11 research outputs found

    Africa and Brazil: Controversy surrounds Brazil’s most ambitious agricultural project to date in Mozambique

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    Sérgio Chichava of Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos (IESE) in Mozambique explores whether Brazil’s investment in Mozambique’s agricultural sector is motivated by self-interest or genuine solidarity

    África e Brasil: Controvérsia em torno do projeto mais ambicioso do Brasil até hoje em Moçambique

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    Sérgio Chichava do Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos (IESE) em Moçambique, examina se o investimento brasileiro no sector agrícola de Moçambique é motivado por interesse próprio ou genuína solidariedade

    Brazil and China in Mozambican Agriculture: Emerging Insights from the Field

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    Mozambique, a country undergoing rapid transformations driven by the recent discovery of mineral resources, is one of the top destinations for Chinese and Brazilian cooperation and investment in Africa. This article provides an account of the policies, narratives, operational modalities and underlying motivations of Brazilian and Chinese development cooperation in Mozambique. It is particularly interested in understanding how the engagements are perceived and talked about, what drives them and what formal and informal relations are emerging at the level of particular exchanges. The article draws on three cases (1) ProSavana, Brazil's current flagship programme in Mozambique, which aims to transform the country's savanna, spreading along the Nacala corridor, drawing on Brazil's own experience in the Cerrado ; (2) the Chinese Agricultural Technology Demonstration Centre (ATDC); and (3) a private Chinese rice investment project in the Xai?Xai irrigation scheme, which builds on a technical cooperation initiative. Commonalities and differences between the Brazilian and Chinese approaches are discussed

    Desafios para Moçambique, 2022

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    Este número do Desafios para Moçambique acontece quando o País enfrenta enormes desafios - a guerra em Cabo Delgado, com alguns sinais de expansão para outras províncias; os projectos de extracção e liquefação do gás da bacia do Rovuma, que concretizam alguns 24 Desafios para Moçambique 2022 Introdução dos maiores desafios da história económica de Moçambique; os efeitos prolongados da crise global, da explosão e implosão da bolha económica, de que a crise da dívida soberana foi uma manifestação, e as sequelas sociais e económicas da pandemia da covid-19. Estes desafios e crises estimularam pesquisa e resultaram em lições, algumas das quais são desenvolvidas nesta edição. Recentemente terminou, em Maputo, o julgamento de alguns dos agentes do Estado e agentes privados envolvidos nas transacções financeiras internacionais ilícitas que resultaram nas dívidas odiosas. O que já era claro antes - que estas transacções ilícitas são o reflexo de dinâmicas mais gerais de expropriação, privatização e financeirização do Estado para acumulação privada de capital, mesmo que tal seja feito com pesados custos sociais - mais claro, se era possível, ficou. A hipótese de que o processo legal, que tivemos a oportunidade de acompanhar durante cerca de um ano e meio, apenas tocava nos receptores de comissões de corrupção e de tráfico de influências, executores do grande calote contra o erário público, foi confirmada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    'They can kill us but we won't go to the communal villages!' Peasants and the policy of 'socialisation of the countryside' in Zambezia

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    After its ascent to power in June 1975, the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (Frelimo) adopted socialism as a model for development. This led to the implementation of many policies, one of which was the 'socialisation and modernisation of the countryside'. More concretely, it involved the implantation of communal villages, collective machambas [farm, plot] cooperatives, the prohibition of initiation rites and the abolition of traditional authorities. In the province of Zambezia Frelimo faced innumerable obstacles to putting the policy of 'socialisation of the countryside' into practice. This happened to such a degree that, according to the government of Zambezia in that era, the population of other provinces like Nampula, where this policy was more highly prioritised, fled to Zambezia because they knew that there were no communal villages. The objective of this article is to analyse the 'socialisation of the countryside' campaign in Zambezia and the different forms of resistance to this policy on the part of the Zambezian peasants

    Estrutura, Impacto e Significado da Dívida Pública Moçambicana com os BRICS (2006-2015)

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    Between 1990s and 2000s, Mozambique experienced a significant reduction in its external public debt owing to different debt relief initiatives. As a result, debt dropped from 150% of the GDP to about 50% of the GDP. However, from this point, public debt spiked, re-approaching 100% of the GDP. An important driver of this growth was the debt contracted with the group of countries known by the acronym BRICS. Between 2008 and 2014, Mozambique debt to the BRICS rose by more than nine times from around US191milliontoaboutUS 191 million to about US 1.8 billion. In line with this, this article seeks to understand the characteristics of the Mozambique’s debt to the BRICS between 2006 and 2015

    Brazil and China in Mozambican Agriculture: Emerging Insights from the Field

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    Submitted version of Bulletin articleMozambique, a country undergoing rapid transformations driven by the recent discovery of mineral resources, is one of the top destinations of Chinese and Brazilian cooperation and investment in Africa. This article provides an account of the policies, narratives, operational modalities and underlying motivations of Brazilian and Chinese development cooperation in Mozambique. It is particularly interested in understanding how the engagements are perceived and talked about, what drives them and what formal and informal relations are emerging at the level of particular exchanges. The article draws on three cases (i) ProSavana, Brazil‟s current flagship programme in Mozambique, which aims to transform the country's savanna spreading along the Nacala corridor, drawing on Brazil‟s own experience in the Cerrado; (ii) the Chinese Agricultural Technology Demonstration Centre (ATDC) and (iii) a private Chinese rice investment project in the Xai-Xai irrigation scheme, which builds on a technical cooperation initiative. Commonalities and differences between the Brazilian and Chinese approaches are discussed.DFID, ESR