlenmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, Van İMKB Anadolu Sağlık Meslek Lisesi öğrencilerinin, meslek tercihleri hakkındaki düşünceleri ve beklentilerinin yanı sıra, eğitimleri ile ilgili memnuniyet düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Tanımlayıcı nitelikteki bu çalışmanın popülasyonunu, adı geçen lisede eğitim gören toplam 540 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada öğrencilere, Sosyo-Demografik özellikleri içeren anket formu ve Öğrenci Memnuniyet Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Ölçek, Meslek Lisesinden Memnuniyet (6 madde), Mesleki Eğitimden Memnuniyet (5 madde), Kişisel Gelişimden Memnuniyet (4 madde) ve Okuldan Memnuniyet (3 madde) olmak üzere dört bölümden oluşmuştur. Bu bölümlerden elde edilen toplam puanlar bakımından kategorik değişkenlere göre karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Karşılaştırma sonuçlarına göre öğrencilerin okuduğu bölüm ve sınıf, sağlık meslek lisesini ve bölümü isteyerek tercih edip etmeme durumu, aile yapısı ve sosyo-kültürel-sportif faaliyetlere katılım durumu memnuniyet üzerine önemli düzeyde etkili olan değişkenler olarak bulunmuştur.  Sağlıkta kalitenin artırılması ve kaliteli yardımcı sağlık personeli yetiştirilmesi bakımından, sağlık meslek lisesi, mesleki eğitim memnuniyet düzeyinin yükseltilmesine yönelik, bilinçli meslek lisesi ve bölüm tercihi ile birlikte, sosyo-kültürel ve sportif faaliyetlere önem verilmesi gerektiği söylenebilir

    An application with multinomial logistic regression analysisMultinomiyal logistik regresyon analizi ile bir uygulama

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    Multinomial logistic regression analysis is one of the analysis techniques which is used to examine relationships between independent and dependent variables when dependent variable including three or more category. In multinomial logistic regression analysis, any category of dependent variable is considered as reference category and other categories are analyzed with respect to this category. In this study “Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis” was introduced and an application was done. In the application trauma variable was considered as 4 categories [no abused (0), sexual abused (1), physical abused (2), sexual and physical abused (3)] and effects of other variables on trauma were examined. As a result, it can be noted that multinomial logistic regression analysis is applicable for response variable contains 3 or more categories. ÖzetMultinomiyal logistik regresyon analizi, cevap değişkeninin üç veya daha fazla kategori içerdiği durumlarda; bu değişken ile açıklayıcı değişkenler (bağımsız değişkenler) arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemede kullanılan yöntemlerden birisidir. Multinomiyal logistik regresyon analizinde; cevap değişkeninin herhangi bir kategorisi referans kategori olarak alınır ve diğer kategoriler bu referans kategoriye göre analiz edilir. Bu çalışmada, “Multinomiyal Logistik Regresyon Analizi” tanıtılmış ve bir uygulama yapılmıştır. Uygulamada, travma değişkeni, [Travma yok (0), Cinsel travma (1), Fiziksel travma (2), Cinsel ve Fiziksel travma (3)] 4 kategorili olarak kodlanmış ve bu değişken üzerine diğer değişkenlerin etkisi incelenmiştir. Sonuçta cevap değişkeninin 3 ve daha fazla kategori içerdiği durumlarda Multinomiyal Logistik Regresyon Analizi yönteminin kullanılabilirliğine dikkat çekilmiştir.

    Comparison of Two Retention Appliances with Respect to Clinical Effectiveness

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    Objective:The aim of this study was to compare the clinical effectiveness of Essix and Hawley retainers during the retention period.Methods:A total of 30 subjects whose fixed orthodontic treatment results were evaluated according to the American Board of Orthodontics Phase III Objective Grading system were included in this study. After the removal of orthodontic attachments, the study participants were equally divided into two retention protocols: upper-lower Essix and upper-lower Hawley. The subjects were instructed to wear their retainers full time for 6 months, except during meals, and during nights only for 6 months. The clinical effectiveness of the retainers was evaluated according to the overjet, overbite, maxillary, and mandibular intercanine widths, intermolar widths, arch lengths, irregularity indexes, and lateral cephalometric measurements. All dental model and lateral cephalometric measurements were performed by the same investigator during three periods: pre-treatment, post-treatment, and post-retention.Results:The overjet, overbite, maxillary, and mandibular intercanine widths; intermolar widths; and arch lengths and lateral cephalometric measurements were not statistically significantly different between the groups and identified time periods. Although the maxillary and mandibular irregularity indexes increased from the post-treatment to post-retention periods, the difference was not statistically significant. Pre-treatment, post-treatment, and post-retention lateral cephalometric measurements were not statistically significantly different between and within the groups.Conclusion:According to the results of a repeated-measures analysis of variance with two factors, and although an increase was found in the maxillary and mandibular irregularity indexes, the clinical effectiveness of Essix and Hawley retainers was found to be similar during the retention period

    Prediction of Chlorophyll a in Kurtboğazı and Çamlıdere Reservoirs

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    he relationships between chlorophyll a and some physical and chemical properties of water were investigated by using multiple linear and nonlinear regression models in Kurtbo ğ az ı and Çaml ı dere reservoirs With these two different approaches chlorophyll a was aimed to be estimate more accurately. The determination coefficients were found as 95% and 82% for multiple linear regression models while 85` /0 and 7 O % for nonlinear regression models for Kurtbo ğaz ı and Çaml ı dere reservoirs, respectively

    Examination of Transformationist Leadership in Turkish Army

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    The aim of this study is to examine “Transformational leadership” conception with respect to qualifications and opinions of military officers and military administrators working at military base and organization by means of Factor Analysis. The study contained the military officers working at military base and organization in cities of Van, Hakkari, Bitlis, Siirt, Ağrı, and Muşin East Anatolian. The sampling regarding study material was comprised of 70 military officers (5 femaleand 65 male) and administratorswere at random selected. Data were collected from those people by Questionnaire as to Scale of Podsakoff’s Transformational Leadership containing 37 items. For Transformationist Leadership, Statisticalanalysis for data was performed by Factor Analysis after designing 6 artificial variables from 37 items: i-Providing vision and inspiration, ii-Forming conduct models, iii-Commitment to group goals, iv-Providing individual support, v- Intellectual stimulation, vi-Intellectual stimulation. Artificial 6 variables were separated into Factor 1 and Factor 2. While Factor 1 consists of Providing vision and inspiration; Formingconduct models; Commitment to group goals and Intellectual stimulation, Factor 2 consists of Providing individual support; Intellectual stimulation. A variance (eigenvalue) of 2.523 for the first factor which explains %42.1 of total variation, while second factor’s eigenvalue,1.697. The second factor explains %28.2 of the total variation. These two factors together explain %70.3 of the total variation. Besides, RMSR value calculated for this study is small enough (0.094), it is possible to conclude that sufficient factor analyses have been made. As a result, it can be suggest that transformational leadership based on educatio

    Comparison of the sugar and organic acid components of seventeen table grape varieties produced in Ankara (Türkiye): a study over two consecutive seasons

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    Sugars and organic acids not only have a significant impact on taste balance and sensory acceptance by consumers but also play a crucial role in the chemical equilibrium of grape juices and wines. Therefore, this study aimed to quantify the content and composition of sugars and organic acids in 17 grape varieties over two consecutive years using high-performance liquid chromatography. The variability in all the parameters studied was strongly influenced by both the grape cultivars and specific years (p ≤ 0.05). In grape berries, the primary sugars identified were fructose and glucose, which ranged from 6.50 to 11.10 g/L and from 5.83 to 12.12 g/L, respectively, over the two years. However, sucrose was not detected in any of the grape varieties examined. For the two respective years, the highest titratable acidity (TA) was found in Tekirdağ Çekirdeksizi (TeCe) (0.89 and 0.90 g/L), while the lowest was detected in Victoria (Vi) (0.48 and 0.51 g/L). Total soluble solids (TSS) peaked in Horoz Karası (HoKA) (21.90 °Brix), whereas it reached its lowest point in Big Perlon (BiPe) (14.1 °Brix). The tartaric acid content in the grape berries, ranging from 1.48 to 10.33 g/L for the two years, exhibited similar characteristics to malic acid, which ranged from 1.09 to 9.62 g/L and from 1.03 to 9.68 g/L for the two respective years. The succinic, malic, tartaric, citric, and oxalic acid contents were notably higher in the Kyoho (Ky) variety than in the other varieties. When examining the dendrogram of the contents of organic acid and sugar for similarities, it was evident that 16 out of the 17 grape varieties had a high degree of similarity, except for Alphonse Lavallée (AlLa) and HoKa. The similarity levels among the varieties ranged from 99.49% to 72.36%. The highest similarity (99.49%) was observed between the AlLa and Barış (Ba) varieties. The lowest similarity was observed among the AlLa, HoKa, and Ky varieties. In summary, this study underscores that certain table grape varieties grown in Ankara exhibit significant variations in valuable organic acids and sugars, which are associated with potential health benefits when considering human consumption

    Türkiye'nin Doğu illerindeki yük atlarında at herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) ve 4 (EHV-4) infeksiyonlarının seroepidemiyolojisi

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    The objective of this research was to determine the presence of equine herpesvirus types 1 (EHV-1) and 4 (EHV- 4) antibodies in local horses from five provinces in the East Anatolia region of Turkey. Blood samples were collected from 405 nonvaccinated horses living in Van, Bitlis, Muş, Erzurum, and Iğdır, and were analyzed via a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). EHV-1- and EHV-4-specific antibodies were detected in 94 (23.2%) and 316 (78.0%) of the 405 tested sera, respectively. The seropositivity percentages for EHV-1-specific antibodies by province were as follows: 29.5% in Van, 6.1% in Bitlis, 5.1% in Muş, 24.0% in Iğdır, and 20.6% in Erzurum. EHV-4-specific antibodies were detected at levels of 87.2% in Van, 61.2% in Bitlis, 56.4% in Muş, 84.0% in Iğdır, and 52.9% in Erzurum. The present investigation demonstrated that EHV-1 and EHV- 4 infections were more prevalent in the indigenous horse population from five provinces in the East Anatolia region of Turkey. Also, this data on the high seropositivity of both infections in two provinces (Van and Iğdır) along the eastern border of Turkey may be also serve as a risk indicator for future introductions of some transboundary diseases via border trade.Bu araştırmada, Türkiye'nin Doğu Anadolu bölgesinde yer alan 5 ilde kullanılan lokal ırk atlarda, at herpesvirus tip-1 (EHV-1) ve 4 (EHV-4)'e karşı oluşmuş antikorların varlığının belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Van, Bitlis, Muş, Erzurum ve Iğdır illerindeki aşılanmamış toplam 405 attan toplanan kan örnekleri ticari bir ELISA kiti ile test edildi. Test edilen serumların, 94 adedi (%23.2) EHV-1; 316 adedi ise (%78) EHV-4 antikorları yönünden pozitif bulundu. İllere göre EHV-1 seropozitiflik oranları; Van'da %29.5, Bitlis'te %6.1, Muş'ta %5.1, Iğdır'da %24 ve Erzurum'da %20.6 olarak tespit edilirken, EHV-4 için seropozitiflik oranları; Van'da %87.2, Bitlis'te %61.2, Muş'ta %56.4, Iğdır'da %84 ve Erzurum'da %52.9 olarak saptandı. Bu araştırma, EHV-1 ve EHV-4 infeksiyonlarının Doğu Anadolu bölgesine ait 5 ildeki lokal at populasyonlarında oldukça yaygın olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, Türkiye'nin doğu sınırında yer alan iki ilde (Van ve Iğdır) her iki infeksiyona karşı belirlenen yüksek seropozitifliğin, gelecekte birçok önemli hastalığın sınır ticareti yolu ile ülkemize girişine yönelik risk oluşturabileceği sonucuna da varılmıştır

    Examination of Relationships Between Some Biochemical and Oxidative Stress Traits by Canonical Correlation Analysis in Broiler Chickens

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    Canonical correlation analysis is a multivariate method to examine the relationships between two (X and Y) sets of variables when all measurements are obtained from same broilers. Canonical correlation analysis aims to obtain new variables called as canonical variates formed by linear combinations of the original variables for each set and by maximizing the relationships between two set. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between 8 biochemical traits (Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Albumin, Triglyceride, Total Cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, Glucose, Total Protein and Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)) and 4 oxidative stress traits (total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), oxidative stress index (OSI), lipid peroxide (LPO)) in broiler chickens. As a result, the correlation between the first canonical variable pair was found 0.594

    Akkeçi Oğlaklarında Kesim Öncesi ve Kesim Sonrası Ölçülen Bazı Özellikler Arasındaki İlişki Yapısının Kanonik Korelasyon Analizi ile İrdelenmesi

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    Kanonik korelasyon analizi, her birinde iki yada daha fazla değişken bulunan, iki değişken seti arasındaki ilişki yapısının irdelenmesinde kullanılan çok değişkenli analiz tekniğidir. Bir zorunluluk olmamasına rağmen, bu analiz tekniğinde; değişken setlerinden biri bağımlı, diğeri de bağımsız değişken seti olarak ele alınabilir. Analizde, her iki değişken seti için de setlerde yer alan değişkenlerin doğrusal kombinasyonlarından yeni değişkenler elde edilir ve bu yeni değişkenler arasındaki korelasyonun maksimum olması amaçlanır. Elde edilen yeni değişkenlere kanonik değişkenler, bunlar arasındaki korelasyonlara da kanonik korelasyonlar denir. Bu çalışmada, 6 aylık yaştaki 82 adet Akkeçi oğlaklarının, kesim öncesi ve kesim sonrası ölçülen bazı özellikleri arasındaki ilişki yapısı, kanonik korelasyon analizi ile irdelenmiştir. Oğlaklardan kesim öncesinde tespit edilen; kesim ağırlığı KA , cidago yüksekliği CY , vücut uzunluğu VU , göğüs derinliği GD , kürekler arkası göğüs genişliği KGG , göğüs çevresi GÇ ve but çevresi BÇ olmak üzere 7 adet özellik X değişken seti; baş ağırlığı BA , ayak ağırlığı AA , post ağırlığı PA , iç yağ ağırlığı İYA , takım ağırlığı TA , dalak ağırlığı DA , sıcak karkas ağırlığı SKA ve soğuk karkas ağırlığı SOKA olmak üzere 8 adet özellik de Y değişken seti olarak alınmıştır. Sonuçta, birinci kanonik değişken çifti arasında hesaplanan kanonik korelasyon 0. 962 olarak p< 0.01 bulunmuştu