256 research outputs found

    NLPContributions: An Annotation Scheme for Machine Reading of Scholarly Contributions in Natural Language Processing Literature

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    We describe an annotation initiative to capture the scholarly contributions in natural language processing (NLP) articles, particularly, for the articles that discuss machine learning (ML) approaches for various information extraction tasks. We develop the annotation task based on a pilot annotation exercise on 50 NLP-ML scholarly articles presenting contributions to five information extraction tasks 1. machine translation, 2. named entity recognition, 3. question answering, 4. relation classification, and 5. text classification. In this article, we describe the outcomes of this pilot annotation phase. Through the exercise we have obtained an annotation methodology; and found ten core information units that reflect the contribution of the NLP-ML scholarly investigations. The resulting annotation scheme we developed based on these information units is called NLPContributions. The overarching goal of our endeavor is four-fold: 1) to find a systematic set of patterns of subject-predicate-object statements for the semantic structuring of scholarly contributions that are more or less generically applicable for NLP-ML research articles; 2) to apply the discovered patterns in the creation of a larger annotated dataset for training machine readers of research contributions; 3) to ingest the dataset into the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) infrastructure as a showcase for creating user-friendly state-of-the-art overviews; 4) to integrate the machine readers into the ORKG to assist users in the manual curation of their respective article contributions. We envision that the NLPContributions methodology engenders a wider discussion on the topic toward its further refinement and development. Our pilot annotated dataset of 50 NLP-ML scholarly articles according to the NLPContributions scheme is openly available to the research community at https://doi.org/10.25835/0019761.Comment: In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE 2020) co-located with the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020 (JCDL 2020), Virtual Event, China, August 1. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2658

    Towards a Knowledge Graph based Speech Interface

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    Applications which use human speech as an input require a speech interface with high recognition accuracy. The words or phrases in the recognised text are annotated with a machine-understandable meaning and linked to knowledge graphs for further processing by the target application. These semantic annotations of recognised words can be represented as a subject-predicate-object triples which collectively form a graph often referred to as a knowledge graph. This type of knowledge representation facilitates to use speech interfaces with any spoken input application, since the information is represented in logical, semantic form, retrieving and storing can be followed using any web standard query languages. In this work, we develop a methodology for linking speech input to knowledge graphs and study the impact of recognition errors in the overall process. We show that for a corpus with lower WER, the annotation and linking of entities to the DBpedia knowledge graph is considerable. DBpedia Spotlight, a tool to interlink text documents with the linked open data is used to link the speech recognition output to the DBpedia knowledge graph. Such a knowledge-based speech recognition interface is useful for applications such as question answering or spoken dialog systems.Comment: Under Review in International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding, Satellite of Interspeech 201

    Git4Voc: Git-based Versioning for Collaborative Vocabulary Development

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    Collaborative vocabulary development in the context of data integration is the process of finding consensus between the experts of the different systems and domains. The complexity of this process is increased with the number of involved people, the variety of the systems to be integrated and the dynamics of their domain. In this paper we advocate that the realization of a powerful version control system is the heart of the problem. Driven by this idea and the success of Git in the context of software development, we investigate the applicability of Git for collaborative vocabulary development. Even though vocabulary development and software development have much more similarities than differences there are still important differences. These need to be considered within the development of a successful versioning and collaboration system for vocabulary development. Therefore, this paper starts by presenting the challenges we were faced with during the creation of vocabularies collaboratively and discusses its distinction to software development. Based on these insights we propose Git4Voc which comprises guidelines how Git can be adopted to vocabulary development. Finally, we demonstrate how Git hooks can be implemented to go beyond the plain functionality of Git by realizing vocabulary-specific features like syntactic validation and semantic diffs

    Luzzu - A Framework for Linked Data Quality Assessment

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    With the increasing adoption and growth of the Linked Open Data cloud [9], with RDFa, Microformats and other ways of embedding data into ordinary Web pages, and with initiatives such as schema.org, the Web is currently being complemented with a Web of Data. Thus, the Web of Data shares many characteristics with the original Web of Documents, which also varies in quality. This heterogeneity makes it challenging to determine the quality of the data published on the Web and to subsequently make this information explicit to data consumers. The main contribution of this article is LUZZU, a quality assessment framework for Linked Open Data. Apart from providing quality metadata and quality problem reports that can be used for data cleaning, LUZZU is extensible: third party metrics can be easily plugged-in the framework. The framework does not rely on SPARQL endpoints, and is thus free of all the problems that come with them, such as query timeouts. Another advantage over SPARQL based qual- ity assessment frameworks is that metrics implemented in LUZZU can have more complex functionality than triple matching. Using the framework, we performed a quality assessment of a number of statistical linked datasets that are available on the LOD cloud. For this evaluation, 25 metrics from ten different dimensions were implemented
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