9 research outputs found

    Nagygombák a Bükk-hegységből

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    144 mushroom species and three varieties listed below collected in acidophilouos area of the S-W Bükk Mts. From the collected species 4 belongs to Ascomycestes and 140 to Basidiomycetes, from the latter category the species of genera Agaricales and Russulales seem to be frequent in the area

    A Bükk hegység szilikátos és palás alapkőzetű területeinek feldolgozása kryptogám szervezeteinek diverzitása, elterjedése és cönológiája alapján = Diversity, distribution, coenology of the cryptogams in the silicate and slate bedrock areas of the Bükk Mountains

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    Megállapítható, hogy a mészkerülő sziklai- és erdőtársulásokban igen gazdag virágtalan vegetáció alakul ki, jellemző gomba-, zuzmó és mohafajokból, melyek sajátos szinúziumokat, esetenként önálló társulásokat alkotnak. Florisztikai gyűjtéseket végeztünk talajról, szikláról és fakéregről egyaránt, ennek eredményeképpen 250 gomba, 200 zuzmó és 600 kapszula mohát gyűjtöttünk be, ezek meghatározása után 148 nagygomba, 49 zuzmó és 149 mohafajt mutattunk ki. A gombák közül 6 új a Bükkre, 2 védett, a zuzmófajok között 2 Magyarországon, 5 pedig Bükkre újnak bizonyult, 1 védett, a mohafajok között 4 ritka és védett fajt fedeztünk fel. A meghatározott anyagok az EKF Herbáriumában (EGR) és az MTM Növénytárában (BP) vannak elhelyezve. Elvégeztük a virágtalanok ökológiai és cönológiai elemzését az áreatípus, a társulástani besorolás és ökológiai jelzőszámok alapján is. Megállapítható, hogy a moha-zuzmó társulások fajai nagyrészt cirkumpoláris elemek, dominálnak a lomberdei fajok, az eltolódás viszont a savanyú talajviszonyok miatt a fenyves fajösszetétel felé irányul. A klasszikus és kisnégyzetes felvételezések megerősítették a korábbi publikációkban leírtakat, azaz a mészkerülő erdők jellemzője, hogy moha-zuzmóban gazdag aljnövényzet jön létre, mely önálló fáciesek, szubasszociációk elkülönítéséhez vezet. A tásulások diverzitási viszonyai azt mutatják, hogy e társulások a védendők közé sorolhatók, veszélyeztető tényezők az erdészet, vadtaposás és a vadászat. | Stinking rich cryptogamic vegetation occurs on the acidic soil of rocky and forest associations, composed by typical fungi, lichen and bryophyte species. They forms specific synusiae or occasionally independent associations. We carried out detailed floristical collections from soil, rock and bark equally. 250 fungi, 200 lichens and more than 600 capsules of mosses were collected. Following identification were recorded: 148 mushrooms 49 lichens and 149 bryophyte species, 6 new and 2 protected fungi were found and also, among lichens 1 protected and 2 species were new for Hungary and 5 for the Bükk area. Among the bryophytes we have found 4 rare, protected species. Collected and identified species were deposited in the herbaria of Eger (EGR) and at NHM Budapest (BP). Ecological and phytocenological investigation of cryptogams were done based on area type, associations classification and ecological index. We established that elements of moss-lichen associations are predominantly circumpolar, dominates deciduous forest species, shifting directed towards the pinewood species composition, because of acidic soil character. Classical and small-squared method records confirmed the facts published previously; rich bryophyte and lichen undergrowth occurs in acidophilous forests, which leads to independent subassociations. Diversity relations of associations indicate that these must be enumerated among protected ones. Endangering factors are: forestry, animal disturbance and hunting

    Antinociceptív neurotranszmitterek / modulátorok hatásmechanizmusa: homológ és heterológ receptor kölcsönhatások vizsgálata és új, endogén peptid-kötőhelyek azonosítása = Neurochemical studies on neurotransmitters in pain regulation: identification of novel peptide binding sites and investigation of homologous and heterologous receptor interactions

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    Az antinocicepcióban kulcsszerepet játszó mu opioid receptor endogén ligandumának tekintett endomorfinok (1 és 2) kötőhelyeit karakterizáltuk biokémiai és autoradiográfiás módszerekkel. Megállapítottuk, hogy az endomorfin 1 két kötőhelyet ismer fel, amelyek közül a kis affinitású a klasszikus mu receptortól részben eltérő lokalizációval, ligandspecificitással bír és regulációja nem követi az ismert reakció utakat. Új, konformációsan gátolt endomorfin analógok kifejlesztésével módosítható volt a peptidek affinitása, szelektivitása. Világossá vált, hogy akár kismértékű szerkezeti módosítások is jelentős funkcionális eltéréseket eredményezhetnek. Az opioid és kannabinoid rendszer összefüggéseit vizsgáltuk molekuláris biológiai és biokémiai módszerekkel in vitro és in vivo. A legmarkánsabb változásokat a mu opioid receptorok esetében kaptunk, legfőképpen az előagyi és az agytörzsi területeken. Mind endogén CB1 agonista, mind CB2 antagonista befolyásolta a mu opioid receptor expresszióját és regulációját. A kannabisz és opioid rendszer közötti interakciók pontos mechanizmusainak feltárásával új kapuk nyílhatnak meg a fájdalomcsillapítás terápiás alkalmazásában a távolabbi jvőben | The endomorphins (1 and 2) are putative endogenous ligands for mu opioid receptors, which play a major role in antinociception. It was found, that endomorphin1 labels two distinct sites with partially different localization, ligand selectivity profiles. The regulation of its binding is not identical to that of the classical opioid ligands. The recently developed endomorphin analogs with constrained structure show changes in affinity and selectivy. Relatively small chemical modifications might lead to major changes in functional consequences. We investigated the interaction of the opioid system with several others related to nociception/antinociception. Among them, the occurrence of possible changes in mRNA expression and in functional activity of opioid receptors after acute in vivo and in vitro treatments with cannabinoids were studied. Wild-type, CB1 knockout mice and CB2 receptor deficient animals were among the the subjects of the study. We examined the changes of opioid receptor?s mRNA levels by using real-time PCR, analyzed the capability of mu-, delta and kappa opioid agonists to activate G-proteins and investigated mu-opioid receptors binding properties by using competition assays. Our data show changes in the expression and functional integrity of mu opioid receptors in forebrain, cerebellum and brainstem after different cannabinoid treatments. A better knowledge of the observed interactions may lead to exciting therapeutic possibilities in a long term

    Detraining Slows and Maintenance Training Over 6 Years Halts Parkinsonian Symptoms-Progression

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    Introduction: There are scant data to demonstrate that the long-term non-pharmaceutical interventions can slow the progression of motor and non-motor symptoms and lower drug dose in Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods: After randomization, the Exercise-only (E, n = 19) group completed an initial 3-week-long, 15-session supervised, high-intensity sensorimotor agility exercise program designed to improve the postural stability. The Exercise + Maintenance (E + M, n = 22) group completed the 3-week program and continued the same program three times per week for 6 years. The no exercise and no maintenance control (C, n = 26) group continued habitual living. In each patient, 11 outcomes were measured before and after the 3-week initial exercise program and then, at 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 months. Results: The longitudinal linear mixed effects modeling of each variable was fitted with maximum likelihood estimation and adjusted for baseline and covariates. The exercise program strongly improved the primary outcome, Motor Experiences of Daily Living, by ~7 points and all secondary outcomes [body mass index (BMI), disease and no disease-specific quality of life, depression, mobility, and standing balance]. In E group, the detraining effects lasted up to 12 months. E+M group further improved the initial exercise-induced gains up to 3 months and the gains were sustained until year 6. In C group, the symptoms worsened steadily. By year 6, levodopa (L-dopa) equivalents increased in all the groups but least in E + M group. Conclusion: A short-term, high-intensity sensorimotor agility exercise program improved the PD symptoms up to a year during detraining but the subsequent 6-year maintenance program was needed to further increase or sustain the initial improvements in the symptoms, quality of life, and drug dose

    Predictive Potential of RNA Polymerase B (II) Subunit 1 (RPB1) Cytoplasmic Aggregation for Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Failure

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    We aimed to investigate the contribution of co-translational protein aggregation to the chemotherapy resistance of tumor cells. Increased co-translational protein aggregation reflects altered translation regulation that may have the potential to buffer transcription under genotoxic stress. As an indicator for such an event, we followed the cytoplasmic aggregation of RPB1, the aggregation-prone largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, in biopsy samples taken from patients with invasive carcinoma of no special type. RPB1 frequently aggregates co-translationally in the absence of proper HSP90 chaperone function or in ribosome mutant cells as revealed formerly in yeast. We found that cytoplasmic foci of RPB1 occur in larger sizes in tumors that showed no regression after therapy. Based on these results, we propose that monitoring the cytoplasmic aggregation of RPB1 may be suitable for determining—from biopsy samples taken before treatment—the effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemotherapy

    Comparative Effectiveness of 4 Exercise Interventions Followed by 2 Years of Exercise Maintenance in Multiple Sclerosis:A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: To determine the effects of exergaming (EXE) on quality of life (QOL), motor, and clinical symptoms in multiple sclerosis (MS). We compared the effects of EXE, balance (BAL), cycling (CYC), proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), and a standard care wait-listed control group on clinical and motor symptoms and quality of life (QOL) in people with MS (PwMS) and determined the effects of subsequent maintenance programs for 2 years in a hospital setting. Design: A randomized controlled trial, using before-after test design. Setting: University hospital setting. Participants: Of 82 outpatients with MS, 70 were randomized (N=70), and 68 completed the study. Interventions: The initial high-intensity and high-frequency interventions consisted of 25 one-hour sessions over 5 weeks. After the 5-week-long initial intervention, the 2-year-long maintenance programs followed, consisting of 3 sessions per week, each for 1 hour. Main Outcome Measures: The primary outcome: Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29). Secondary outcomes: Measures 5 aspects of health-related QOL (EuroQol 5-Dimension questionnaire), Beck Depression Inventory, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Tinetti Assessment Tool (TAT), and static BAL (center of pressure). Results: MSIS-29 improved most in EXE (11 points), BAL (6), and CYC (6) (all P.05) in EXE, BAL, and CYC. 6MWT improved most in EXE (57m), BAL (32m), and CYC (19m) (all P<.001). Standing sway did not change. Maintenance programs further increased the initial exercise-induced gains, robustly in EXE. Conclusions: A total of 25 sessions of EXE, BAL, CYC, and PNF, in this order, improved clinical and motor symptoms and QOL, and subsequent 2-year-long thrice weekly maintenance programs further slowed symptom worsening and improved QOL. EXE was the most and PNF was the least effective to improve clinical symptoms, motor function, and QOL in PwMS