239 research outputs found

    Higher Poincare Lemma and Integrability

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    We prove the non-abelian Poincare lemma in higher gauge theory in two different ways. The first method uses a result by Jacobowitz which states solvability conditions for differential equations of a certain type. The second method extends a proof by Voronov and yields the explicit gauge parameters connecting a flat local connective structure to the trivial one. Finally, we show how higher flatness appears as a necessary integrability condition of a linear system which featured in recently developed twistor descriptions of higher gauge theories.Comment: 1+21 pages, presentation streamlined, section on integrability for higher linear systems significantly improved, published versio

    A Lorentzian analog for Hausdorff dimension and measure

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    We define a one-parameter family of canonical volume measures on Lorentzian (pre-)length spaces. In the Lorentzian setting, this allows us to define a geometric dimension - akin to the Hausdorff dimension for metric spaces - that distinguishes between e.g. spacelike and null subspaces of Minkowski spacetime. The volume measure corresponding to its geometric dimension gives a natural reference measure on a synthetic or limiting spacetime, and allows us to define what it means for such a spacetime to be collapsed (in analogy with metric measure geometry and the theory of Riemannian Ricci limit spaces). As a crucial tool we introduce a doubling condition for causal diamonds and a notion of causal doubling measures. Moreover, applications to continuous spacetimes and connections to synthetic timelike curvature bounds are given.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor improvement

    Six-Dimensional (1,0) Superconformal Models and Higher Gauge Theory

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    We analyze the gauge structure of a recently proposed superconformal field theory in six dimensions. We find that this structure amounts to a weak Courant-Dorfman algebra, which, in turn, can be interpreted as a strong homotopy Lie algebra. This suggests that the superconformal field theory is closely related to higher gauge theory, describing the parallel transport of extended objects. Indeed we find that, under certain restrictions, the field content and gauge transformations reduce to those of higher gauge theory. We also present a number of interesting examples of admissible gauge structures such as the structure Lie 2-algebra of an abelian gerbe, differential crossed modules, the 3-algebras of M2-brane models and string Lie 2-algebras.Comment: 31+1 pages, presentation slightly improved, version published in JM

    Quantized Nambu-Poisson Manifolds and n-Lie Algebras

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    We investigate the geometric interpretation of quantized Nambu-Poisson structures in terms of noncommutative geometries. We describe an extension of the usual axioms of quantization in which classical Nambu-Poisson structures are translated to n-Lie algebras at quantum level. We demonstrate that this generalized procedure matches an extension of Berezin-Toeplitz quantization yielding quantized spheres, hyperboloids, and superspheres. The extended Berezin quantization of spheres is closely related to a deformation quantization of n-Lie algebras, as well as the approach based on harmonic analysis. We find an interpretation of Nambu-Heisenberg n-Lie algebras in terms of foliations of R^n by fuzzy spheres, fuzzy hyperboloids, and noncommutative hyperplanes. Some applications to the quantum geometry of branes in M-theory are also briefly discussed.Comment: 43 pages, minor corrections, presentation improved, references adde

    On the completeness of impulsive gravitational wave space-times

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    We consider a class of impulsive gravitational wave space-times, which generalize impulsive pp-waves. They are of the form M=N×R12M=N\times\mathbb{R}^2_1, where (N,h)(N,h) is a Riemannian manifold of arbitrary dimension and MM carries the line element ds2=dh2+2dudv+f(x)δ(u)du2ds^2=dh^2+ 2dudv+f(x)\delta(u)du^2 with dh2dh^2 the line element of NN and δ\delta the Dirac measure. We prove a completeness result for such space-times MM with complete Riemannian part NN.Comment: 13 pages, minor changes suggested by the referee

    Non-Abelian Tensor Multiplet Equations from Twistor Space

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    We establish a Penrose-Ward transform yielding a bijection between holomorphic principal 2-bundles over a twistor space and non-Abelian self-dual tensor fields on six-dimensional flat space-time. Extending the twistor space to supertwistor space, we derive sets of manifestly N=(1,0) and N=(2,0) supersymmetric non-Abelian constraint equations containing the tensor multiplet. We also demonstrate how this construction leads to constraint equations for non-Abelian supersymmetric self-dual strings.Comment: v3: 23 pages, revised version published in Commun. Math. Phy

    A Deformation of Twistor Space and a Chiral Mass Term in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory

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    Super twistor space admits a certain (super) complex structure deformation that preserves the Poincare subgroup of the symmetry group PSL(4|4) and depends on 10 parameters. In a previous paper [hep-th/0502076], it was proposed that in twistor string theory this deformation corresponds to augmenting N=4 super Yang-Mills theory by a mass term for the left-chirality spinors. In this paper we analyze this proposal in more detail. We calculate 4-particle scattering amplitudes of fermions, gluons and scalars and show that they are supported on holomorphic curves in the deformed twistor space.Comment: 52 pages, 15 figure

    Multiple M2-branes and Generalized 3-Lie algebras

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    We propose a generalization of the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson action as a candidate for the description of an arbitrary number of M2-branes. The action is formulated in terms of N=2 superfields in three dimensions and corresponds to an extension of the usual superfield formulation of Chern-Simons matter theories. Demanding gauge invariance of the resulting theory does not imply the total antisymmetry of the underlying 3-Lie algebra structure constants. We relax this condition and propose a class of examples for these generalized 3-Lie algebras. We also discuss how to associate various ordinary Lie algebras.Comment: 1+19 pages, version published in Phys. Rev.

    Adding flavour to twistor strings

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    Twistor string theory is known to describe a wide variety of field theories at tree-level and has proved extremely useful in making substantial progress in perturbative gauge theory. We explore the twistor dual description of a class of N=2 UV-finite super-Yang-Mills theories with fundamental flavour by adding 'flavour' branes to the topological B-model on super-twistor space and comment on the appearance of these objects. Evidence for the correspondence is provided by matching amplitudes on both sides.Comment: 6 pages; contribution to the proceedings for the European Physical Society conference on High Energy Physics in Manchester, 19-25 July 2007. v3: Typos correcte

    Fuzzy Torus via q-Parafermion

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    We note that the recently introduced fuzzy torus can be regarded as a q-deformed parafermion. Based on this picture, classification of the Hermitian representations of the fuzzy torus is carried out. The result involves Fock-type representations and new finite dimensional representations for q being a root of unity as well as already known finite dimensional ones.Comment: 12pages, no figur
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