4 research outputs found

    MS-Based Allotype-Specific Analysis of Polyclonal IgG-Fc N-Glycosylation

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    Current approaches to study glycosylation of polyclonal human immunoglobulins G (IgG) usually imply protein digestion or glycan release. While these approaches allow in-depth characterization, they also result in a loss of valuable information regarding certain subclasses, allotypes and co-occuring post-translational modifications (PTMs). Unfortunately, the high variability of polyclonal IgGs makes their intact mass spectrometry (MS) analysis extremely challenging. We propose here a middle-up strategy for the analysis of the intact fragment crystallizable (Fc) region of human plasma IgGs, with the aim of acquiring integrated information of the N-glycosylation and other PTMs of subclasses and allotypes. Human plasma IgG was isolated using Fc-specific beads followed by an on-bead CH2 domain digestion with the enzyme IdeS. The obtained mixture of Fc subunits was analyzed by capillary electrophoresis (CE) and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) hyphenated with MS. CE-MS provided separation of different IgG-subclasses and allotypes, while HILIC-MS allowed resolution of the different glycoforms and their oxidized variants. The orthogonality of these techniques was key to reliably assign Fc allotypes. Five individual donors were analyzed using this approach. Heterozygosis was observed in all the analyzed donors resulting in a total of 12 allotypes identified. The assignments were further confirmed using recombinant monoclonal IgG allotypes as standards. While the glycosylation patterns were similar within allotypes of the same subclass, clear differences were observed between IgG subclasses and donors, highlighting the relevance of the proposed approach. In a single analysis, glycosylation levels specific for each allotype, relative abundances of subclasses and information on co-occurring modifications are obtained. This middle-up method represents an important step toward a comprehensive analysis of immunoglobulin G-Fc variants

    Site-Specific Glycosylation Mapping of Fc Gamma Receptor IIIb from Neutrophils of Individual Healthy Donors

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    Fc gamma receptors (Fc gamma Rs) translate antigen recognition by immunoglobulin G (IgG) into various immune responses. A better understanding of this key element of immunity promises novel insights into mechanisms of (auto-/allo-)immune diseases and more rationally designed antibody-based drugs. Glycosylation on both IgG and Fc gamma R impacts their interaction dramatically. Regarding Fc gamma R glycosylation profiling, major analytical challenges are associated with the presence of multiple glycosylation sites in close proximity and large structural heterogeneity. To address these challenges, we developed a straightforward and comprehensive analytical methodology to map Fc gamma RIIIb glycosylation in primary human cells. After neutrophil isolation and immunoprecipitation, glycopeptides containing a single site each were generated by a dual-protease in-gel digestion. The complex mixture was resolved by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) providing information on the level of individual donors. In contrast to recently published alternatives for Fc gamma RIIIb, we assessed its site-specific glycosylation in a single LC-MS/MS run and simultaneously determined the donor allotype. Studying Fc gamma RIIIb derived from healthy donor neutrophils, we observed profound differences as compared to the soluble variant and the homologous Fc gamma RIIIa on natural killer cells. This method will allow assessment of differences in Fc gamma RIII glycosylation between individuals, cell types, subcellular locations, and pathophysiological conditions.Proteomic

    FcγR Binding and ADCC Activity of Human IgG Allotypes

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    Antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) is an Fc-dependent effector function of IgG important for anti-viral immunity and anti-tumor therapies. NK-cell mediated ADCC is mainly triggered by IgG-subclasses IgG1 and IgG3 through the IgG-Fc-receptor (FcγR) IIIa. Polymorphisms in the immunoglobulin gamma heavy chain gene likely form a layer of variation in the strength of the ADCC-response, but this has never been studied in detail. We produced all 27 known IgG allotypes and assessed FcγRIIIa binding and ADCC activity. While all IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4 allotypes behaved similarly within subclass, large allotype-specific variation was found for IgG3. ADCC capacity was affected by residues 291, 292, and 296 in the CH2 domain through altered affinity or avidity for FcγRIIIa. Furthermore, allotypic variation in hinge length affected ADCC, likely through altered proximity at the immunological synapse. Thus, these functional differences between IgG allotypes have important implications for therapeutic applications and susceptibility to infectious-, allo- or auto-immune diseases