23 research outputs found

    Long-range transport of PM10 : Part 2.

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    The purpose of this study is to identify long-range transport patterns that may have an important influence on PM10 levels in four European cities at different latitudes, namely those in Thessaloniki, Szeged, Helsinki and Oulu. Trajectory positions were computed using the HYSPLIT model. 4-day, 6-hourly 3D backward trajectory positions arriving at these locations at 1200 GMT were determined for each day over a 5-year period from 2001 to 2005. Non-hierarchical cluster analysis with the k-means method was applied using a Mahalanobis metric. The efficiency of the 2D and 3D cluster analyses were compared for each city

    Angiomyolipoma of the kidney—Clinicopathological analysis of 52 cases

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    The renal angiomyolipoma (AML) is a benign tumor characteristically composed of fat, smooth muscle tissue, and vessels. We collected AMLs from our nephrectomy database, reclassified them according to their histological appearance, recorded the demographic, clinical, and pathological parameters, and compared them with oncocytoma (RO) and renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Immunohistochemistry was ordered in 41 cases. In 2224 nephrectomies, we found 52 AMLs with a 53 mm median size. The mean age was 52.76. Forty-eight tumors were sporadic, while four were hereditary. The revision resulted in 31 classic, 13 leiomyoma-like, five lipoma-like, two epithelioid, and one AML with epithelial cysts. SMA was diffusely positive, except for the epithelioid type, while MelanA harbored stronger expression than HMB45. AML was more frequent in females and appeared ten and 7 years earlier than RO and RCC, respectively. The follow-up time was 7.42 years, and neither tumor-related death nor relapse occurred. AML is rare in nephrectomies and develops primarily in females in their 50s with an average size of 50–60 mm at the surgery. The histological appearance in order of frequency is classic, leiomyoma-like, lipoma-like, epithelioid, and cystic. The MelanA, HMB45, and SMA immunohistochemistry can support the light-microscopic findings

    Húgyhólyag-schistosomiasis : Az első hazai dokumentált eset

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    A schistosomiasis (bilharziasis vagy vérmétely) a trópusi vidékeken előforduló féregfertőzés. A mérsékelt égövi területeken, így hazánkban is csak behurcolt esetek fordulnak elő. A féreg altípusától függően a betegség a bőrt, a gastrointestinalis traktust vagy a húgyhólyagot érinti. Egy 32 éves, afrikai származású férfi beteg makroszkópos vérvizelés miatt kereste fel az urológiai ambulanciát. Egyéb panaszt nem említett. Antibiotikus terápia kezdődött, amely mellett a haematuria nem szűnt meg. Húgyhólyagtükrözés történt, amelynek során polypszerű laesiókat figyeltek meg a húgyhólyag belfelszínén, és ezeket reszekálták. A szövettani vizsgálat daganatot nem talált, viszont granulomatosus és eosinophil granulocytákban gazdag lobosodást írt le a húgyhólyagban. A mélyebb szöveti rétegekben Schistosoma haematobium petéi voltak kivehetők, a venulákban pedig ivarérett paraziták voltak jelen. A beteg féregellenes terápiában részesült, és ennek hatására panaszai megszűntek. Legjobb tudomásunk szerint esetünk az első, dokumentáltan Magyarországon diagnosztizált húgyhólyag-schistosomiasis. A dolgozat célja elsősorban a figyelemfelkeltés, továbbá munkánk során áttekintjük a betegség kialakulását, kezelését és a lehetséges szövődményeket is. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(48): 1920–1924

    Angiomyolipoma of the kidney—Clinicopathological analysis of 52 cases

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    The renal angiomyolipoma (AML) is a benign tumor characteristically composed of fat, smooth muscle tissue, and vessels. We collected AMLs from our nephrectomy database, reclassified them according to their histological appearance, recorded the demographic, clinical, and pathological parameters, and compared them with oncocytoma (RO) and renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Immunohistochemistry was ordered in 41 cases. In 2224 nephrectomies, we found 52 AMLs with a 53 mm median size. The mean age was 52.76. Forty-eight tumors were sporadic, while four were hereditary. The revision resulted in 31 classic, 13 leiomyoma-like, five lipoma-like, two epithelioid, and one AML with epithelial cysts. SMA was diffusely positive, except for the epithelioid type, while MelanA harbored stronger expression than HMB45. AML was more frequent in females and appeared ten and 7 years earlier than RO and RCC, respectively. The follow-up time was 7.42 years, and neither tumor-related death nor relapse occurred. AML is rare in nephrectomies and develops primarily in females in their 50s with an average size of 50–60 mm at the surgery. The histological appearance in order of frequency is classic, leiomyoma-like, lipoma-like, epithelioid, and cystic. The MelanA, HMB45, and SMA immunohistochemistry can support the light-microscopic findings

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    INST: L_08