27 research outputs found

    Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket FRIENDS for life (behandling)

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    Source at https://ungsinn.no/post_tiltak_arkiv/friends-for-life-behandling/.BAKGRUNN: Denne artikkelen er en kunnskapsoppsummering av effektene av tiltaket FRIENDS for life, et behandlingsprogram for barn og ungdommer med angst. Tiltaket er tilrettelagt for grupper, men kan også brukes individuelt. FRIENDS har som mål å hjelpe barn og ungdommer med å utvikle ferdigheter og kunnskaper som gjør dem bedre rustet til å håndtere angstprovoserende situasjoner. I Norge er RKBU Vest ansvarlig for distribusjon og implementering av tiltaket ut 2018. METODE: Kunnskapsoppsummeringen bygger på et systematisk litteratursøk i databasene Embase, Medline og Psycinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS og SweMed. To norske effektstudier er omtalt i denne oppsummeringen, samt en tredje norsk studie og en internasjonal reviewartikkel. FRIENDS er et tiltak som kan benyttes både som forebygging og behandling. Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen er begrenset til tiltaket som behandling. RESULTATER: Resultatene omfatter en beskrivelse av tiltaket, effektstudier, forskningsmetodisk kvalitet og implementeringskvalitet. Det foreligger to norske effektstudier, hvorav den ene er en RCT med både pre-post-målinger og sammenligning med kontrollgruppe. Studien er av god forskningsmetodisk kvalitet og finner positive effekter av tiltaket i en økologisk valid setting. KONKLUSJON: FRIENDS for life er klassifisert på nivå 4 – intervensjon med tilfredsstillende dokumentasjon på effekt.</p

    Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket Mitt valg! Ungdomsskole-versjonen (1. utg)

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    Publisert versjon tilgjengelig her: https://ungsinn.no/post_tiltak_arkiv/mitt-valg-ungdomsskole-versjonen-1-utg/BAKGRUNN - MITT VALG er en norsk tilpasset versjon av det universelt forebyggende undervisningsprogrammet Lions Quest som er utviklet i USA. MITT VALG er beskrevet som et livsmestringsprogram med fokus på sosial og emosjonell læring, psykisk helse, kritisk tenkning og faglig utvikling. Denne oppsummeringen tar for seg opplæringsprogrammet MITT VALG for ungdomskolen. MITT VALG eies av Stiftelsen Det er mitt valg, opprettet av Lions Norge. METODE - Denne oppsummeringen bygger på et systematisk litteratursøk i databasene Embase, Medline, Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS og SweMed. Det er også søkt i internasjonale kunnskapsdatabaser om evidens samt innhentet informasjon om tiltaket fra tiltakseier. Litteratursøk og annen innhentet informasjon ble gjennomgått for å identifisere nordiske effektstudier, internasjonale oppsummeringsstudier og eventuelt andre norske studier om tiltaket. RESULTATER - Resultatene består av en vurdering av tiltakets beskrivelse, foreliggende effektstudier, forskningsmetodisk kvalitet og implementeringskvalitet. MITT VALG er godt beskrevet og begrunnet, og tiltakseier tilbyr noe implementeringsstøtte. Det er gjennomført én norsk effektstudie, men resultatene på de fleste utfallsmål viser ikke effekt av programmet. Studien er mangelfullt rapportert og det er uklart hvilke av utfallsmålene som er mest sentrale for tiltaket effektivitet. MITT VALG har vært under revisjon vår 2020, noe som ytterligere svekker effektstudiens relevans. KONKLUSJON - MITT VALG klassifiseres på evidensnivå 2 – Teoretisk begrunnede tiltak

    Drop-out and transfer-out intentions: The role of socio-cognitive factors

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    Academic attrition is a worldwide problem representing a significant economic loss and a disadvantage for students in terms of health and career prospects. We focus on the roles of academic skills, academic self-efficacy, and students' integration in exploring their relation to attrition intentions. Based on existing research, we expected a negative relation between academic skills and attrition intentions, with academic self-efficacy and students' integration as possible mediators. Furthermore, it was expected that this relationship would be dependent on the outcome variable being measured (i.e., drop-out, transfer university, and transfer study field intentions). These hypotheses were investigated among Norwegian university students in a questionnaire study (total N = 756). Results supported, as predicted, the mediatory roles of academic self-efficacy and students' integration. Importantly, significant variability was indicated in comparison of the different outcome measures, with academic self-efficacy having a larger mediation effect in case of drop-out and transfer study field intentions. We conclude that academic self-efficacy is important in understanding the relationship between students' academic skills and attrition intentions. Our results provide an evidence that might facilitate development of assistance programs aiming to reduce academic attrition

    Note to first-year university students: Just do it! In the end, the fact that you study may be more important than how you study.

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    Education is important to society, yet many students do not complete the educations they start. In the present study of 426 students at a Norwegian university, we examined the predictive value of study-related variables with regard to student status one and five years after initial enrollment (stayers versus dropouts). The logistic regression analyses indicated that older students and students who spent less time studying were more likely to drop out after the first year. Students who completed less ECTS during the first year were more likely to drop out after five years. Contrary to our hypothesis, learning approaches and procrastination were not significant predictors for dropout. Overall, just studying and staying (on) the course mattered more for student success in the first year than self-reported measures on how the academic work was actually done. A caveat relates to the low response rate of the study (∼9%), which is addressed in the discussion

    Effects of cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic-interpersonal treatments for eating disorders: a meta-analytic inquiry into the role of patient characteristics and change in eating disorder-specific and general psychopathology in remission

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    Background - Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic-interpersonal therapies (PIT) are two widely used and conceptually different outpatient treatments for eating disorders (EDs). To better understand how these treatments works, for whom, and under what circumstances, there is a need for knowledge about how outcomes are affected by diagnosis, comorbidity, changes in psychopathology, and study design. Method - Reports on the effects of CBT and PIT for eating disorders were searched. Rates of remission and changes in ED specific- and general psychopathology were computed. Regression models were made to predict event rates by changes in specific- and general psychopathology, as well as ED diagnosis and study design. Results - The remission rate of CBT for binge eating disorder was 50%, significantly higher than the effect for other diagnostic groups (anorexia = 33%, bulimia: 28%, mixed samples 30%). The number of studies found for PIT was limited. All effect sizes differed from zero (binge eating disorder = 27%, anorexia = 24%, bulimia = 18%, mixed samples = 15%), but the precision of the estimates was low, with some lower-bound confidence intervals close to zero. For CBT, change in ED specific psychopathology predicted remission only when controlling for ED diagnosis, while change in general psychopathology did not predict remission at all. The predictive value of change in psychopathology for PIT, and the potential impact of comorbid personality disorders could not be analyzed due to a lack of studies. There was no difference in effects between randomized controlled trials and observational studies. Conclusions - CBT showed consistent remission rates for all EDs but left a substantial number of patients not in remission. Extant evidence suggest that PIT is not consistently effective in achieving remission for patients with EDs, although this finding is uncertain due to a small number of eligible studies. A group of patients with eating disorders may, however, require therapy aimed at strengthening deficits in self functions not easily ameliorable by cognitive behavioral techniques alone. Further research should be aimed at identifying treatment interventions that helps patients change behavior, while strengthening self-functions to substitute eating-disordered behavior in the long-term

    Study Habits and Procrastination: The Role of Academic Self-Efficacy

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    Inefficient study skills increase the probability that study work is perceived as difficult and aversive, with procrastination as a likely result. As a remedy, more effective study skills and habits may be encouraged. However, research indicates that good study skills and habits may not by themselves be sufficient to remedy problems, as this relationship may be mediated by efficacy beliefs related to academic functioning. We investigated this hypothesis across three student samples (total N = 752). As predicted, structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that study self-efficacy mediated the study habits—procrastination relation. The mediation effects were medium to large. We conclude that training of, and advice on, study skills and habits should be accompanied by measures that build study self-efficacy

    Poorer self-reported mental health and general health among first year upper secondary school students do not predict school dropout: a five-year prospective study

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    IntroductionEducation is important for socioeconomic, work and health status; thus, dropping out of secondary school is of major concern. In Norway, 1 out of 5 is dropping out from upper secondary education. Academic performance is a known predictor for dropout, but the role of mental and general health status is studied less.MethodsBy use of student data collected during the first school year we examined the accumulated risk of school dropout over 5 years. Students entering upper secondary school in a North-Norwegian region (Troms County) completed a comprehensive questionnaire during August 2010 (N = 1,676, 69% response rate). The contribution of mental and general health problems in predicting five-year dropout was of primary interest, adjusted for demographics and academic performance.ResultsOne-third of the students had dropped out after 5 years. A logistic regression analysis showed no significant effect of mental and general health problems on dropout. Among the covariates, higher grades from lower secondary education reduced the chance of dropping out (OR = 0.31; p &lt; 0.001). Subgroup analyses showed that students in the vocational track reported poorer mental and general health, compared to students in the general track, but this difference was not related to dropout. General track students were also less likely to drop out than vocational track students (OR for dropout 0.66; p &lt; 0.05).DiscussionIn conclusion, lower grades from lower secondary education represented a warning flag for school dropout during upper secondary education whereas mental health issues were not

    Academic performance and student dropout. Results from two studies in upper secondary and higher education in Northern Norway

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    Education is important for the individual and for society. One of the most important and stable predictors of educational dropout is academic performance, typically measured by grades. This thesis aims to investigate factors related to academic performance and student dropout. It comprises two projects. The first project, Young Will (Ung vilje), is based on a sample of adolescents entering upper secondary school in the autumn of 2010. The second project, Learning in Higher Education, studies a sample of students entering university in the autumn of 2013. In the upper secondary sample, the most important predictors for lower grade point averages were male gender, enrolment in the vocational track, lower self-reported task solving abilities, lower educational ambitions, less promotion focus and more literacy problems. In the university sample, the most important predictors for lower grade point averages were less reported use of deep and strategic learning approaches and lower incoming grades. Literacy problems and procrastination were not significant predictors in the university sample. Predictors for student dropout, measured two years after enrolment in a study programme at university, were higher age, less use of surface learning approaches, fewer hours spent on studying, lower grades achieved in the first year and enrolment in study programmes with shorter durations. The findings indicate that educational institutions should focus not only on what students learn, but also on how they learn. At upper secondary level this includes supporting students with literacy problems and paying attention to low academic performance. At the higher education level, it seems important to foster productivity and commitment from the beginning of the study programme

    Stort behov for psykehjelp

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    Source at https://sykepleien.no/blader?f%5B0%5D=type%3A7860.Hos Psykhjelpen i Tromsø får ungdom hjelp av psykologistudenter til å takle problemer. Timelistene fylles raskt opp

    Hvorfor er det så himla viktig med utdanning?

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    Frafall fra utdanning er et hyppig debattert tema både i Norge og andre steder. Denne opptattheten av å redusere frafallet har blant annet bakgrunn i de mange positive konsekvensene utdanning har for helse, jobbstatus og økonomi. Statistikkene viser at flere gutter enn jenter slutter, og at frafallet er størst på yrkesfagene. Foreldres utdanningsnivå betyr mye for om elevene fullfører eller ikke. Andre forklaringer er lave faglige prestasjoner, manglende motivasjon og svak tilhørighet til skolen, samt psykiske problemer. Forebyggende og helsefremmende tiltak for å styrke psykisk helse blant ungdom er en måte å gjøre elever bedre rusta til å fullføre studiene. Fleksible, alternative veier frem til dokumentert videregående kompetanse likeså