682 research outputs found

    Phonemes and Distinctive Allophones of Turkish

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    Ses birim, basit biçimde, konuşma sesi olarak tanımlanabilir. Ancak, konuşma seslerinin sayısı, ses birimlerin sayısı ile aynı değildir. Konuşma ile yazı birbirlerinden bağımsız olmalarına karşılık, alfabe esas alınarak Türkçede sekiz ünlü, yirmi bir ünsüz bulunduğu ifade edilmekte, bu da, standart Türkçede yirmi dokuz ses birim bulunduğu anlamına gelmektedir. Türkçede 29 ses biriminin bulunduğu savı ise, pek çok dil bilimsel sorunun ortaya çıkmasına yol açmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı ses birimleri akustik ya da fizyolojik açıdan ele almak değil, yerli ve ödünç sözcükler aracılığıyla Türkçenin ses birim envanteri ile bir yargı ortaya koymaktır. Basically a phoneıne can be defined as a speech sound. However, the number of sounds does not equal the number of the phonemes. Although writing and speaking are independent of each other, when the alphabel is taken as the reference, it is said that there are eight vowels and twenty-one consonants in standard Turkish. This may mean that there are twenty-nine phonemes in standard Turkish. Claiming that there are 29 phonemes in Turkish is the main problem which gives rise too many linguistic problems. This paper will not deal with phonemes regarding their acoustic or physical features. Instead, by making use of native and borrowed words, this study aims to bring forth a thesis about the phoneme inventory of Turkish

    Les Déterminants Organisationnels de la Performance des Banques en Turquie

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    La recherche conduite a pour objectif d'identifier les déterminants organisationnels de la performance bancaire en prenant appui sur le cas des banques turques. Pour ce faire, un modèle spécifique au secteur bancaire a été développé: le modèle BANQUE-OPERA. A partir d'une analyse des correspondances multiples (ACM), utilisant les dimensions organisationnelles du modèle, nous avons pu caractériser les axes principaux qui expliquent les liens entre les dimensions du modèle. Au terme de cette analyse, les deux premiers axes mettent en évidence la forte rentabilité des banques commerciales étrangères occidentales et la faible rentabilité des banques commerciales turques placées sous l'administration du " Fonds d'Assurance des Dépôts de l'État ". Cette différence de rentabilité est expliquée, d'une part par les choix stratégiques effectués par les établissements bancaires notamment en terme de mode de collecte des ressources, d'autre part, par l'importance des moyens financiers dont disposent ces établissements.système bancaire; performance bancaire; organisation; marché émergent

    The Effect of Marmara Earthquake on Financial Institutions

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, “olay çalışması” yöntemi kullanmak suretiyle, İMKB’de işlem görmekte olan finansal sektör hisselerinin getirileri üzerinde, büyük Marmara depreminin yarattığı etkiyi ölçebilmektir. Sonuçlar, depremin bu hisseler üzerinde kayda değer büyüklükte negatif bir “artık getiri” oluşturduğuna işaret etmektedir. İnceleme kapsamındaki tüm sigorta sektörü hisselerinde yüksek anlamlılık düzeyinde negatif “artık getiriler” gözlenmiştir. Bankacılık sektörü hisselerinde de negatif “artık getiriler” gözlenmiş olmakla birlikte, anlamlılık düzeyleri daha düşük bulunmuştur.This study aims to measure the effect of Marmara earthquake on the stock returns of the firms quoted in ISE and operating in financial sector by the use of conventional econometric methodology of event studies. The results indicate that the occurrence of the earthquake has produced negative and significant abnormal returns. For each of the insurance firms studied, largely significant abnormal returns are observed just after the earthquake. The response of banks is negative but the significance level is less important

    The Effect of Marmara Earthquake on Financial Institutions

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, “olay çalışması” yöntemi kullanmak suretiyle, İMKB’de işlem görmekte olan finansal sektör hisselerinin getirileri üzerinde, büyük Marmara depreminin yarattığı etkiyi ölçebilmektir. Sonuçlar, depremin bu hisseler üzerinde kayda değer büyüklükte negatif bir “artık getiri” oluşturduğuna işaret etmektedir. İnceleme kapsamındaki tüm sigorta sektörü hisselerinde yüksek anlamlılık düzeyinde negatif “artık getiriler” gözlenmiştir. Bankacılık sektörü hisselerinde de negatif “artık getiriler” gözlenmiş olmakla birlikte, anlamlılık düzeyleri daha düşük bulunmuştur.This study aims to measure the effect of Marmara earthquake on the stock returns of the firms quoted in ISE and operating in financial sector by the use of conventional econometric methodology of event studies. The results indicate that the occurrence of the earthquake has produced negative and significant abnormal returns. For each of the insurance firms studied, largely significant abnormal returns are observed just after the earthquake. The response of banks is negative but the significance level is less important

    Design and implementation of robust embedded processor for cryptographic applications

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    Practical implementations of cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to side-channel analysis and fault attacks. Thus, some masking and fault detection algorithms must be incorporated into these implementations. These additions further increase the complexity of the cryptographic devices which already need to perform computationally-intensive operations. Therefore, the general-purpose processors are usually supported by coprocessors/hardware accelerators to protect as well as to accelerate cryptographic applications. Using a configurable processor is just another solution. This work designs and implements robust execution units as an extension to a configurable processor, which detect the data faults (adversarial or otherwise) while performing the arithmetic operations. Assuming a capable adversary who can injects faults to the cryptographic computation with high precision, a nonlinear error detection code with high error detection capability is used. The designed units are tightly integrated to the datapath of the configurable processor using its tool chain. For different configurations, we report the increase in the space and time complexities of the configurable processor. Also, we present performance evaluations of the software implementations using the robust execution units. Implementation results show that it is feasible to implement robust arithmetic units with relatively low overhead in an embedded processor

    Multi-Period Cell Loading and Job Sequencing in a Cellular Manufacturing System

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    In this paper, a multi-period cell loading problem is addressed, where the objectives are to minimise the number of tardy jobs (nT) in a multi-period planning horizon and optimise the scheduling of tardy jobs. Three cell loading and job scheduling strategies are proposed and tested with two newly developed mixed integer programming models. Additionally, three types of due dates (tight, medium and loose) and three different demand levels were considered. Finally, two tardy job assignment methods were proposed to observe the impact on nT. Case problems were solved based on minimising nT, Tmax and total tardiness (TT) objectives and cost sensitivity analysis was performed. Results indicated that, the first strategy, (early start allowance and tardy job assignment after each period) performed better in terms of nT. For the secondary objectives, tradeoffs were observed among different strategies depending on the type of due date, demand level and tardy job assignment method

    Les scandales bancaires au prisme de l'éthique : une comparaison franco-turque

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    Le postulat que le gouvernement de l'entreprise peut changer quelque chose aux scandales liés à la vie des affaires tend à constituer une sorte de vulgate aujourd'hui. Quand il est appliqué aux banques, s'ajoute alors un second postulat qui est que les banques seraient des entreprises “ indépendantes ”, comparables à n'importe quelle P.M.E., ignorant à la fois sa dimension de “ Corporation ” et la société dans laquelle s'inscrit son activité.En effet, quel que soit le pays, le tissu dense des réglementations joue un rôle majeur, avant même les catégories du gouvernement de l'entreprise apparues depuis, qui ne jouent alors qu'un rôle très “ formel ”. C'est donc le jeu social qui se développe autour de ces réglementations qui est important, comme on le verra par la suite.La question de l'éthique des comportements des banques se pose donc avant tout en relation avec les réglementations et le jeu social des banques entre elles et compte tenu de leurs liens avec les gouvernements et des acteurs tels que les “ hommes d'affaires ”, leur réputation, les cabinets d'audit etc...C'est ce que l'on verra ici en liaison avec l'analyse “ chronologique ” d'un moment de l'histoire du Crédit Lyonnais, analyse qui relève plus de l'enquête que de l'étude de cas au sens où on l'entend classiquement. Et après l'enquête intervient le procès, comme cela a d'ailleurs été le cas !Ethique des affaires; France; Scandales bancaires; Turquie