42 research outputs found

    Kommunikation zwischen PrÀtorianerprÀfekt und Statthalter: Eine Zweitschrift von IvE Ia 44

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    Publikation einer bislang unbekannt gebliebenen Inschrift aus Ephesus, deren Fund- und ursprünglicher Standort verborgen bleiben. Das Fragment überliefert das Ende des bereits veröffentlichten Briefes IvE Ia 44, den Flavius Taurus Seleucus Cyrus, der PrĂ€torianerprĂ€fekt von Oriens, um 440 an Flavius Heliodorus, den Prokonsul von Asia, richtete. Da IvE Ia 44 in der Forschung bisher nur oberflĂ€chlich behandelt wurde, erfolgt eine eingehende Analyse ihres Inhaltes. Dieser veranschaulicht die praktische Umsetzung einer Konstitution Kaiser Konstantins I. aus dem Jahr 331 (CTh 1, 16, 6 = CJ 1, 40, 3), durch die die Untertanen das Recht erhielten, Statthalter durch Akklamationen zu loben oder zu tadeln.Publication of a so-far unknown inscription from Ephesos, of which the find spot and original location are obscure. The fragment presents the end of the already published letter IvE Ia 44, which Flavius Taurus Seleucus Cyrus, praetorian prefect of the Oriens, sent to Flavius Heliodorus, proconsul of Asia, around 440 AD. Since IvE Ia 44 has been studied by scholars only cursorily, its content is analysed in detail. The text illustrates the implementation of a constitution by Constantine I from 331 AD (CTh 1. 16. 6 = CJ 1. 40. 3) by which provincials gained the right to hail or criticise their provincial governors through acclamations.Publication d’une inscription d’EphĂšse jusqu’ici restĂ©e inconnue et dont on ignore aussi bien l’emplacement d’origine du monument que l’endroit prĂ©cis de la dĂ©couverte. Le fragment en question livre la fin d’une lettre dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ©e (IvE Ia 44) que Flavius Taurus Seleucus Cyrus, prĂ©fet du prĂ©toire d’Orient, a adressĂ©e vers 440 au proconsul d’Asie Flavius Heliodorus. Dans la mesure oĂč la recherche n’a consacrĂ© jusqu’ici qu’une discussion superficielle Ă  cette inscription (IvE Ia 44), cet article se propose d’y revenir en offrant une analyse dĂ©taillĂ©e de son contenu. Ce document illustre les dĂ©tails pratiques de la mise en place d’une constitution par l’empereur Constantin, en 331 (CTh 1, 16, 6 = CJ 1, 40, 3), en vertu de laquelle les sujets ont reçu le droit de louer ou de blĂąmer le gouverneur par leurs acclamations

    The Effectiveness of Contract Farming for Raising Income of Smallholder Farmers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: a Systematic Review

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    Contract farming is used by an increasing number of firms as a preferred modality to source products from smallholder farmers in low and middle-income countries. Quality requirements of consumers, economies of scale in production or land ownership rights are common incentives for firms to offer contractual arrangements to farmers. Prices and access to key technology, key inputs or support services are the main incentives for farmers to enter into these contracts. There is great heterogeneity in contract farming, with differences in contracts, farmers, products, buyers, and institutional environments. The last decade shows a rapid increase in studies that use quasi-experimental research designs to assess the effects of specific empirical instances of contract farming on smallholders. The objective of this systematic review was to distill generalised inferences from this rapidly growing body of evidence. The review synthesised the studies in order to answer two questions: 1: What is known about the effect size of contract farming on income and food security of smallholder farmers in low- and middle-income countries? 2: Under which enabling or limiting conditions are contract farming arrangements effective for improving income and food security of smallholders

    BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model

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    Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License


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    Die Eirenarchen im römischen und byzantinischen Ägypten

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    Das Thema der vorliegenden Studie ist das Eirenarchenamt, wie es sich aus der  papyrologischen Evidenz fĂŒr das römisch-byzantinische Ägypten darstellt. Es sollen zum einen eine kritische Sammlung der relevanten Testimonia in chronologischer  Ordnung (Kap. V)l, zum anderen eine historische Analyse der Eirenarchie geboten werden (Kap. 11, III und IV [mit weiteren Unterteilungen])

    Zur Organisation des Sicherheitswesens im kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien und Ägypten. Rezension eines neuen Buches und komparative Studie zur Eirenarchie

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    Extended review of the book CĂ©dric BrĂ©laz, La sĂ©curitĂ© publique en Asie Mineure sous le Principat (Ier–IIIĂšme s. ap. J.-C.). Institutions municipales et institutions impĂ©riales dans l’Orient romain (SBA 32), Basel 2005 with a closer look at the eirenarchai in Asia Minor and Egypt


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    The Administration of Sasanian Egypt: New Masters and Byzantine Continuity

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    The papyri and literary testimonia that mention various administrative positions and functions, especially as regards taxation, allow us to trace elements of change and continuity in the period of Persian occupation of Egypt (A.D. 619-629)

    Military immigration and the emergence of cultural or ethnic identities: The case of Ptolemaic Egypt

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    Due to the recruitment policy of the Ptolemaic army, soldiers formed the largest migrant group into Egypt. Against this background it is natural to wonder whether papyri from Egypt allow us to trace the formation of a ‘military diaspora.’ Kostas Buraselis first applied this term to Ptolemaic Egypt to describe the whole body of soldiers from Greece and other regions who settled there. The present article seeks to investigate whether this is a useful concept by having a closer look at the practical expressions and facets of military immigration. This requires us to differentiate between two different kinds of Ptolemaic soldiers: the military settlers or cleruchs representing the regular army and the mercenaries or professional soldiers. The study will show that both population groups not only illuminate different military immigration and employment patterns but also different aspects of the military diaspora in Hellenistic Egypt