400 research outputs found

    Honey consumption preferences of university students Üniversite öğrencilerinin bal tüketim tercihleri

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    Research problem/aim: Turkey has a strategic importance in honey production. National or regional data on the consumption of honey, an important part of which is exported in our country and subject to new research every day, is not sufficient. This research was planned and conducted in order to determine honey consumption amounts, consumption preferences and purchasing behaviors of student of university at Kayseri.Method: Research was conducted between February and September 2015 at two different universities, one foundation university and one state university, in Kayseri with the largest student potential. The study was completed with a total of 2178 students in line with the opinion of a Statistics Expert. The data were collected by the researchers using questionnaires. SPSS package program was used to evaluate the obtained data.Findings: Mean age of the students was 22.3±3.17. Only 12.5% of the participants were consuming honey daily. 12.1% of the participants were not consuming honey at all, whereas 47.9% consumed honey rarely. Monthly honey consumption of 78.9% for men and 83.8% for females was less than 500g  per month , while the amount of honey consumed at one time was generally (40.6%) a meal spoon(16 g). Among university students, the most important contributing factor for consuming honey was being nutritious (54.8%). The most preferred type of honey was filtered and honeycomb, while flower and pine honey were the most preferred varieties (56.6%, 28.9%, 72.2% and 23.7%, respectively). When purchasing honey, students paid attention to the consistency, brand and production dates (20.5%, 19.7%, 25.5% respectively), whereas appearance and price were not significant (4.7%, 7.8%). As the monthly allowance of students increases monthly honey consumption also increases.Conclusions: Increasing scientific studies on honey production and consumption will facilitate the promotion of honey products specific to Turkey both domestically and internationally. Increasing the awareness of university students on healthy nutrition and sugar consumption is highly important.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetAmaç: Ülkemiz bal üretiminde stratejik bir öneme sahiptir. Ülkemizde üretilen balın önemli bir kısmı ihraç edilirken ülke içinde tüketicilerin bal tercihleri ve tüketimi hakkında çok az bilgi vardır.  Bu araştırma Kayseri’de üniversite öğrencilerinin bal tüketim miktarlarını ve tüketimlerine yönelik tercihlerini saptamak amacıyla yürütülmüştür.Yöntem: Araştırma Kayseri ilinde en çok öğrenci potansiyeline sahip biri devlet diğeri vakıf olmak üzere iki farklı üniversitede, Şubat-Eylül 2015 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamına İstatistik uzmanının görüşü doğrultusunda toplam 2178 öğrenci ile tamamlanmıştır. Veriler anket yöntemi ile araştırmacılar tarafından yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde SPSS paket programı kullanılmıştır.  Bulgular: Öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 22.3±3.17dır. Öğrencilerin %12.1’i balı hiç tüketmezken %47.9’sinin tüketimi ise seyrektir. Bir seferde tüketilen bal miktarı çoğunlukla (%40.6) bir yemek kaşığı olurken (16 g), erkeklerin %78.92’ sinin, kadınların %83.8’nin aylık bal tüketimi ayda 500 g’dan daha azdır. Üniversite öğrencileri arasında balın tercih edilmesinin en önemli nedeni besleyici özelliğinin olmasıdır (%54.8). En sık tercih edilen bal tipi, süzme ve petekli bal iken yayla çiçek ile çam balı en çok tercih edilen çeşitlerdendir (sırasıyla %56.6, %28.9,  %72.2 ve %23.7). Öğrenciler balı satın alırken kıvamına, markasına ve üretim tarihlerine dikkat ederken (sırasıyla %20.5, %19.7, %25.5), balın görüntüsünün ve fiyatının önemli olmadığı anlaşılmaktadır (%4.7, %7.8). Öğrencilerin aylık harçlıkları artıkça aylık bal tüketimleri artmaktadır. Sonuçlar: Bal üretim ve tüketimine yönelik bilimsel çalışmaların artırılması yurt içinde ve dışında ülkemize özgü balların tanıtımına yarar sağlayacaktır.  Üniversite öğrencilerinin sağlıklı beslenme ve şeker tüketimi konusunda bilinçlendirilmesi önemlidir

    Antifungalna aktivnost propolisa u četiri vrste voćnih sokova

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    Fruit juices and soft drinks are targets for spoilage yeasts, moulds and bacteria. The aim of this study is to examine the antifungal effect of ethanolic extract of Turkish propolis (EETP) treatments in four nonpasteurized fruit juices including apple, orange, white grape and mandarin against 6 different yeasts isolated from the corresponding spoiled juices. These isolated yeasts include: Candida famata, C. glabrata, C. kefyr, C. pelliculosa, C. parapsilosis and Pichia ohmeri. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) ranges were determined responding to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) M27-A that were slightly modified with broth microdilution method. In this study, the presence of propolis in apple (pH=3.9), orange (pH=3.7), white grape (pH=3.8) and mandarin (pH=3.4) juices ranging from 0.01 to 0.375 mg/mL inhibited the growth of all spoilage yeasts at 25 °C. MIC ranges of propolis were 0.02–0.375, 0.04–0.375, 0.01–0.185, 0.02–0.185 and 0.04–0.375 mg/mL in mandarin, apple, orange, white grape juices and RPMI medium, respectively. MIC ranges of Na benzoate, which was used as positive control, were 80–320, 80–320, 40–640, 40–80 and 320–1280 μg/mL in mandarin, apple, orange, white grape and RPMI medium as blank control, respectively. In terms of MIC ranges, propolis showed greater antifungal activity than Na benzoate. As a result, propolis had significant antimicrobial activity against the yeast isolates from spoiled fruit juices. It was concluded that propolis is worthy to study further as a natural preservative for foods prone to fungal spoilage.Voćni sokovi i negazirana pića podložni su kvarenju u prisutnosti kvasaca, plijesni i bakterija. Svrha je ovog istraživanja ispitati antifungalni učinak etanolnog ekstrakta turskog propolisa (ETTP) u nepasteriziranom soku jabuke, naranče, bijeloga grožđa i mandarine na 6 različitih sojeva kvasca izoliranih iz pokvarenih sokova. Izolirani su sojevi kvasca Candida famata, C. glabrata, C. kefyr, C. pelliculosa, C. parapsilosis i Pichia omeri. Minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija (MIC) određena je prema standardima nacionalnog odbora za kliničke laboratorije (NCCLS) M27-A, neznatno modificiranih metodom mikrodilucije bujona. Prisutnost propolisa u soku jabuke (pH=3,9), naranče (pH=3,7), bijeloga grožđa (pH=3,8) i mandarine (pH=3,4) u rasponu od 0,01 do 0,375 mg/mL inhibirala je rast svih sojeva kvasca na temperaturi od 25 °C. MIC propolisa u soku mandarine iznosila je 0,02-0,375, u soku jabuke 0,04-0,375, u soku naranče 0,01-0,185, u soku bijeloga grožđa 0,02-0,185 te u RPMI mediju 0,04-0,375 mg/mL. MIC natrijeva benzoata, primijenjenog kao pozitivna kontrola, iznosila je 80-320 u soku mandarine, 80-320 u soku jabuke, 40-640 u soku naranče, 40-80 u soku bijeloga grožđa i 320-1280 μg/mL u RPMI mediju korištenom za slijepu probu. Propolis je imao značajnu antimikrobnu aktivnost na sojeve kvasca izoliranih iz pokvarenih voćnih sokova. Predloženo je daljnje istraživanje propolisa kao prirodnog konzervansa hrane podložne kvarenju u prisutnosti kvasaca

    . Apitherapy in Turkey

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    Determination of volatile compounds of pine honeys

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    The volatile compounds of 13 Turkish pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) honey samples were characterized by solid phase microextraction (SPME) analysis, followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. A total of 42 volatile compounds were identified, but volatile compounds such as nonanal, benzene, 4-hexen-3-ol, alpha-pinene, and 2-heptanone were recognized to be specific floral origin markers of the pine honey. The SPME extraction method was proposed as an alternative way to carry out pollen analysis for floral source detection, especially for products such as pine honey, by characterization of honeydew elements

    Bilimsel Gerçeklerle Apiterapi

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