270 research outputs found

    Régészeti geológia - ember és környezet hosszú távú kapcsolatának rekonstrukciója a Kárpát-medencében

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    Munkánk során 10 szatellit területen (Berettyóújfalu-Herpály, Ecsegfalva Kiritó, Jászberény-Nevada-tanya, Jászberény-Káplár-tanya, Pocsaj és környéke, Polgár-Csőszhalom, Polgár-Ferencihát, Polgár-Kenderföld, Sóskút és környéket, Szenkirály középkori településrész, Szeged-Gorzsa, Tiszapüspöki Karancspart) 150 térképező fúrással, több mint 14 teljes körű környezettörténeti feldolgozású szelvénnyel egyértelműen bizonyítottuk, hogy régészeti geológiai és környezettörténeti vizsgálatok önálló módon képesek az ember és környezet kapcsolatát feltárni. A különböző kultúrák környezet-átalakító tevékenységéről, illetve a Kárpát-medencei környezet kultúrákra, az egyes közösségek gazdálkodására gyakorolt hatásairól korábban soha meg nem fogalmazott összefüggéseket sikerült feltárnunk és 3 monográfiában (2 angol és 1 magyar nyelvű), 4 angol nyelvű tanulmánykötetben, 5 nemzetközi és 34 hazai (döntően angol nyelvű) könyvrészletben, 10 nemzetközi és 11 hazai szakcikkben bemutatnunk. A vizsgálataink alapján a Kárpát medencében megnyilvánuló makro-, regionális és mikroléptékű környezeti mozaikosság alapvetően meghatározta a megtelepedő közösségek gazdasági és települési lehetőségeit. Ez a hármas szintű, éghajlati, növényzeti, talajtani tagoltság és a talajképző kőzetekben, geomorfológiai tényezőkben megfigyelhető heterogenitás igen jelentős szerepet játszott abban, hogy a közösségek gazdasága és ezen keresztül kultúrája a megtelepedést követően megváltozott. | During the course of our investigations, 10 satellite areas were subjected to detailed environmental historical analysis. With the help of the results gained for the approximately 150 probe cores taken, including more than 14 undisturbed cores retrieved, the ability of complex geoarcheological, and environmental historical investigations to accurately unravel the interaction of past human communities and their surrounding environment on their own was clearly justified. The systematic investigations revealed astonishing details about the role of different past human cultures in the transformation of the natural endowments, not yet postulated and published. Similarly unique results were gained regarding the role of the environment in the Carpathian Basin, influencing the subsistence strategies of individual cultural groups. According to our findings, the mosaic patterning in the environment present at the micro, meso and macro level in the Carpathian Basin fundamentally determined the settlement and subsistence possibilities and strategies of the settling human communities. This three-stage heterogeneity observable in the climate, vegetation, soils, subsurface geology, and geomorphology of the Basin must have had a crucial role in the transformation of the material cultures and economies of the newly settling human groups after the actual settlement

    Preliminary data on the bog surface wetness from the Sirok Nyírjes-tó peat bog, Mátra Mts, Hungary

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    Abstract The Sirok Nyírjes-tó peat bog provides an almost full Holocene climatic record reconstructed by bog surface wetness investigations based on plant macrofossil analysis. The method of bog surface wetness reconstruction has not so far been adapted to the characterization of continental peat bogs. The emergence of a deep oligotrophic lake was dated to cc. 9500 cal. yr BP. The driest phase of the peatland was recorded at 6400 cal. yr BP, at the time of the Holocene climatic optimum. The deterioration of the climate, which began at 3500 cal BP, culminates here in the Carpathian Basin, as was shown by numerous records. An increase in the amount of Sphagna from 2800 cal. yr BP in the Nyires-tó peat bog marks the cooling of the climate and the accompanying rise in rainfall. The first oligotrophic Sphagnum peatland developed at Sirok between 2300 and 1500 cal. yr BP. Since 2300 cal. yr BP a record of alternating phases of Sphagnum peatlands and sedge/reed peatlands was demonstrated. A sudden expansion of Sphagna was recorded at least 10 times. Sphagnum-peaks at 2150, 1750, 1300, 1000, 850, 500 and 200 cal. yr BP perfectly match the humid periods identified in western Europe

    Pollen alapú növénytermesztési rekonstrukció a Kárpát-medencében a magyar honfoglalás korában

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    Pollen test results, which are independent of historical sources, are summarized in our article. Based on the Pollen Database covering the entire Carpathian Basin, at the turn of the 9*710* AD century significant cereal grain pollen rate was observed in the Upper Tisza Region, and TransTisza region, Tisza valley, and Transylvanian basin.. As a result, during the Hungarian conquest, we can conclude extensive farming and grain cultivation. Based on the existence of cultivation and grain production, we can conclude the presence of a significant agricultural community in the mass of Hungarian conquerors. Thus, some of the Hungarians were certainly not nomadic or half-nomadic lifestyles in the Hungarian conquerors

    The environmental history of a former salt town in Transylvania (Sic, Northern Romania)

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    The medieval market-town of Sic (Szék in Hungarian) was an important Transylvanian settlement due to its remarkable salt mining. The impact of the mining activities on the environment and the history of water management were investigated based on a palaeoecological study, performed on the large Reedbed of Sic (Stufărişurile/Nádas-tó). We found that in the last 3000 years the anthropogenic impact has been continuous in the territory, but the types and intensity of the disturbances changed with time. The most notable environmental transitions took place after 1000 AD, suggesting a significant intensification of salt mining. Forest cover significantly drop, but salt concentration and the frequency of halophytic species in the investigated marshland increased during the Late Middle Ages. The dominance of halophytic marshland species reached their peak in the 17th century. This coincides with the apogee of mining activities and human lake management. The most remarkable deforestation occurred in the 18th century, when the present-day landscape with negligible forest cover was developed

    Földtani és Őslénytani Tanszék

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