4 research outputs found

    Ablaçao por cateter de taquicardia por reentrada nodal com degeneraçao para fibrilaçao atrial: abordagem resolutiva de quatro casos clínicos

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    A fibrilaçao atrial é a arritmia mais comumente diagnosticada nos dias atuais. Estima-se que sua prevalência seja de 0,5-1% na populaçao geral. O número de indicaçoes de ablaçao para tentativa de manutençao do ritmo sinusal tem crescido a cada ano. Nao obstante a também crescente experiência dos centros especializados, as complicaçoes inerentes ao procedimento ainda continuam altas, quando comparadas às da ablaçao convencional. Constatamos a ocorrência de desorganizaçao elétrica atrial consequente a taquicardia por reentrada nodal em quatro pacientes encaminhados inicialmente para ablaçao de fibrilaçao atrial


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    Este trabalho avaliou a biodisponibilidade dos metais Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu e Ni, empregando a técnica dos sulfetos voláteis em ácido (AVS) e metais simultaneamente extraídos (SEM), contemplando período chuvoso e de estiagem. As amostras de sedimento foram coletadas em 10 (dez) estações ao longo da bacia do rio Subaé, desde a sua nascente até a foz na Baía de Todos os Santos (BTS). Os metais liberados durante a extração foram analisados usando espectrometria de fluorescência de raios-X (TXRF) e espectrometria de absorção atômica com otimização eletrotérmica em forno de grafite (GFAAS), e os sulfetos voláteis foram quantificados utilizando potenciometria com eletrodo de íon seletivo (IES). A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir, em função dos valores encontrados para os sulfetos e da matéria orgânica, que as concentrações de metais apresentaram valores que caracterizam a possibilidade de efeitos biológicos adversos para a biota nas regiões de baixa salinidade, em ambos os períodos.</p

    Self-reported smoking status and urinary cotinine levels in patients with asthma

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the frequency of active smoking among patients with asthma and individuals without asthma by self-report and urinary cotinine measurement. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in the city of Salvador, Brazil, and involving 1,341 individuals: 498 patients with severe asthma, 417 patients with mild-to-moderate asthma, and 426 individuals without asthma. Smoking status was determined by self-report (with the use of standardized questionnaires) and urinary cotinine measurement. The study variables were compared with the chi-square test and the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Of the sample as a whole, 55 (4.1%) reported being current smokers. Of those, 5 had severe asthma, 17 had mild-to-moderate asthma, and 33 had no asthma diagnosis. Of the 55 smokers, 32 (58.2%) were daily smokers and 23 (41.8%) were occasional smokers. Urinary cotinine levels were found to be high in self-reported nonsmokers and former smokers, especially among severe asthma patients, a finding that suggests patient nondisclosure of smoking status. Among smokers, a longer smoking history was found in patients with severe asthma when compared with those with mild-to-moderate asthma. In addition, the proportion of former smokers was higher among patients with severe asthma than among those with mild-to-moderate asthma. Conclusions: Former smoking is associated with severe asthma. Current smoking is observed in patients with severe asthma, and patient nondisclosure of smoking status occurs in some cases. Patients with severe asthma should be thoroughly screened for smoking, and findings should be complemented by objective testing